Amend the amendment by Klick amending CSSB 1 (on page 31 of the prefiled amendments packet) by striking lines 2-13 of the amendment and substituting the following:
(1) In Article I of the bill, reduce the appropriations from the general revenue fund to the Trusteed Programs Within the Office of the Governor for Strategy A.1.6, Women's Groups, on page I-51, by $223,725 for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2014, and by $223,725 for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2015.
(2) In Article III of the bill, add the following appropriately numbered rider after the appropriations to the Teacher Retirement System:
____. Additional Funds for Retiree Health - Statutory Funds. In addition to the other amounts appropriated for Strategy A.2.1, Retiree Health - Statutory Funds, in the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2013, the amount of $223,725 is appropriated out of the general revenue fund to the Teacher Retirement System for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2014, and the amount of $223,725 is appropriated out of the general revenue fund to the Teacher Retirement System for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2015, for the purpose of providing funds for the health care needs of public education retirees.
(3) Adjust article totals and methods of financing accordingly.