Amend SB 1372 (house committee report), as follows:
(1)  On page 14, line 7, strike "Subsection (a),".
(2)  On page 14, line 8, between "amended" and "to read", insert "by adding Subsection (e)".
(3)  Strike page 14, line 9, through page 15, line 13, and substitute the following:
(e)  A person, other than an owner of a timeshare interest who purchased the interest from a developer for the person's own personal use and occupancy, commits a false, misleading, or deceptive act or practice within the meaning of Sections 17.46(a) and (b), Business & Commerce Code, and an unconscionable action or course of action as defined by Section 17.45, Business & Commerce Code, by knowingly participating, for consideration or with the expectation of consideration, in any plan or scheme a purpose of which is to transfer a timeshare interest to a transferee who does not have the ability, means, or intent to pay all assessments and taxes for the timeshare interest. An association or other managing entity does not commit an act or action as described by this subsection by performing administrative acts and collecting fees or expenses as customary or required by law or under the project instruments in connection with a transfer by an owner of a timeshare interest in the timeshare property.