Amend Floor Amendment No. 18 by Gonzales to CSSB 215 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 1, line 14, strike "may [shall]" and substitute "shall".
(2) On page 1, lines 14 through 20, strike "or any county or district attorney acting for the attorney general [him], in the county of the person's residence, the county in which is located the institution at which the person was last enrolled, or in Travis County, unless the attorney general finds reasonable justification for delaying suit and so advises the board in writing" and substitute "[or any county or district attorney acting for him, in the county of the person's residence, the county in which is located the institution at which the person was last enrolled, or in Travis County,] unless the attorney general finds reasonable justification for delaying suit and so advises the board in writing".
(3) On page 1, line 20, immediately following the period, insert "Venue for a suit arising under this section is exclusively conferred on a court of competent jurisdiction in Travis County.".