Amend CSSB 1403 (senate committee printing) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 5 of the bill, strike amended Section 21.352(c), Education Code (page 4, lines 1-17), and substitute the following:
(c) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, appraisal must be done at least once during each school year. A teacher may be appraised less frequently if the teacher agrees in writing and the teacher's most recent evaluation rated the teacher as at least proficient, or the equivalent, and did not identify any area of deficiency. A teacher who is appraised less frequently than annually must be appraised at least once during each period of five school years. The district shall maintain a written copy of the evaluation of each teacher's performance in the teacher's personnel file. Each teacher is entitled to receive a written copy of the evaluation promptly on its completion. After receiving a written copy of the evaluation, a teacher is entitled to a second appraisal by a different appraiser or to submit a written rebuttal to the evaluation to be attached to the evaluation in the teacher's personnel file. The evaluation and any rebuttal may be given to another school district at which the teacher has applied for employment at the request of that district.
(2) In SECTION 5 of the bill, in added Section 21.352(c-1), Education Code (page 4, lines 18 and 19), strike "annual appraisal" and substitute "appraisal as frequently as required by Subsection (c)".