Amend Amendment No. 14 by P. King/Keffer on page 1 by striking lines 6-15, and substituting the following:
Sec. 499.1091.  CLOSURE OF UNIT. (a)  The board may close one or more privately operated units and transfer the inmates housed in a unit being closed to another unit only if state funding needed for the operations of a unit has not been appropriated.
(b)  If state funding for the operations of a unit has not been appropriated, the board shall determine whether to close a unit based on the level of community support, or lack thereof, for a unit as evidenced by a letter or resolution of the commissioners court or city council of the locality in which the unit is located.
(c)  If the board does not receive documented community support for a unit, the board shall make its determination of which unit to close based on consideration of the cost-effectiveness of a unit, including all costs to department; safety and security issues; staffing needs; and any other information the board and department consider relevant.