Amend Amendment No. 140 by McClendon on page 217 of prefiled Floor Amendments packet for CSSB 1, regarding Rider 17 on page VII-26 in Article VII of the bill immediately following the appropriations to the Department of Transportation, by striking the language on lines 2 through 11 of the amendment and substituting the following:
17. Bond Programs. The Department of Transportation:
f. in accordance with Section 49-o of Article III of the Texas Constitution and Section 201.973 of Chapter 201, Transportation Code, and contingent on the passage of HB1878, 83rd Legislature, R.S. or similar legislation creating a funding source for the Rail Relocation and Improvement Fund No. 0306, the Department is authorized to pay debt service payments for notes issued or money borrowed on funds contained in the Rail Relocation and Improvement Fund No. 0306 from money in that fund.