Amend the proposed floor substitute for CSSB 2 (83r21408) as follows:
(1)  In the recital to SECTION 7 of the bill (page 5, line 20), strike "and (b-6)" and substitute "(b-6), and (b-7)".
(2)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, strike added Sections 12.101(b-1) and (b-2), Education Code (page 6, line 30, through page 7, line 15), and substitute the following:
(b-1)  In granting charters for open-enrollment charter schools, the commissioner [The State Board of Education] may not grant a total of more than:
(1)  215 charters through the fiscal year ending August 31, 2014;
(2)  225 charters beginning September 1, 2014;
(3)  240 charters beginning September 1, 2015;
(4)  255 charters beginning September 1, 2016;
(5)  270 charters beginning September 1, 2017; and
(6)  285 charters beginning September 1, 2018 [for an open-enrollment charter school].
(b-2)  Beginning September 1, 2019, the total number of charters for open-enrollment charter schools that may be granted is 305 charters.
(3)  In SECTION 7 of the bill, immediately following added Section 12.101(b-6), Education Code (page 8, between lines 20 and 21), insert the following:
(b-7)  A charter granted under this section for a dropout recovery school is not considered for purposes of the limit on the number of charters for open-enrollment charter schools imposed by this section. For purposes of this subsection, an open-enrollment charter school is considered to be a dropout recovery school if the school meets the criteria for designation as a dropout recovery school under Section 12.1141(c).
(4)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, in the heading to added Section 12.1011, Education Code (page 8, line 24), strike "; LIMIT NOT APPLICABLE".
(5)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, strike added Section 12.1011(d), Education Code (page 9, lines 17-19).
(6)  In SECTION 8 of the bill, in added Section 12.1011(e), Education Code (page 9, line 20), strike "(e)" and substitute "(d)".