Amend CSSB 1, on the appropriately numbered page of Article IX by making the following change to Sec. 5.05. Travel Meals and Lodging Expenses.
Sec. 5.05. Travel Meals and Lodging Expenses. (a) A state employee who travels within the continental United States shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of lodging and meals. However, the reimbursements may not exceed the maximum meals and lodging rates based on the federal travel regulations issued by the United States General Services Administration. The maximum lodging rate allowance for Texas cities and counties that do not have a specific federal per diem rate set for that city or county shall not be more than $85.00 per night; unless the chief administrator of a state agency or designee of the chief administrator determines that local conditions necessitate a change in the lodging rate for a particular location.
(b) At the discretion of each chief administrator of a state agency, a state employee whose duties require the employee to travel outside the employee's designated headquarters without an overnight stay away from the employee's headquarters may be reimbursed for the actual cost of the employee's meals not to exceed $36.
(c) A state employee may receive reimbursements for the employee's actual expenses for meals and lodging when traveling outside the continental United States.
(d) A state agency or institution may reimburse a state employee for meal expense the employee incurs while traveling outside the employee's designated headquarters for less than six consecutive hours if the reimbursement:
(1) receives the written approval by the chief administrator of the state agency or institution;
(2) meets the rules adopted by the Comptroller regarding reimbursement for traveling outside the employee's designated headquarters for less than six consecutive hours; and
(3) complies with §660.206, Government Code.