Amend Floor Amendment No. 6 by Anchia to CSSB 215 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 2, line 29, strike "any" and substitute "material".
(2) On page 3, strike lines 14 through 22 and substitute the following:
(A) the institution:
(i) has demonstrated that the degree program contributes to meeting the goals in "Closing the Gaps," the state's master plan for higher education, or other board priorities, including meeting workforce needs in specific industries; and
(ii) is making efforts in regard to the degree program to increase enrollments, limit cost inefficiencies, limit the number of small classes, and improve program success; or
(B) the degree program is related to the institution's efforts to comply with a federal consent decree; or
(3) On page 3, line 29, immediately following the period insert "A request for a temporary exemption is considered approved if the board does not act to approve or deny the request within that period."
(4) On page 4, line 11, strike "10 years" and substitute "five years".
(5) On page 4, line 16, strike "10-year" and substitute "five year"
(6) On page 4, line 27, between "rules" and "specifying" insert "establishing an amount that qualifies as material cost-savings for purposes of Subsection (f) and".
(7) On page 4, following line 28, add the following:
(m) On request, an institution of higher education shall cooperate with the board in providing any information required for the board to make a determination under this section.