Amend SB 201 (introduced version) as follows:
(1) Insert a new SECTION 4 to read as follows and renumber subsequent SECTIONs accordingly.
SECTION 4. Section 443.0071, Government Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 443.0071. REVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION IN CAPITOL COMPLEX. (a) A proposal to construct a building, monument, or other improvement in the Capitol complex must be:
(1) consistent with Capitol Complex design guidelines or standards adopted as part of a 1989 planning process or subsequently adopted based on a Capitol Complex master plan; and
(2) submitted to the board for its review and comment at the earliest planning stages of any such project.
(b) Not later than the 60th day after the date the board receives final designs for a building in the Capitol complex, the board may by a public vote disapprove the project if the board determines that the project does not meet the requirements of Subsection (a)(1) or is not in the best interest of the state or of the Capitol complex.
(c) The project is considered to be approved by the board if the board does not hold the public vote authorized by Subsection (b) on or before the date required under that subsection.
(d) In this section, "Capitol complex" means the state-owned property within the area bounded on the north by Martin Luther King, Jr., Boulevard, bounded on the east by Trinity Street, bounded on the south by 10th Street, and bounded on the west by Lavaca Street.