Amend CSHB 3813 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 1 of the bill as follows:
(1)  Strike added Section 342.901(c), Local Government Code (page 1, lines 47-51), and substitute the following:
(c)  Before a municipality adopts an ordinance under this section, the municipality and the district described by Subsection (a)(3) that is subject to the proposed ordinance shall establish the scope of and estimate the costs associated with any capital improvements necessary to comply with the proposed ordinance.
(2)  In added Section 342.901(d)(1), Local Government Code (page 1, line 56), after "additional", insert "capital improvement".
(3)  In added Section 342.901(d)(2), Local Government Code (page 1, line 59), strike "different" and substitute "more stringent".