Amend CSSB 8 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 23, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following new subsection:
(e) The legislature finds that it is a hardship for a parent or guardian to accompany the parent's or guardian's child to each visit or screening under the early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program if the child lives in single parent or guardian family and the parent or guardian:
(1) has a full-time job;
(2) attends school full-time;
(3) is the caretaker of two or more children and does not have access to child care;
(4) is disabled or ill; or
(5) is the primary caregiver of a person who is disabled or ill.
(2) On page 23, line 20, strike "(e)" and substitute "(f)".
(3) On page 24, line 2, strike "(f)" and substitute "(g)".
(4) On page 24, line 18, strike "(g)(1)" and substitute "(h)(1)".