The purpose of S.B. 945 is to help hospital patients understand the level of training for those providing direct patient care. Specifically, this bill requires a health care provider in a hospital to wear a photo identification badge clearly stating the provider's name, department, and title. If applicable, the badge must also state the provider's status as a student, intern, trainee, or resident.
S.B. 945 amends current law relating to the identification requirements of certain health care providers associated with a hospital.
This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.
SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code, by adding Section 241.009, as follows:
Sec. 241.009. PHOTO IDENTIFICATION BADGE REQUIRED. (a) Defines "health care provider" and "hospital" in this section.
(b) Requires a hospital to adopt a policy requiring a health care provider providing direct patient care at the hospital to wear a photo identification badge during all patient encounters, unless precluded by adopted isolation or sterilization protocols. Requires that the badge be of sufficient size and worn in a manner to be visible and to clearly state:
(1) at minimum the provider's first or last name;
(2) the department of the hospital with which the provider is associated;
(3) the type of license held by the provider, if the provider holds a license under Title 3 (Health Professions), Occupations Code; and
(4) if applicable, the provider's status as a student, intern, trainee, or resident.
SECTION 2. Effective date: January 1, 2014.