Amend CSSB 215 as follows:
(1)  Add a new SECTION to the bill, appropriately numbered, to read as follows:
SECTION ____.  Section 61.002, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
(c)  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has only the powers expressly provided by this chapter or other law. A power not expressly granted to the board by law in regard to the administration, organization, control, management, jurisdiction, or governance of an institution of higher education is reserved to the governing board of the institution unless that power is expressly reposed by law in another officer or entity.
(2)  In SECTION 17 of the bill, in amended Section 61.051(a), Education Code, (page 16, lines 12-13) strike "represents" [shall represent] the highest authority in the state in matters of public higher education and" and substitute "[shall represent the highest authority in the state in matters of public higher education and]".