Amend SB 822 (house committee printing) as follows:
(1) On page 2, between lines 11 and 12, insert the following subparagraph, appropriately numbered, and renumber subsequent subparagraphs accordingly:
( ) a physician assistant;
(2) On page 8, line 18, strike "of" and substitute "to".
(3) On page 8, line 18, after the period, add:
The prior adequate notification may be provided in the written format specified by a provider network contract subject to this chapter.
(4) On page 8, between lines 18 and 19, insert the following subsection, appropriately lettered, and reletter subsequent subsections and cross-references to those subsections accordingly:
( ) A contracting entity may not provide a person access to health care services or contractual discounts under a provider network contract unless the provider network contract specifically states that the contracting entity may contract with a person to provide access to the contracting entity's rights and responsibilities under the provider network contract.
(5) On page 8, line 26, between "specify" and "a separate", insert "or reference".
(6) On page 9, lines 16-17, strike "to the provider".