Requires periodic
evaluation of data requests.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board
to periodically re-evaluate its rules and policies to ensure the continuing
need for data requests it imposes on university systems, institutions of
higher education, or private or independent institutions of higher education.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board to consult with these entities to identify
unnecessary requests and requires the Board to eliminate data requests from
its rules and policies that are identified as unnecessary.
Changes eligibility for
the B-On-Time Loan Program.
C.S.S.B. 215 limits the
eligibility for the B-On-Time Loan Program to general academic teaching
institutions except for state colleges, medical and dental units offering
baccalaureate degrees, or private institutions offering baccalaureate
degrees. The bill removes junior colleges, state colleges, and technical
institutions from participation in the B-On-Time Loan Program. The bill also
limits the program to students earning baccalaureate degrees and makes
conforming changes, including repealing certain subsections.
C.S.S.B. 215 provides
instructional language that specifies that changes to the program apply
beginning with B-On-Time loans awarded for the 2014-2015 academic year.
C.S.S.B. 215 provides that a student who received a B-On-Time loan before the
2014 fall semester may continue to receive loans under the existing law and
requirements. The bill requires the Board to adopt rules to administer the
change and to notify each student who receives a loan in the 2013-2014
academic year of provisions for the students’ ongoing eligibility under the
former law.
Changes the status of the
Texas Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation, transferring a portion of its
purpose to the Coordinating Board.
C.S.S.B 215 converts the Texas
Guaranteed Student Loan Corporation from a public nonprofit corporation to a
nonprofit corporation under Chapter 22 of the Business Organizations Code and
makes conforming changes, including repealing certain subchapters and
sections. The bill provides for the Corporation to file appropriate
certificates with the Secretary of State’s office for the conversion on or
immediately after a certain date. The bill provides for, and requires the
Secretary of State’s office to recognize, the continuous existence of the
Corporation since the date of its creation.
C.S.S.B 215 provides that the
Corporation continues to serve as the designated guaranty agency for the
State of Texas and that student loan borrower information collected,
assembled, or maintained by the Corporation is confidential and not subject
to public disclosure. The bill transfers language from the Corporation’s
purpose to the Coordinating Board’s purpose, expanding the Board’s financial
aid duties to include the authority to provide financial aid services and to disseminate
post-secondary education awareness information on grant and loan programs and
the prevention of student loan default. The bill allows the Board to consult
with one or more non-profit entities in providing such services.
Continues the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board for 12 years.
C.S.S.B. 215 changes the date
of the Board’s next Sunset review to 2025.
Requires board members
with higher education experience and more direct stakeholder input to the
C.S.S.B. 215 requires that
one-third of the members of the board possess experience in the field of
higher education governance and administration, so that the board includes
experience from both general academic teaching institutions and public junior
colleges or technical institutes. The bill provides that the Governor may
consider experience from a private or independent institution of higher
education. The bill provides instructional language that specifies that this
change only applies to board members appointed after the effective date of
the Act.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board
to develop and implement a policy to provide, as an item on the Board’s
agenda at each meeting, an opportunity for public comment before the Board
makes a decision on any agenda item.
C.S.S.B. 215 specifies that
Chapter 2110 of the Government Code applies to the Board’s advisory
committees. The bill requires the Board to adopt rules, in compliance with
Chapter 2110 of the Government Code, for the use of advisory committees,
including rules governing the purpose, tasks, reporting requirements, and
abolishment dates of committees. The bill prohibits board members from serving
on advisory committees. The bill allows the Board to adopt rules regarding
several other factors of advisory committee membership and open meetings.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires each advisory committee to report its recommendations
directly to the board.
Requires the Board to engage
in negotiated rulemaking.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board
to engage affected institutions of higher education in negotiated rulemaking
if the Board determines that development of a policy, procedure, or rule is
likely to be controversial, or if at least one-half of the affected
institutions, after notice of a potential policy, procedure or rule is
provided to institutions, request negotiated rulemaking and agree to share
the costs. The bill requires the Board to determine the sharing of costs of
this process by rule. The bill provides that this negotiated rulemaking
provision expires September 1, 2017.
Establishes an
agency-wide, risk-based compliance monitoring function.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board
to consult with affected stakeholders in establishing rules for an
agency-wide, risk-based compliance monitoring function to help ensure the
proper use of funds allocated by, and the accuracy of data reported to, the
Board. The bill requires the Board to audit a reasonable portion of the
total funds allocated and data reported, after considering potential risks
and the Board’s resources, using various levels of monitoring. C.S.S.B. 215
requires the Board to consider certain factors in developing its risk-based
approach. The bill requires the Board to train staff to monitor both funds
and data and requires other program staff to coordinate with monitoring staff
to identify risks and avoid duplication.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the
Board, if it determines that funds have been misused or misallocated, to
present its determination to the institution’s governing board, or the chief
executive officer of a private institution, and provide an opportunity for
response from the institution. The bill requires the Board to report its
determination, response from the institution, and any recommendations to the
institution’s governing board or chief executive officer, the Governor, and
the Legislative Budget Board.
C.S.S.B. 215 provides that if
the Board determines that an institution included errors in its data reported
for formula funding, for a public junior college, it may adjust
appropriations made to the college to account for the corrected data. For a
general academic teaching institution, medical and dental unit, or public
technical institute, the bill requires the Board to calculate a revised
appropriation amount and report that amount to the Governor, Legislative
Budget Board, and Comptroller for consideration as the basis for budget
execution or other appropriate action.
C.S.S.B. 215 authorizes the
Board to partner with internal audit offices at institutions of higher
education and requires the internal auditor at an institution to notify the
Board of any audits it conducts involving funds administered by, or data
reported to, the Board. The bill also requires a private institution to
notify the Board of any external audits of funds administered by the Board.
The bill authorizes the Board to determine the timing and format of the
notification by rule. The bill also authorizes the Board to seek technical
assistance from the State Auditor in establishing the compliance monitoring
function and allows the State Auditor to periodically audit the Board’s
compliance monitoring function. The bill also defines “desk review,” “site
visit,” and “student financial assistance.”
Redefines the Board’s
powers and duties in statute.
C.S.S.B. 215 replaces existing
language defining the Coordinating Board’s powers and duties with a more
concise list of the agency’s major duties. The bill also repeals outdated
subsections of §61.051, Education Code, and moves language that is still
necessary in statute, but not related to the Board’s powers and duties, to
new sections of law.
Combines and simplifies
requirements for long-range planning.
C.S.S.B. 215 simplifies,
combines, and repeals several higher education planning requirements in
statute. The bill sets out requirements for the long-range master plan for
higher education and requires the Board to establish methods for obtaining
input from stakeholders and the general public when developing or revising
the plan. C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board to submit a progress report to the Governor,
the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
higher education committees by December 1 of each even-numbered year and
specifies the contents of the report.
Clarifies the Board’s
authority relating to academic program approvals.
C.S.S.B. 215 clarifies and
repeals several sections of the Board’s statute to clearly define its
academic program approval authority in one section of law. C.S.S.B. 215
clarifies the Board’s authority to approve a new degree or certificate
program, and provides that a new degree or certificate program is
automatically approved if the Board has not completed a review and acted to
approve or disapprove the proposed program within certain timeframes. The
bill prohibits the Board from disapproving a program without completing its
review. The bill requires the Board to specify, by rule, the elements of a
completed application and to make an administrative determination of
completeness within certain timeframes. The bill provides that a request for
additional information does not toll the period within which the application
is considered approved.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires an institution
of higher education to notify the Board before carrying out planning for a
new degree program and requires that the Board’s review takes place at the
time an institution requests to implement a degree program. The bill requires
the Board, through its review, to ensure a new degree or certificate program
meets certain criteria. C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board to review each degree
or certificate program at least every ten years after a new program is
established, using certain criteria, and authorizes the Board to review the
number of degrees or certificates awarded through a program every four years
or more frequently, at the Board’s discretion.
C.S.S.B. 215 prohibits the
Board from ordering the consolidation or elimination of a degree or
certificate program, but allows the Board to make a recommendation to an
institution’s governing board based on its periodic 10-year review or its
review of the number of degrees or certificates issued. The bill requires an
institution or system, if it does not consolidate or eliminate the degree or
certificate programs recommended by the Board, to identify those programs in
its next legislative appropriations request.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires
institutions to obtain prior approval before offering an off-campus course for
credit or distance learning course within the state. The bill requires
institutions to certify, in reports required by the Board, that a course
offered for credit outside of the state meets the Board’s academic criteria.
The bill removes the Board’s approval of an institution’s role and mission
statement and moves the section requiring an institution to develop a
statement regarding its role and mission to another section of law. The bill
also requires the Board to evaluate the role and mission of each general
academic teaching institution other than a public state college in
conjunction with development of its long-range master plan. The bill removes
the Board’s authority to require institutions to report organizational
changes that affect degree programs.
Clarifies the Board’s
role in identifying best practices.
C.S.S.B. 215 provides for the
Board to administer or oversee a program to identify best practices only in
cases where funding or other restrictions prevent entities other than the
Board from administering the programs. The bill allows the Board to initiate
a new pilot project only if other entities are not engaging in similar
projects or the initiative cannot be performed by another entity. C.S.S.B.
215 allows the Board to use its position as a statewide coordinator to assist
in matching non-profit organizations or grant-funding entities with
institutions of higher education or private institutions of higher education
to implement proven programs and best practices. The bill allows the Board to
compile best practices and strategies resulting from its review of external
studies for use in providing technical assistance to institutions and as the
basis for the Board’s statewide policy recommendations.
Establishes the Student
Loan Default Prevention and Financial Aid Literacy Pilot Program.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board
to establish and administer a pilot program to ensure students at selected
institutions are informed consumers with regard to all aspects of student
financial aid and specifies certain aspects of financial aid. The bill
requires the Board to select at least one institution from each category of
institutions and specifies those categories. The bill requires the Board to
give priority to institutions that have a three-year cohort student loan
default rate of more than 20 percent or that have above average growth rates.
The bill authorizes the Board to adopt rules to administer the program and
allows the Board to contract for administration of the pilot program. The
bill requires the Board and participating institutions to report to the
Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House regarding outcomes of
the program by January 1 of each year beginning in 2016. C.S.S.B. 215
provides that the pilot program expires December 31, 2020. The bill includes
an instructional provision requiring the Board to adopt rules as soon as
practicable after the Act takes effect, and provides for the Board to adopt
initial rules in the manner provided for emergency rules.
Requires financial aid
and trusteed fund allocation methodologies to be published in rule.
C.S.S.B. 215 requires the Board
to establish and publish by rule, allocation methodologies for any funds
trusteed to the Board for allocation to institutions of higher education or
private institutions, and to develop procedures to verify the accuracy of
application of those allocation methodologies. The bill also requires the
Board to consult with affected stakeholders before adopting rules. The bill
includes an instructional provision requiring the Board to adopt rules as
soon as practicable after the Act takes effect, and provides for the Board to
adopt initial rules in the manner provided for emergency rules.
Consolidates the Advanced
Technology Program with the Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program.
C.S.S.B. 215 moves several
provisions from Chapter 143 to Chapter 142, Education Code, to consolidate
the Advanced Technology Program with the Norman Hackerman Advanced Research
Program and makes conforming changes to clarify provisions that relate to
each program. The bill requires the advisory committee to determine when and
to what extent funds appropriated will be allocated to each program, unless
the Legislature specifies a division in the General Appropriations Act. The
bill repeals provisions related to the Advanced Technology Program that are
not consolidated with the Research Program.
Limits Articulation
Agreements for Junior Colleges Offering Baccalaureate Degrees.
C.S.S.B. 215 provides that
junior colleges offering baccalaureate degrees must enter into articulation
agreements with one or more general academic teaching institutions for the
first five years of the program.
Removes unnecessary and
unfunded programs and reporting requirements from statute.
C.S.S.B. 215 repeals 19
unfunded or unnecessary programs from statute, as listed below, and makes
conforming changes.
Assessment Program
Educational Development Program
Educational Development Program
Priority Program Fund
Excellence Fund
and Science Recruitment Fund
Preparation Program (MedPREP)
Workforce Development
of Certain Physical Therapist Education Loans
Academy of Foreign Languages and Culture
Partnership and Scholarship Program
Childhood Child-Care Worker Student Loan Repayment Program
High Memorial Pharmacy Residency Program
Grants for
Teaching and Education Research
and Special Initiative Funding
Training Programs for Teachers of Disadvantaged Students
Senior College or University Cooperative Education Program
Education Enrollment Assistance Program
Assistance for the Vocational Nursing Students Agreeing to Practice in
Long-Term Care Facilities
C.S.S.B. 215 repeals the
following unnecessary reporting requirements from law: Report on Student Loan Funds, Report on Restricted
Research Expenditures, Texas Opportunity Plan Report, and Progress Report on P-16 College Readiness and
Success Strategic Action Plan.
C.S.S.B. 215 repeals the
following provisions of the Education Code:
Chapter 144
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 152
Subchapters J, M, Q, and X, Chapter
Subchapters B and D, Chapter 57
Subchapters K, P, Q, U, and W,
Chapter 61
Section 51.916
Section 52.17(f)
Section 52.56
Section 56.456(d)
Sections 56.459(c) and (d)
Sections 57.02(1) and (3)
Sections 57.41, 57.42, 57.43, 57.44,
57.45, 57.46, 57.461, 57.47, 57.471, 57.481, and 57.50
Sections 61.051(b), (c), (d), (e),
(f), (g), (i), (j), (k), (m), (o), (p), and (q)
Sections 61.059(i) and (i-1)
Sections 61.0591, 61.0631, 61.066, 61.0761(d),
61.078, 61.088, 61.660
Section 62.096(c)
Sections 143.001, 143.004, 143.005,
143.007, and 143.008.
1. Section 61.0511, Education Code, is transferred to Subchapter G,
Chapter 51, Education Code, and redesignated as Section 51.359, Education
SECTION 1. Same as engrossed
2. Section 51.406, Education Code, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to
read as follows:
At least every five years, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
shall reevaluate its rules and policies to ensure the continuing need for
the data requests the coordinating board imposes on university systems,
institutions of higher education, or private or independent institutions of
higher education. The coordinating board shall engage in negotiated rulemaking under Chapter 2008, Government Code,
with those entities in identifying unnecessary requests or ways to streamline those requests. The
coordinating board shall eliminate data requests identified as unnecessary
from its rules and policies. In this subsection, "private or independent
institution of higher education" has the meaning assigned by Section
SECTION 2. Section 51.406,
Education Code, is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
(d) At least every five
years, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall reevaluate its
rules and policies to ensure the continuing need for the data requests the
coordinating board imposes on university systems, institutions of higher
education, or private or independent institutions of higher education. The
coordinating board shall consult with
those entities to identify unnecessary data requests and shall eliminate
data requests identified as unnecessary from its rules and policies.
In this subsection,
"private or independent institution of higher education" has the
meaning assigned by Section 61.003.
3. Subdivisions (2) and (3), Section 56.451, Education Code, are amended.
SECTION 3. Same as engrossed
4. Subsection (b), Section 56.452, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 4. Same as engrossed
5. Section 56.455, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 5. Same as engrossed
6. Subsection (a), Section 56.456, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 6. Same as engrossed
7. Subsections (a) and (b), Section 56.459, Education Code, are amended.
SECTION 7. Same as engrossed
8. Sections 56.461 and 56.462, Education Code, are amended.
SECTION 8. Same as engrossed
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 9. Subchapter A,
Chapter 57, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 57.011 to read as
Sec. 57.011. STATUS OF
Student Loan Corporation is converted as provided by this section from a
public nonprofit corporation created by general law to a nonprofit
corporation under Chapter 22, Business Organizations Code.
(b) On or immediately
after September 1, 2013, to effectuate the conversion under Subsection (a),
the corporation shall file a certificate of formation with the secretary of
state or, if the secretary of state determines it appropriate, the
corporation shall file a certificate of conversion under Chapter 10,
Business Organizations Code.
(c) The corporation as
converted under this section continues in existence uninterrupted from the
date of its creation, September 1, 1979. The secretary of state shall
recognize the continuous existence of the corporation from that date in the
certificate of formation or certificate of conversion, as applicable.
(d) The corporation
continues to serve as the designated guaranty agency for the State of Texas
under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. Section 1001 et seq.).
(e) Student loan borrower
information collected, assembled, or maintained by the corporation is
confidential and is not subject to public disclosure.
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 10. Section 57.01,
Education Code, is transferred to Section 61.002, Education Code,
redesignated as Subsection (c), Section 61.002, Education Code, and amended
to read as follows:
(c) Postsecondary [Sec.
57.01. DECLARATION OF POLICY. The legislature, giving due consideration
to the historical and continuing interest of the people of the State of
Texas in encouraging deserving and qualified persons to realize their
aspirations for education beyond high school, finds and declares that
postsecondary] education for qualified Texans [those] who
desire to pursue such [an] education [and are properly
qualified therefor] is important to the welfare and security of this
state and the nation and, consequently, is an important public purpose.
The legislature finds and declares that the state can achieve its full
economic and social potential only if every individual has the opportunity
to contribute to the full extent of the individual's [his or her]
capabilities and only when financial barriers to the individual's [his
or her] economic, social, and educational goals are removed. In
order to facilitate the removal of those barriers, the board, in
consultation with one or more nonprofit entities with experience providing
the services on a statewide basis, may [It is, therefore, the
purpose of this chapter to establish the Texas Guaranteed Student Loan
Corporation to:
[(1) administer a
guaranteed student loan program to assist qualified Texas students in
receiving a postsecondary education in this state or elsewhere in the
nation; and
[(2)] provide
necessary and desirable services related to financial aid services [the
loan program], including cooperative awareness efforts with appropriate
educational and civic associations designed to disseminate postsecondary
education awareness information, including information regarding available
grant and loan programs and [student financial aid and the Federal
Family Education Loan Program, and other relevant topics including] the
prevention of student loan default.
9. Section 61.0211, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 11. Same as engrossed
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 12. Subsection (a),
Section 61.022, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a) The board shall consist
of nine members appointed by the governor so as to provide representation
from all areas of the state with the advice and consent of the senate, and as
the constitution provides. One-third of the members must possess
experience in the field of higher education governance or administration so
that the board includes experience from both general academic teaching
institutions and public junior colleges or public technical institutes. In
making an appointment under this section, the governor may consider
appointing a person with experience in higher education governance or
administration from a private or independent institution of higher
education. Members of the board serve staggered six-year terms. The
terms of one-third of the members expire August 31 of each odd-numbered
10. Subsection (d), Section 61.025, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 13. Same as engrossed
11. Section 61.026, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 14. Same as engrossed
12. Section 61.033, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
(a) The board shall develop and implement a policy to encourage the use
negotiated rulemaking procedures under Chapter 2008, Government Code, for
the adoption of board rules; and
appropriate alternative dispute resolution procedures under Chapter 2009,
Government Code, to assist in the resolution of internal and external
disputes under the board's jurisdiction.
The board's procedures relating to alternative dispute resolution must
conform, to the extent possible, to any model guidelines issued by the
State Office of Administrative Hearings for the use of alternative dispute
resolution by state agencies.
The board shall designate a trained person to[:
coordinate the implementation of the policy adopted under Subsection (a);
serve as a resource for any training needed to implement the procedures for
negotiated rulemaking or alternative dispute resolution[; and
collect data concerning the effectiveness of those procedures, as
implemented by the board].
equivalent provision.
13. Subchapter B, Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Section
61.0331 to read as follows:
the board is required by this code or other law to consult or cooperate
with institutions of higher education in the development of a policy,
procedure, or rule, the board must engage the institutions in a
negotiated rulemaking process as described by Chapter 2008, Government
Code, before the policy, procedure, or rule may take effect.
SECTION 15. Subchapter B,
Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 61.0331 to read as
Sec. 61.0331. NEGOTIATED
RULEMAKING REQUIRED. (a) The board shall engage affected institutions of
higher education in a negotiated rulemaking process as described by Chapter
2008, Government Code, if:
(1) at any time the board determines that the development of a
policy, procedure, or rule is likely to be controversial; or
(2) not later than the 15th day after the date notice of a potential
policy, procedure, or rule is provided to the affected institutions, in the
Texas Register or otherwise, at least one-half of the affected institutions
request negotiated rulemaking and agree to share the costs of the process,
including those of the facilitator.
(b) The board shall determine the sharing of costs under this
section by rule.
(c) This section expires September 1, 2017.
14. Subchapter B, Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Section
61.035 to read as follows:
61.035. COMPLIANCE MONITORING. (a) The board by a negotiated rulemaking process in accordance with Chapter 2008,
Government Code, shall establish an agency-wide, risk-based
compliance monitoring function for:
funds allocated by the board to institutions of higher education, private
or independent institutions of higher education, and other entities,
including student financial assistance funds, academic support grants, and
any other grants, to ensure that those funds are distributed in accordance
with applicable law and board rule; and
data reported by institutions of higher education to the board and used by
the board for funding or policymaking decisions, including data used for
formula funding allocations, to ensure the data is reported accurately.
For purposes of this section, student financial assistance includes grants,
scholarships, loans, and work-study.
After considering potential risks and the board's resources, the board
shall review a reasonable portion of the total funds allocated by the board
and of data reported to the board. The board shall use various levels of
monitoring, according to risk, ranging from checking reported data for
errors and inconsistencies to conducting comprehensive audits, including
site visits.
In developing the board's risk-based approach to compliance monitoring
under this section, the board shall consider the following factors relating
to an institution of higher education or private or independent institution
of higher education:
the amount of student financial assistance or grant funds allocated to the
institution by the board;
whether the institution is required to obtain and submit an independent
the institution's internal controls;
the length of time since the institution's last desk review or site visit;
past misuse of funds or misreported data by the institution;
in regard to data verification, whether the data reported to the board by
the institution is used for determining funding allocations; and
other factors as considered appropriate by the board.
The board shall train compliance monitoring staff to ensure that the staff
has the ability to monitor both funds compliance and data reporting
accuracy. Program staff in other board divisions who conduct limited
monitoring and contract administration shall coordinate with the compliance
monitoring function to identify risks and avoid duplication.
If the board determines through its compliance monitoring function that
funds awarded by the board to an institution of higher education or private
or independent institution of higher education have been misused or
misallocated by the institution, the board shall present its determination
to the institution's governing board and provide an opportunity for a response
from the institution.
the opportunity for response, the board shall report its determination and
the institution's response, together with any recommendations, to the
institution's governing board, the governor, and the Legislative Budget
If the board determines through its compliance monitoring function that an
institution of higher education has included errors in the institution's
data reported for formula funding, the board:
for a public junior college, may adjust the appropriations made to the
college for a fiscal year as necessary to account for the corrected data;
for a general academic teaching institution, a medical and dental unit, or
a public technical institute, shall calculate a revised appropriation
amount for the applicable fiscal year based on the corrected data and
report that revised amount to the governor and Legislative Budget Board for
consideration as the basis for budget execution or other appropriate
action, and to the comptroller.
In conducting the compliance monitoring function under this section, the
board may partner with internal audit offices at institutions of higher
education and private or independent institutions of higher education, as
institutional resources allow, to examine the institutions' use of funds
allocated by, and data reported to, the board. To avoid duplication of
effort and assist the board in identifying risk, an internal auditor at an
institution shall notify the board of any audits conducted by the auditor involving
funds administered by the board or data reported to the board. The board
by rule may determine the timing and format of the notification required by
this subsection.
The board may seek technical assistance from the state auditor in establishing
the compliance monitoring function under this section. The state auditor
may periodically audit the board's compliance monitoring function as the
state auditor considers appropriate.
In this section:
"Desk review" means an administrative review by the board that is
based on information reported by an institution of higher education or
private or independent institution of higher education, including
supplemental information required by the board for the purposes of
compliance monitoring, except that the term does not include information or
accompanying notes gathered by the board during a site visit.
"Site visit" means an announced or unannounced in-person visit by
a representative of the board to an institution of higher education or private
or independent institution of higher education for the purposes of
compliance monitoring.
SECTION 16. Subchapter B,
Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 61.035 to read as
Sec. 61.035. COMPLIANCE
MONITORING. (a) The board, in consultation
with affected stakeholders, shall adopt
rules to establish an agency-wide, risk-based compliance monitoring
function for:
(1) funds allocated by
the board to institutions of higher education, private or independent
institutions of higher education, and other entities, including student
financial assistance funds, academic support grants, and any other grants,
to ensure that those funds are distributed in accordance with applicable
law and board rule; and
(2) data reported by
institutions of higher education to the board and used by the board for
funding or policymaking decisions, including data used for formula funding
allocations, to ensure the data is reported accurately.
(b) For purposes of this
section, student financial assistance includes grants, scholarships, loans,
and work-study.
(c) After considering
potential risks and the board's resources, the board shall review a
reasonable portion of the total funds allocated by the board and of data
reported to the board. The board shall use various levels of monitoring,
according to risk, ranging from checking reported data for errors and
inconsistencies to conducting comprehensive audits, including site visits.
(d) In developing the
board's risk-based approach to compliance monitoring under this section,
the board shall consider the following factors relating to an institution
of higher education or private or independent institution of higher
(1) the amount of student
financial assistance or grant funds allocated to the institution by the
(2) whether the
institution is required to obtain and submit an independent audit;
(3) the institution's
internal controls;
(4) the length of time
since the institution's last desk review or site visit;
(5) past misuse of funds
or misreported data by the institution;
(6) in regard to data
verification, whether the data reported to the board by the institution is
used for determining funding allocations; and
(7) other factors as
considered appropriate by the board.
(e) The board shall train
compliance monitoring staff to ensure that the staff has the ability to
monitor both funds compliance and data reporting accuracy. Program staff
in other board divisions who conduct limited monitoring and contract
administration shall coordinate with the compliance monitoring function to
identify risks and avoid duplication.
(f) If the board
determines through its compliance monitoring function that funds awarded by
the board to an institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education have been misused or misallocated by the
institution, the board shall present its determination to the institution's
governing board, or to the institution's
chief executive officer if the institution is a private or independent
institution of higher education, and provide an opportunity for a
response from the institution. Following the opportunity for response, the
board shall report its determination and the institution's response,
together with any recommendations, to the institution's governing board or chief executive officer, as applicable,
the governor, and the Legislative Budget Board.
(g) If the board
determines through its compliance monitoring function that an institution
of higher education has included errors in the institution's data reported
for formula funding, the board:
(1) for a public junior
college, may adjust the appropriations made to the college for a fiscal
year as necessary to account for the corrected data; and
(2) for a general
academic teaching institution, a medical and dental unit, or a public
technical institute, shall calculate a revised appropriation amount for the
applicable fiscal year based on the corrected data and report that revised
amount to the governor and Legislative Budget Board for consideration as
the basis for budget execution or other appropriate action, and to the
(h) In conducting the
compliance monitoring function under this section, the board may partner
with internal audit offices at institutions of higher education and private
or independent institutions of higher education, as institutional resources
allow, to examine the institutions' use of funds allocated by, and data
reported to, the board. To avoid duplication of effort and assist the
board in identifying risk, an internal auditor at an institution shall
notify the board of any audits conducted by the auditor involving funds
administered by the board or data reported to the board. A private or independent institution of higher
education shall notify the board of any external audits involving funds
administered by the board. The board by rule may determine the
timing and format of the notification required by this subsection.
(i) The board may seek
technical assistance from the state auditor in establishing the compliance
monitoring function under this section. The state auditor may periodically
audit the board's compliance monitoring function as the state auditor
considers appropriate.
(j) In this section:
(1) "Desk
review" means an administrative review by the board that is based on
information reported by an institution of higher education or private or
independent institution of higher education, including supplemental
information required by the board for the purposes of compliance monitoring,
except that the term does not include information or accompanying notes
gathered by the board during a site visit.
(2) "Site
visit" means an announced or unannounced in-person visit by a
representative of the board to an institution of higher education or
private or independent institution of higher education for the purposes of
compliance monitoring.
15. Section 61.051, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 17. Same as engrossed
16. Section 61.0512, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
NOTIFICATION TO BOARD]. (a) A new degree or certificate program
may be added at an institution of higher education only with specific prior
approval of the board. A new degree or certificate program is considered
approved if the board has not completed a review under this section and
acted to approve or disapprove the proposed program before the first
anniversary of the date on which an institution of higher education submits
a completed application to the board. The board may not summarily
disapprove a program without completing the review required by this
section. The board shall specify by rule the elements that constitute a
completed application and shall make an administrative determination of the
completeness of the application not later than the fifth business day after
receiving the application. A request for additional information in support
of an application that has been determined administratively complete does
not toll the period within which the application is considered approved
under this section. The board may not
summarily disapprove a program without completing the review required by
this section.
At the time an institution of higher education [a public senior
college or university] begins preliminary planning for a new degree
program [or a new organizational unit to administer a new degree program],
the institution must [college or university shall] notify the
board before the institution may carry out that planning[. In
the implementation of this subsection, the board may not require additional
reports from the institutions].
The board shall review each degree or certificate program offered by an
institution of higher education at the time the institution requests to
implement a new program to ensure that the program:
is needed by the state and the local community and does not unnecessarily
duplicate programs offered by other institutions of higher education or
private or independent institutions of higher education;
has adequate financing from legislative appropriation, funds allocated by
the board, or funds from other sources;
has necessary faculty and other resources to ensure student success; and
meets academic standards specified by law or prescribed by board rule,
including rules adopted by the board for purposes of this section, or
workforce standards established by the Texas Workforce Investment Council.
The board may review the number of degrees or certificates awarded through
a degree or certificate program every four years or more frequently, at the
board's discretion.
The board shall review each degree or certificate program offered by an
institution of higher education at least every 10 years after a new program
is established using the criteria prescribed by Subsection (c).
The board may not order the consolidation or elimination of any degree or
certificate program offered by an institution of higher education but may,
based on the board's review under Subsections (d) and (e), recommend such
action to an institution's governing board. If an institution's governing
board does not accept recommendations to consolidate or eliminate a degree
or certificate program, the university system or, where a system does not
exist, the institution, must identify the programs recommended for
consolidation or elimination on the next legislative appropriations request
submitted by the system or institution.
An institution of higher education may offer off-campus courses for credit
within the state or distance learning courses only with specific prior
approval of the board. An institution must certify to the board that a
course offered for credit outside the state meets the board's academic
criteria. An institution shall include the certification in submitting any
other reports required by the board.
SECTION 18. Section 61.0512,
Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 61.0512. BOARD
BOARD]. (a) A new degree or certificate program may be added at an
institution of higher education only with specific prior approval of the
board. A new degree or certificate program is considered approved if the
board has not completed a review under this section and acted to approve or
disapprove the proposed program before the first anniversary of the date on
which an institution of higher education submits a completed application for approval to the board. The board may
not summarily disapprove a program without completing the review required
by this section. The board shall specify by rule the elements that
constitute a completed application and shall make an administrative
determination of the completeness of the application not later than the fifth
business day after receiving the application. A request for additional
information in support of an application that has been determined
administratively complete does not toll the period within which the
application is considered approved under this section.
(b) At the time an
institution of higher education [a public senior college or
university] begins preliminary planning for a new degree program [or
a new organizational unit to administer a new degree program], the institution
must [college or university shall] notify the board before
the institution may carry out that planning[. In the implementation
of this subsection, the board may not require additional reports from the
(c) The board shall
review each degree or certificate program offered by an institution of
higher education at the time the institution requests to implement a new
program to ensure that the program:
(1) is needed by the
state and the local community and does not unnecessarily duplicate programs
offered by other institutions of higher education or private or independent
institutions of higher education;
(2) has adequate
financing from legislative appropriation, funds allocated by the board, or
funds from other sources;
(3) has necessary faculty
and other resources to ensure student success; and
(4) meets academic
standards specified by law or prescribed by board rule, including rules
adopted by the board for purposes of this section, or workforce standards
established by the Texas Workforce Investment Council.
(d) The board may review
the number of degrees or certificates awarded through a degree or
certificate program every four years or more frequently, at the board's
(e) The board shall
review each degree or certificate program offered by an institution of
higher education at least every 10 years after a new program is established
using the criteria prescribed by Subsection (c).
(f) The board may not
order the consolidation or elimination of any degree or certificate program
offered by an institution of higher education but may, based on the board's
review under Subsections (d) and (e), recommend such action to an
institution's governing board. If an institution's governing board does
not accept recommendations to consolidate or eliminate a degree or
certificate program, the university system or, where a system does not
exist, the institution, must identify the programs recommended for
consolidation or elimination on the next legislative appropriations request
submitted by the system or institution.
(g) An institution of
higher education may offer off-campus courses for credit within the state
or distance learning courses only with specific prior approval of the
board. An institution must certify to the board that a course offered for
credit outside the state meets the board's academic criteria. An
institution shall include the certification in submitting any other reports
required by the board.
17. The heading to Section 61.055, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 19. Same as engrossed
18. Subsection (a), Section 61.055, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 20. Same as engrossed
19. Subsection (l), Section 61.051, Education Code, is transferred to
Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, redesignated as Section 61.0571,
Education Code, and amended.
SECTION 21. Same as engrossed
20. Subsection (n), Section 61.051, Education Code, is transferred to
Section 61.0571, Education Code, as added by this Act, and redesignated as
Subsection (b), Section 61.0571, Education Code.
SECTION 22. Same as engrossed
21. Subsection (a-4), Section 61.051, Education Code, is transferred to
Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, redesignated as Section 61.0661,
Education Code, and amended.
SECTION 23. Same as engrossed
22. Subsection (h), Section 61.051, Education Code, is transferred to
Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, redesignated as Section 61.0662,
Education Code, and amended.
SECTION 24. Same as engrossed
23. Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 25. Same as engrossed
24. Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 26. Substantially
the same as engrossed version.
25. Subchapter C, Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Section
61.07761 to read as follows:
funds trusteed to the board for allocation to institutions of higher
education and private or independent institutions of higher education,
including financial aid program funds, the board by rule shall:
establish and publish the allocation methodologies; and
develop procedures to verify the accuracy of the application of those
allocation methodologies by board staff.
The board shall engage in negotiated
rulemaking as described by Chapter 2008, Government Code, in
adopting rules under this section.
SECTION 27. Subchapter C,
Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 61.07761 to read
as follows:
Sec. 61.07761. FINANCIAL
AID AND OTHER TRUSTEED FUNDS ALLOCATION. (a) For any funds trusteed to
the board for allocation to institutions of higher education and private or
independent institutions of higher education, including financial aid
program funds, the board by rule shall:
(1) establish and publish
the allocation methodologies; and
(2) develop procedures to
verify the accuracy of the application of those allocation methodologies by
board staff.
(b) The board shall consult with affected stakeholders before
adopting rules under this section.
26. The heading to Section 61.822, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 28. Same as engrossed
27. Section 61.822, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 29. Same as engrossed
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 30. The heading to
Chapter 142, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 31. Section 142.001,
Education Code, is amended by amending Subdivisions (1) and (4) and adding
Subdivisions (1-a) and (6) to read as follows:
(1) "Applied
research" means research directed at gaining the knowledge or
understanding necessary to meet a specific and recognized need, including
the discovery of new scientific knowledge that has specific objectives
relating to products or processes.
(1-a) "Basic
research" means research the primary object of which is to gain a
fuller fundamental knowledge of the subject under study.
(4) "Research
program [Program]" means the Norman Hackerman advanced
research program established under this chapter.
(6) "Technology
program" means the advanced technology program established under this
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 32. The heading to
Section 142.002, Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 142.002. NORMAN
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 33. Section 143.002,
Education Code, is transferred to Chapter 142, Education Code, redesignated
as Section 142.0025, Education Code, and amended to read as follows:
Sec. 142.0025 [143.002].
It is essential to the state's economic growth that the state [it]
exploit the potential of technology to advance the development and growth
of technology and that industry be promoted and expanded. The advanced
technology program is established as a means to accomplish this purpose.
(b) Providing appropriated
funds to faculty members of institutions of higher education [public]
and private or independent institutions of higher education to
conduct applied research is important to the state's welfare and,
consequently, is an important public purpose for the expenditure of public
funds because the applied research will enhance the state's economic growth
(1) educating the state's
scientists and engineers;
(2) creating new products
and production processes; and
(3) contributing to the
application of science and technology to state businesses.
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 34. Section 142.003,
Education Code, is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 142.003.
shall administer the technology program and the research program.
(b) The coordinating board
shall appoint an advisory committee that consists of experts in the
specified research areas of both programs to advise the coordinating
board regarding the coordinating board's development of research
priorities, guidelines, and procedures for the selection of specific
projects at eligible institutions.
(c) The guidelines and
procedures developed for the research program by the coordinating
board must:
(1) provide for awards on a
competitive, peer review basis for specific projects at eligible
institutions; and
(2) require that, as a
condition of receiving an award, an eligible institution must use a portion
of the award to support, in connection with the project for which the award
is made, basic research conducted by:
(A) graduate or
undergraduate students, if the eligible institution is a medical and dental
unit; or
(B) undergraduate students,
if the eligible institution is any other eligible institution [of
higher education].
(d) The guidelines and
procedures developed for the technology program by the coordinating board
(1) provide for
determining whether an institution of higher education or private or independent
institution of higher education qualifies as an eligible institution for
the purposes of the technology program by demonstrating exceptional
capability to attract federal, state, and private funding for scientific
and technical research and having an exceptionally strong research staff
and the necessary equipment and facilities; and
(2) provide for awards on
a competitive, peer review basis for specific projects at eligible
(e) The coordinating
board shall encourage projects under the technology program that leverage
funds from other sources and projects that propose innovative,
collaborative efforts:
(1) across academic
(2) among two or more
eligible institutions; or
(3) between an eligible
institution or institutions and private industry.
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 35. Section 143.003,
Education Code, is transferred to Chapter 142, Education Code, redesignated
as Section 142.0035, Education Code, and amended to read as follows:
Sec. 142.0035 [143.003].
may provide support for faculty members to conduct research in areas
determined by an advisory panel appointed by the coordinating board.
Initial research areas shall include: agriculture, biotechnology,
biomedicine, energy, environment, materials science, microelectronics,
aerospace, marine science, aquaculture, telecommunications, manufacturing
science, environmental issues affecting the Texas-Mexico border region, the
reduction of industrial, agricultural, and domestic water use, recycling,
and related disciplines. The advisory committee appointed under Section
142.003(b) [panel] may add or delete priority research areas as
the advisory committee [panel] considers warranted.
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 36. Section 142.004,
Education Code, is amended by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding
Subsections (c-1) and (f) to read as follows:
(a) The programs created
under this chapter are [program is] funded by appropriations and
by gifts, grants, and donations made for purposes of each [the]
(c) The funds allocated
[appropriated] for the research program may be expended to
support the particular projects for which an award is made and may not be
expended for the general support of ongoing research at an eligible
institution or for the construction or remodeling of a facility.
(c-1) The funds allocated
for the technology program may be:
(1) expended to support
particular research projects for which an award is made, and may not be
expended for the general support of ongoing research and instruction at an
eligible institution or for the construction or remodeling of a facility;
(2) used to match a grant
provided by private industry for a particular collaborative research
project with an eligible institution.
(f) The advisory
committee appointed under Section 142.003(b) shall determine when and to
what extent funds appropriated under this chapter will be allocated to each
program under this chapter unless the legislature specifies a division in
the General Appropriations Act.
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 37. Sections 142.006
and 142.007, Education Code, are amended to read as follows:
Sec. 142.006. MERIT REVIEW.
(a) The coordinating board shall appoint a committee that consists
of experts in the specified research areas to evaluate the research
program's effectiveness and report its findings to the coordinating board
not later than January 31 of each odd-numbered year.
(b) The coordinating
board shall appoint a committee consisting of representatives of higher
education and private enterprise advanced technology research organizations
to evaluate the technology program's effectiveness and report its findings
to the coordinating board not later than January 31 of each odd-numbered
Sec. 142.007.
CONFIDENTIALITY. Information submitted as part of a pre-proposal or
proposal or related to the evaluation and selection of research projects to
be funded by the research program or technology program is
confidential unless made public by coordinating board rule.
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 38. Section
143.0051, Education Code, is transferred to Chapter 142, Education Code,
and redesignated as Section 142.009, Education Code, to read as follows:
Sec. 142.009 [143.0051].
GENERATION. The coordinating board shall use money available for the
purpose from legislative appropriations, including gifts, grants, and
donations, to support at one or more eligible institutions applied research
related to:
(1) the development,
construction, and operation in this state of a clean coal project, as
defined by Section 5.001, Water Code; or
(2) electricity generation
using lignite coal deposits in this state or integrated gasification
combined cycle technology.
28. Subsection (f), Section 130.0012, Education Code, is amended.
SECTION 39. Same as engrossed
29. Subsection (f), Section 42.0421, Human Resources Code, as added by
Chapter 82 (S.B. 265), Acts of the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011,
is amended.
SECTION 40. Same as engrossed
30. The following provisions of the Education Code are repealed:
Chapters 143, 144, 147, 148, and 152;
Subchapters J, M, Q, and X, Chapter 51;
Subchapters K, P, Q, U, and W, Chapter 61;
Section 51.916; Subsection (f), Section 52.17; Section 52.56; Subsection
(d), Section 56.456; and Subsections (c) and (d), Section 56.459;
Subsections (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (i), (j), (k), (m), (o), (p), and
(q), Section 61.051; and
Subsections (i) and (i-1), Section 61.059; Sections 61.0591, 61.0631, and
61.066; Subsection (d), Section 61.0761; Sections 61.078, 61.088, and
61.660; and Subsection (c), Section 62.096.
SECTION 41. The following
provisions of the Education Code are repealed:
(1) Chapters 144, 147, 148,
and 152;
(2) Subchapters J, M, Q, and
X, Chapter 51;
Subchapters B and D, Chapter 57;
(4) Subchapters K, P, Q, U,
and W, Chapter 61;
(5) Section 51.916;
Subsection (f), Section 52.17; Section 52.56; Subsection (d), Section
56.456; and Subsections (c) and (d), Section 56.459;
Subdivisions (1) and (3), Section 57.02;
Sections 57.41, 57.42, 57.43, 57.44, 57.45, 57.46, 57.461, 57.47, 57.471,
57.481, and 57.50;
(8) Subsections (b), (c),
(d), (e), (f), (g), (i), (j), (k), (m), (o), (p), and (q), Section 61.051;
(9) Subsections (i) and
(i-1), Section 61.059; Sections 61.0591, 61.0631, and 61.066; Subsection
(d), Section 61.0761; Sections 61.078, 61.088, and 61.660; and Subsection
(c), Section 62.096; and
Sections 143.001, 143.004, 143.005, 143.007, and 143.008.
31. (a) The change in law made by this Act in amending Subchapter Q,
Chapter 56, Education Code, applies beginning with Texas B-On-time loans
awarded for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, a student who first
receives a Texas B-On-time loan for a semester or other academic term
before the 2014 fall semester may continue to receive Texas B-On-time loans
under Subchapter Q, Chapter 56, Education Code, as that subchapter existed
immediately before the effective date of this Act, as long as the student
remains eligible for a Texas B-On-time loan under the former law, and is
entitled to obtain forgiveness of the loans as permitted by Section 56.462,
Education Code, as that section existed immediately before the effective
date of this Act. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall
adopt rules to administer this subsection and shall notify each student who
receives a Texas B-On-time loan in the 2013-2014 academic year of the
provisions of this subsection.
SECTION 42. Same as engrossed
No equivalent provision.
SECTION 43. The change in
law made by Subsection (a), Section 61.022, Education Code, as amended by
this Act, regarding the qualifications of members of the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board does not affect the entitlement of a member
serving on the coordinating board immediately before the effective date of
this Act to continue to serve as a member of the coordinating board for the
remainder of the member's term. As the terms of coordinating board members
expire, the governor shall appoint or reappoint a member who has the
required experience until the composition of the coordinating board meets
the requirements under Subsection (a), Section 61.022, Education Code, as
amended by this Act.
32. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall adopt rules for
the administration of Section 61.0763, Education Code, as added by this
Act, as soon as practicable after this Act takes effect. For that purpose,
the coordinating board may adopt the initial rules in the manner provided
by law for emergency rules.
SECTION 44. Same as engrossed
33. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall adopt rules as
required by Section 61.07761, Education Code, as added by this Act, as soon
as practicable after this Act takes effect. For that purpose, the
coordinating board may adopt the initial rules in the manner provided by
the law for emergency rules.
SECTION 45. Same as engrossed
34. This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.
SECTION 46. Same as engrossed