Amend Floor Amendment CSSB 1 as follows:
(1) Under the Article III appropriations to the Texas Education Agency (page III-3) insert the following rider:
____. Contingent Appropriation: Increased Basic Allotment Resulting from Foundation School Fund Payment Deferral. Contingent on the enactment of HB 1026 or similar legislation of the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, relating to the established schedule of payments from the foundation school fund of the yearly entitlement of certain school districts, that provides for the payment in September 2015 of a portion of the yearly entitlement payment for the 2014-2015 school year to certain school districts under Sections 42.259(c)(8) and (d)(3), Texas Education Code, an amount equal to the total payments to be paid under those sections in September 2015 is appropriated from the general revenue fund to the Texas Education Agency in the fiscal year ending August 31, 2015, for the purposes of Strategy A.1.1, FSP-Equalized Operations, and notwithstanding Rider 3, Foundation School Program Funding, the Basic Allotment under Section 42.101, Texas Education Code, is established as the maximum amount that may be provided using the amount appropriated in this rider.
(2) Adjust article totals and methods of financing accordingly.