Amend CSSB 1 (house committee report) in Article III of the bill, following the appropriations to the Texas Education Agency, by amending the third paragraph of Rider 3, Foundation School Program Funding (page III-6), to read as follows:
For purposes of distributing the Foundation School Program basic tier state aid appropriated above and in accordance with §42.101 of the Texas Education Code, the Basic Allotment is established at the amount computed in accordance with this paragraph. The Legislative Budget Board shall compute the amount of the Basic Allotment for fiscal year 2014 and fiscal year 2015 by determining the greatest amount that can be established based on the sum of $4.4 billion and the cost that would result to the state for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2015, of providing a Basic Allotment of $4,799 in fiscal year 2014 and $4,893 in fiscal year 2015. Not later than May 1, 2014, and September 1, 2014, the Legislative Budget Board shall inform the governor, lieutenant governor, and members of the legislature whether funds appropriated to the Texas Education Agency are sufficient to provide for full payment of amounts to which school districts and open-enrollment charter schools are entitled under the Foundation School Program for the current fiscal year.