Amend CSSB 1, by reducing funding on page III-53-54 by $14,371,225 in Fiscal Year 2014 and $9,140,600 in Fiscal Year 2015 in the bill pattern for The University of Texas System Administration, adding a new strategy on page III-40 F.1.5, University of Texas System Administration Funding to the bill pattern for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, increasing funding in Strategy F.1.5. on page III-40 by $14,371,225 in Fiscal Year 2014 and $9,140,600 in Fiscal Year 2015, and adding the following rider to page III-53 to the bill pattern for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board:
58. University of Texas System Administration Funding. Amounts appropriated above in Strategy F.1.5, University of Texas System Administration Funding are trusteed to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board may not transfer the amounts appropriated to other purposes. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall transfer the appropriations to The University of Texas System Administration upon written approval of the Legislative Budget Board and Office of the Governor.