Amend SB 202 on third reading as follows:
(1) In Subsection (c) of SECTION 5 of the bill, directing the governor to appoint members to the Texas Commission on the Arts for terms scheduled to begin September 1, 2015, immediately following the period (page 2, line 23), insert the following:
Two of the three members appointed to the commission for terms expiring August 31, 2021, must be residents of a county with a population of less than 50,000, as provided by Section 444.003, Government Code.
(2) Add the following appropriately lettered subsection to SECTION 5 of the bill and reletter subsequent subsections accordingly:
(____) To the extent that the reduction in positions on the Texas Commission on the Arts under this Act causes the composition of the commission to violate the residency requirement of Section 444.003(a), Government Code, that provision of law is suspended from the effective date of this Act until September 1, 2015.