Amend CSHB 2268 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 10, line 17, between "create a" and "risk", insert "material".
(2) On page 10, strike lines 23 through 25 and substitute the following:
(k) If the authorized peace officer serving the warrant under this section also delivers an affidavit form to the provider of an electronic communications service or the provider of a remote computing service responding to the warrant, and the peace officer also notifies the provider in writing that an executed affidavit is required, then the provider shall verify the authenticity of the
(3) On page 11, line 1, strike "an affidavit that is given" and substitute "the affidavit form completed and sworn to".
(4) On page 11, line 3, strike "authenticity and" and substitute "authenticity".
(5) On page 11, between lines 14 and 15, insert the following:
(n) A provider of an electronic communications service or a provider of a remote computing service responding to a warrant issued under this section may request an extension of the period for compliance with the warrant if extenuating circumstances exist to justify the extension. The district judge shall grant a request for an extension based on those circumstances if:
(1) the authorized peace officer who applied for the warrant or another appropriate authorized peace officer agrees to the extension; or
(2) the district judge finds that the need for the extension outweighs the likelihood that the extension will cause an adverse circumstance described by Subsection (j).