Amend Floor Amendment No. 169 by Walle to CSSB 1 (page 254, prefiled amendment packet) as follows:
(1)  On line 6 of the amendment, between "Adjustments." and "The", insert "(a)".
(2)  On line 11 of the amendment, between "appropriate." and "The board", insert the following:
The study shall determine the effectiveness of the weights, allotments and adjustments in fulfilling the mission of the public education system as stated in Section 4.001(a) and the state policy under Section 42.001 of the education code. At a minimum, the study shall determine how closely and appropriately each of the following elements reflect and provide financing for costs beyond the control of school districts:
(1)  the adjustments for costs related to the geographic variation in known resource costs and costs of education, controlling for the impact of unequalized wealth and hold-harmless provisions, and properly reflecting the impact of high concentrations of poverty on the compensation that school districts must pay to attract and retain teachers of comparable or appropriate quality;
(2)  the adjustments for costs related to the size and diseconomies of scale of districts;
(3)  the adjustments for costs related to the varying instructional needs and characteristics of students and the extent to which they provide each student with access to programs and services that are appropriate to the student's educational needs;
(4)  other factors in addition to economic status that correlate to at-risk status and the need for compensatory education, and degree to which these factors correspond to additional educational costs; and
(5)  the manner in which these adjustments are applied to and impact the overall finance system.