Amend SB 15 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1)  On page 2, line 18, strike "employment, or personal or familial financial" and substitute "employment, personal financial, or familial financial".
(2)  Strike page 3, lines 1-8, and substitute the following:
(a-4)  A member of the governing board of an institution of higher education is prohibited from voting on a budgetary or personnel matter related to system administration or institutions of higher education until the member attends a training program that provides instruction in ethics, conflict-of-interest law, and the role of a governing board in a higher education institution or system and that is conducted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, or by the university system office if the member serves on the governing board of a university system. A governing board is responsible for maintaining records of each board member's attendance of a training program described by this subsection.
(3)  Strike page 3, lines 14-22, and substitute the following:
(a-6)  A member of the governing board of a university system who is appointed to the board when the legislature is not in session is prohibited from voting until the appointee has appeared before the Senate Committee on Nominations. If the Senate Committee on Nominations fails to hold a hearing before the 20th day after the date the chair of the committee is notified of the appointment by the governor's office, the appointee is not prohibited from voting if the appointee has otherwise met the requirements necessary to be eligible to vote.