Amend CSSB 1 as follows:
(1) On page II-126, add the following section to the Special Provisions Relating to All Health and Human Services Agencies and number accordingly:
SEC.____. Fiscal Impact Analysis of Health and Medical Insurance for eligible employees of contracted long-term care Medicaid providers. It is the intent of the legislature that out of funds available, the Health and Human Services Commission in coordination with the Legislative Budget Board shall determine the impact of the employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act on Medicaid long-term care providers through consideration of the following:
a. Current number of contracted long-term care Medicaid providers with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees
b. Estimated percentage of employees that would qualify for the Medicaid exchange
c. Estimated percentage of employees by wage rate who would enroll in a plan offered by their employer
d. Estimated cost of providing health insurance per employee
e. Current number of employees and employee health insurance costs on current cost reports, requiring this information to be included on future cost reports.
It is the intent of the legislature that the Health and Human Services Commission shall report these findings to the governor and Legislative Budget Board no later than November 1, 2013, and HHSC shall take this impact into consideration when setting rates should additional funds become available through funds provided or additional state or federal Medicaid funds that become available.