Amend SB 1106 as follows:
(1)  On page 8, line 22, strike the word "generally."
(2)  On page 9, line 1, strike the words "specific to that provider."
(3)  On page 9, line 25, strike the words "challenge is resolved" and insert the words "prescription was filled" in its place.
(4)  On page 9, line 26, strike the words "similarly situated."
(5)  On page 10, line 14, strike the word "and" and insert the following:
"(ix)  must report to the commission not less than once per calendar quarter the number of different maximum allowable cost lists utilized during the covered time period, the number of providers for which each maximum allowable cost list was applicable, and the average price for the 100 most commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals for each maximum allowable cost list during the time period covered by the report; and"
(6)  On page 10, strike lines 22 through 25.