relating to the operation, powers, and duties of certain water |
districts; providing clarification of existing authority with |
regard to the imposition or use of certain assessments, fees, or |
taxes; providing authority to change a fee or repeal a tax. |
SECTION 1. Section 388.005, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Subsections (g) and (h) to read as follows: |
(g) Except as provided by Subsection (h), this section does |
not apply to the electricity consumption of a district as defined by |
Section 36.001 or 49.001, Water Code, that relates to the operation |
and maintenance of facilities or improvements for: |
(1) wastewater collection and treatment; |
(2) water supply and distribution; or |
(3) storm water diversion, detention, or pumping. |
(h) At least once every five years, a political subdivision |
that is a district as defined by Section 36.001 or 49.001, Water |
Code, shall for district facilities described by Subsection (g): |
(1) evaluate the consumption of electricity; |
(2) establish goals to reduce the consumption of |
electricity; and |
(3) identify and implement cost-effective energy |
efficiency measures to reduce the consumption of electricity. |
SECTION 2. Section 375.161, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the[The] board may not |
impose an impact fee, assessment, tax, or other requirement for |
payment, construction, alteration, or dedication under this |
chapter on single-family detached residential property, duplexes, |
triplexes, and fourplexes [quadraplexes]. |
(b) This section does not apply to a tax authorized or |
approved by the voters of the district or a required payment for a |
service provided by the district, including water and sewer |
services. |
SECTION 3. Section 552.014, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
CORPORATIONS. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Project" means a water supply or treatment |
system, a water distribution system, a sanitary sewage collection |
or treatment system, works or improvements necessary for drainage |
of land, recreational facilities, roads and improvements in aid of |
roads, or facilities to provide firefighting services. |
(2) "Water district" [, "water district"] means a |
district created under Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas |
Constitution. |
(b) A municipality may enter into a contract with a water |
district or with a corporation organized to be operated without |
profit under which the district or corporation will acquire for the |
benefit of and convey to the municipality, either separately or |
together, one or more projects [a water supply or treatment system,
a water distribution system, a sanitary sewage collection or
treatment system, or works or improvements necessary for drainage
of land in the municipality]. In connection with the acquisition, |
the district or corporation shall improve, enlarge, or extend the |
existing municipal facilities as provided by the contract. |
(c) If the contract provides that the municipality assumes |
ownership of the project [water, sewer, or drainage system] on |
completion of construction or at the time that all debt incurred by |
the district or corporation in the acquisition, construction, |
improvement, or extension of the project [system] is paid in full, |
the municipality may make payments to the district or corporation |
for project [water, sewer, or drainage] services to part or all of |
the residents of the municipality. The contract may provide for |
purchase of the project [system] by the municipality through |
periodic payments to the district or corporation in amounts that, |
together with the net income of the district or corporation, are |
sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds of the |
district or corporation as they become due. The contract may |
provide: |
(1) that any payments due under this section are |
payable from and are secured by a pledge of a specified part of the |
revenues of the municipality, including revenues from municipal |
sales and use taxes [municipal water system, sewer system, or
drainage system]; |
(2) for the levying of a tax to make payments due under |
this section; or |
(3) that the payments due under this section be made |
from a combination of revenues [from the system] and taxes. |
(d) The contract may provide that the district or |
corporation may use the streets, alleys, and other public ways and |
places of the municipality for project [water, sewer, or drainage] |
purposes for a period that ends at the time the indebtedness of the |
district or corporation is paid in full and the municipality |
acquires title to the project [system] in accordance with this |
section. |
(e) The contract may provide for the operation of the |
project [system] by the municipality, and, if so authorized, the |
municipality may operate the project [system]. |
(f) A contract under this section must be authorized by a |
majority vote of the governing body of the municipality. |
(g) This section does not authorize a water district or |
corporation described by Subsection (b) to participate in a project |
that the water district or corporation is not authorized to |
participate in under other law. |
SECTION 4. Section 49.059, Water Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
COLLECTOR. (a) A district may employ or contract with any person |
to serve as its tax assessor and collector who is: |
(1) an individual certified as a registered Texas |
assessor-collector; or |
(2) a firm, organization, association, partnership, |
corporation, or other legal entity if an individual certified as a |
registered Texas assessor-collector owns an interest in or is |
employed by the firm, organization, association, partnership, |
corporation, or other legal entity. |
(b) A tax assessor and collector employed or contracted for |
under this section is not required to be a natural person. |
(c) A firm, organization, association, partnership, |
corporation, or other legal entity serving as district tax assessor |
and collector shall give a bond as required by Section 49.057 for a |
natural person. |
(d) No person may serve as tax assessor and collector of a |
district providing potable water or sewer utility services to |
household users if that person: |
(1) is a natural person related within the third |
degree of affinity or consanguinity to any developer of property in |
the district, a member of the board, or the manager, engineer, or |
attorney for the district; |
(2) is or was within two years immediately preceding |
the assumption of assessment and collection duties with the |
district an employee of any developer of property in the district or |
any director, manager, engineer, or attorney for the district; |
(3) owns an interest in or is employed by any |
corporation organized for the purpose of tax assessment and |
collection services, a substantial portion of the stock of which is |
owned by a developer of property within the district or any |
director, manager, engineer, or attorney for the district; or |
(4) is directly or through a corporation developing |
land in the district or is a director, engineer, or attorney for the |
district. |
(e) [(b)] Within 60 days after the board determines a |
relationship or employment exists which constitutes a |
disqualification under Subsection (d) [(a)], it shall replace the |
person serving as tax assessor and collector with a person who would |
not be disqualified. |
(f) [(c)] Any person who wilfully violates the provisions |
of Subsection (d) [(a)] is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction |
shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000. |
(g) [(d)] As used in this section, "developer of property in |
the district" has the same meaning as in Section 49.052(d). |
SECTION 5. Section 49.063, Water Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 49.063. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. (a) Notice of meetings |
of the board shall be given as set forth in the open meetings law, |
Chapter 551, Government Code, except that if a district does not |
have a meeting place within the district, the district shall post |
notice of its meeting at a public place within the district |
specified by the board in a written resolution, rather than at its |
administrative office. The board shall specify such public place |
to be a bulletin board or other place within the district which is |
reasonably available to the public. |
(b) The validity of an action taken at a board meeting is not |
affected by: |
(1) [Neither] failure to provide notice of the meeting |
if the meeting is a regular meeting; |
(2) [nor] an insubstantial defect in notice of the |
[any] meeting; or |
(3) failure of a county clerk to timely or properly |
post or maintain public access to a notice of the meeting if notice |
of the meeting is furnished to the county clerk in sufficient time |
for posting under Section 551.043(a) or 551.045, Government Code |
[shall affect the validity of any action taken at the meeting]. |
SECTION 6. Sections 49.102(a), (b), (c), and (h), Water |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Before issuing any bonds or other obligations, an |
election shall be held within the boundaries of the proposed |
district on a uniform election date provided by Section 41.001, |
Election Code, to determine if the proposed district shall be |
established and, if the directors of the district are required by |
law to be elected, to elect permanent directors. |
(b) Notice of a confirmation or director election shall |
state the day and place or places for holding the election, the |
propositions to be voted on, and, if applicable, the number of |
directors to be voted on. |
(c) The ballots for a confirmation election shall be printed |
to provide for voting "For District" and "Against District." |
Ballots for a directors election shall provide the names of the |
persons appointed by the governing body who qualified and are |
serving as temporary directors at the time the election is called. |
If the district has received an application by a write-in |
candidate, the [The] ballots shall also have blank places after the |
names of the temporary directors in which a voter may write the |
names of any candidates appearing on the list of write-in |
candidates required by Section 146.031, Election Code [other
persons for directors]. |
(h) Unless otherwise agreed, the elected directors shall |
decide the initial terms of office by lot, with a simple majority of |
the elected directors serving until the second succeeding directors |
election and the remaining elected directors serving until the next |
directors election. |
SECTION 7. Sections 49.103(a) and (b), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Section 49.102, the members of the |
board of a district shall serve staggered [for] four-year terms. |
(b) After confirmation of a district, an [An] election shall |
be held on the uniform election date, provided by Section 41.001, |
[established by the] Election Code, in May of each even-numbered |
year to elect the appropriate number of directors. |
SECTION 8. Subchapter D, Chapter 49, Water Code, is amended |
by adding Section 49.1045 to read as follows: |
POPULOUS DISTRICTS. (a) This section applies only to a district |
that: |
(1) has 10 or fewer registered voters; and |
(2) holds an election jointly with a county in which |
the district is wholly or partly located. |
(b) A district may provide for an inquiry into and |
certification of the voting results of an election under this |
section if: |
(1) the election results indicate that the number of |
votes cast in the election was greater than the number of registered |
voters in the district; |
(2) the board determines that the election results are |
likely to be disputed in court; and |
(3) the board can determine from the official list of |
registered voters prepared by the county voter registrar or county |
elections administrator for the district election which voters were |
qualified to vote in the district election and can determine from |
the signature roster from the joint election who voted in the joint |
election. |
(c) To certify the district votes, the board by rule shall |
adopt a procedure to determine for each person who signed the |
signature roster as a voter in the joint election: |
(1) whether the person's address on the day of the |
election was in the district; and |
(2) how the person voted in the district election. |
(d) The certified votes are the official election results. |
(e) Certification of the results under this section does not |
preclude the filing of an election contest. |
SECTION 9. Sections 49.105(c) and (d), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) If the number of directors is reduced to fewer than a |
majority or if a vacancy continues beyond the 90th day after the |
date the vacancy occurs, the vacancy or vacancies may [shall] be |
filled by appointment by the commission if the district is required |
by Section 49.181 to obtain commission approval of its bonds or by |
the county commissioners court if the district was created by the |
county commissioners court, regardless of whether a petition has |
been presented to the board under Subsection (b). An appointed |
director shall serve for the unexpired term of the director he or |
she is replacing. |
(d) In the event of a failure to elect one or more members of |
the board of a district resulting from the absence of, or failure to |
vote by, the qualified voters in an election held by the district, |
the current members of the board or temporary board holding the |
positions not filled at such election shall be deemed to have been |
elected [reelected] and shall serve an additional term of office, |
or, in the case of a temporary board member deemed elected under |
this subsection, the initial term of office. |
SECTION 10. Section 49.108, Water Code, is amended by |
adding Subsections (g), (h), and (i) to read as follows: |
(g) On or before the first day for early voting by personal |
appearance at an election held to authorize a contract, a |
substantially final form of the contract must be filed in the office |
of the district and must be open to inspection by the public. The |
contract is not required to be attached as an exhibit to the order |
calling the election to authorize the contract. |
(h) A single contract may contain multiple purposes or |
provisions for multiple facilities authorized by one or more |
constitutional provisions. The contract may generally describe the |
facilities to be acquired or financed by the district without |
reference to specific constitutional provisions. A contract |
described by this subsection may be submitted for approval in a |
single proposition at an election. |
(i) A contract between districts to provide facilities or |
services is not required to specify the maximum amount of bonds or |
expenditures authorized under the contract if: |
(1) the contract provides that the service area cannot |
be enlarged without the consent of at least two-thirds of the boards |
of directors of the districts that are: |
(A) included in the service area as proposed to |
be enlarged; or |
(B) served by the facilities or services provided |
in the contract; |
(2) the contract provides that bonds or expenditures, |
payable wholly or partly from contract taxes, are issued or made: |
(A) on an emergency basis; or |
(B) to purchase, construct, acquire, own, |
operate, repair, improve, or extend services or facilities |
necessary to comply with changes in applicable regulatory |
requirements; or |
(3) the contract provides that the bonds or |
expenditures require prior approval by any district that is |
obligated to pay debt service on those bonds or to pay for those |
expenditures wholly or partly with contract taxes. |
SECTION 11. Subchapter D, Chapter 49, Water Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 49.109, 49.110, 49.111, 49.112, and |
49.113 to read as follows: |
Sec. 49.109. AGENT DURING ELECTION PERIOD. The board may |
appoint a person, including a district officer, employee, or |
consultant, to serve as the district's agent under Section 31.123, |
Election Code. |
Sec. 49.110. ELECTION JUDGE. (a) The notice requirements |
for the appointment of a presiding election judge under Section |
32.009, Election Code, do not apply to an election held by a |
district. |
(b) To serve as an election judge in an election held by a |
district, a person must be a registered voter of the county in which |
the district is wholly or partly located. To the extent of any |
conflict with Section 32.051, Election Code, this section controls. |
SYSTEMS. (a) Notwithstanding Sections 61.012 and 61.013, |
Election Code, a district is exempt from the acquisition, lease, or |
use of an electronic voting system for an election if: |
(1) the election is a confirmation election or an |
election held jointly with a confirmation election on the same date |
and in conjunction with the confirmation election, except for an |
election in which a federal office appears on the ballot; |
(2) the most recently scheduled district directors' |
election was not held, as provided by Section 2.053(b), Election |
Code; or |
(3) fewer than 250 voters voted at the most recently |
held district directors' election. |
(b) A district eligible for the exemption under Subsection |
(a) must publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation in an |
area that includes the district or mail notice to each voter in the |
district regarding the district's intention to hold an election |
without providing a voting station that meets the requirements for |
accessibility under 42 U.S.C. Section 15481(a)(3) on election day |
and during the period for early voting by personal appearance. The |
notice must be published or mailed not later than the later of: |
(1) the 75th day before the date of the election; or |
(2) the date on which the district adopts the order |
calling the election. |
(c) The notice required by Subsection (b) must: |
(1) provide that any voter in the district may request |
the use of a voting station that meets the accessibility |
requirements for voting by a person with a disability; and |
(2) provide information on how to submit such a |
request. |
(d) The district shall comply with a request for an |
accessible voting station if the request is received not later than |
the 45th day before the date of the election. |
MEASURE. Before the first day of early voting by personal |
appearance, the board by order or resolution may cancel an election |
called at the discretion of the district or may remove from the |
ballot a measure included at the discretion of the district. A copy |
of the order or resolution must be posted during the period for |
early voting by personal appearance and on election day at each |
polling place that is used or that would have been used in the |
election. |
notice required by Section 141.040, Election Code, must be posted |
at the district's administrative office in the district or at the |
public place established by the district under Section 49.063 of |
this chapter not later than the 30th day before the deadline for a |
candidate to file an application for a place on the ballot of a |
district directors' election. |
SECTION 12. Section 49.151(c), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) The board may allow disbursements of district money to |
be transferred by federal reserve wire system or by electronic |
means. The board by resolution may allow the wire or electronic |
transfers to accounts in the name of the district or accounts not in |
the name of the district. |
SECTION 13. Sections 49.154(a) and (c), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The board may declare an emergency in the matter of |
funds not being available to pay principal of and interest on any |
bonds of the district payable in whole or in part from taxes or to |
meet any other needs of the district and may issue [negotiable] tax |
anticipation notes or [negotiable] bond anticipation notes to |
borrow the money needed by the district without advertising or |
giving notice of the sale. A district's bond anticipation notes or |
tax anticipation notes are negotiable instruments within the |
meaning and purposes of the Business & Commerce Code |
notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in that code. Bond |
anticipation notes and tax anticipation notes shall mature within |
one year of their date. |
(c) Bond anticipation notes may be issued for any purpose |
for which bonds of the district may be issued [have previously been
voted] or [may be issued] for the purpose of refunding previously |
issued bond anticipation notes. A district may covenant with the |
purchasers of the bond anticipation notes that the district will |
use the proceeds of sale of any bonds in the process of issuance for |
the purpose of refunding the bond anticipation notes, in which case |
the board will be required to use the proceeds received from sale of |
the bonds in the process of issuance to pay principal, interest, or |
redemption price on the bond anticipation notes. |
SECTION 14. Section 49.181(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) A district may not issue bonds to finance a project for |
which the commission has adopted rules requiring review and |
approval unless the commission determines that the project [to be
financed by the bonds] is feasible and issues an order approving the |
issuance of the bonds. This section does not apply to: |
(1) refunding bonds if the commission issued an order |
approving the issuance of the bonds or notes that originally |
financed the project; |
(2) refunding bonds that are issued by a district |
under an agreement between the district and a municipality allowing |
the issuance of the district's bonds to refund bonds issued by the |
municipality to pay the cost of financing facilities; |
(3) bonds issued to and approved by the Farmers Home |
Administration, the United States Department of Agriculture, the |
North American Development Bank, or the Texas Water Development |
Board; |
(4) refunding bonds issued to refund bonds described |
by Subdivision (3); or |
(5) bonds issued by a public utility agency created |
under Chapter 572, Local Government Code, any of the public |
entities participating in which are districts if at least one of |
those districts is a district described by Subsection (h)(1)(E). |
SECTION 15. Section 49.194, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding Subsection (h) to |
read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (h), after [After] the |
board has approved the audit report, it shall submit a copy of the |
report to the executive director for filing within 135 days after |
the close of the district's fiscal year. |
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (h), if [If] the board |
refuses to approve the annual audit report, the board shall submit a |
copy of the report to the executive director for filing within 135 |
days after the close of the district's fiscal year, accompanied by a |
statement from the board explaining the reasons for its failure to |
approve the report. |
(c) Copies of the audit report, the annual financial |
dormancy affidavit, or annual financial report described in |
Sections 49.197 and 49.198 shall be filed annually in the office of |
the district. |
(h) A special water authority shall submit a copy of the |
audit report to the executive director for filing not later than the |
160th day after the date the special water authority's fiscal year |
ends. |
SECTION 16. Section 49.212, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsections (d-1) and (d-2) to |
read as follows: |
(d) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a |
district that charges a fee that is an impact fee as described in |
Section 395.001(4), Local Government Code, must comply with Chapter |
395, Local Government Code. A charge or fee is not an impact fee |
under that chapter if: |
(1) the charge or fee is imposed by a district for |
construction, installation, or inspection of a tap or connection to |
district water, sanitary sewer, or drainage facilities, including |
all necessary service lines and meters, for capacity in storm water |
detention or retention facilities and related storm water |
conveyances, or for wholesale facilities that serve such water, |
sanitary sewer, [or] drainage, or storm water detention or |
retention facilities; and |
(2) the charge or fee: |
(A) [that (i)] does not exceed three times the |
actual [and reasonable] costs to the district for such tap or |
connection; |
(B) [, (ii)] if made to a nontaxable entity for |
retail or wholesale service, does not exceed the actual costs to the |
district for such work and for all facilities that are necessary to |
provide district services to such entity and that are financed or |
are to be financed in whole or in part by tax-supported or revenue |
bonds of the district; [,] or |
(C) is [(iii) if] made by a district for retail or |
wholesale service on land that at the time of platting was not being |
provided with water, [or] wastewater, drainage, or storm water |
detention or retention service by the district[, shall not be
deemed to be an impact fee under Chapter 395, Local Government
Code]. |
(d-1) Actual costs under Subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2), as |
determined by the board in its reasonable discretion, may include |
nonconstruction expenses attributable to the design, permitting, |
financing, and construction of those facilities, and reasonable |
interest on those costs calculated at a rate not to exceed the net |
effective interest rate on any district bonds issued to finance the |
facilities. |
(d-2) A district may pledge the revenues of the district's |
utility system to pay the principal of or interest on bonds issued |
to construct the capital improvements for which a charge or fee is |
[was] imposed under Subsection (d) [this subsection], and money |
received from the fees shall be considered revenues of the |
district's utility system for purposes of the district's bond |
covenants. |
SECTION 17. Section 49.2121(b), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) A district may: |
(1) accept a credit card for the payment of any fees |
and charges imposed by the district; |
(2) collect a fee[, not to exceed five percent of the
amount of the fee or charge being paid,] that is reasonably related |
to the expense incurred by the district in processing the payment by |
credit card; and |
(3) collect a service charge for the expense incurred |
by the district in collecting the original fee or charge if the |
payment by credit card is not honored by the credit card company on |
which the funds are drawn. |
SECTION 18. Section 49.216, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (e) and adding Subsection (f) to read as |
follows: |
(e) Any peace officer who is directly employed by a |
district, before beginning to perform any duties and at the time of |
appointment, must take an oath and execute a bond conditioned on |
faithful performance of such officer's duties in the amount of |
$1,000 payable to the district. The oath and the bond shall be |
filed in the district office. |
(f) A peace officer contracted for by the district, |
individually or through a county, sheriff, constable, or |
municipality, is an independent contractor, and the district is |
responsible for the acts or omissions of the peace officer only to |
the extent provided by law for other independent contractors. |
SECTION 19. Sections 49.273(d) and (e), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(d) For contracts over $75,000 [$50,000], the board shall |
advertise the letting of the contract, including the general |
conditions, time, and place of opening of sealed bids. The notice |
must [shall] be published in one or more newspapers circulated in |
each county in which [part of] the district is located. [If one
newspaper meets both of these requirements, publication in such
newspaper is sufficient.] If there are more than four counties in |
the district, notice may be published in any newspaper with general |
circulation in the district. The notice must [shall] be published |
once a week for two consecutive weeks before the date that the bids |
are opened, and the first publication must [shall] be not later than |
the 14th [21st] day before the date of the opening of the sealed |
bids. |
(e) For contracts over $25,000 but not more than $75,000 |
[$50,000], the board shall solicit written competitive bids on |
uniform written specifications from at least three bidders. |
SECTION 20. Section 49.351, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (f), (i), and (l) and adding |
Subsection (m) to read as follows: |
(a) A district providing potable water or sewer service to |
household users may, separately or jointly with another district, |
municipality, or other political subdivision, establish, operate, |
and maintain, finance with ad valorem taxes, mandatory fees, or |
voluntary contributions, and issue bonds for a fire department to |
perform all fire-fighting services within the district as provided |
in this subchapter and may provide for [issue bonds or impose a
mandatory fee, with voter approval, for financing a plan approved
in accordance with this section, including] the construction and |
purchase of necessary buildings, facilities, land, and equipment |
and the provision of an adequate water supply. |
(b) After complying with the requirements of this section |
[approval of the district electors of a plan to operate, jointly
operate, or jointly fund the operation of a fire department, and
after complying with Subsections (g), (h), and (i)], the district |
or districts shall provide an adequate system and water supply for |
fire-fighting purposes, may purchase necessary land, may construct |
and purchase necessary buildings, facilities, and equipment, and |
may employ or contract with a fire department to employ all |
necessary personnel including supervisory personnel to operate the |
fire department. |
(c) For [Bonds for] financing a plan approved in accordance |
with this section, bonds and ad valorem taxes must [shall] be |
authorized and may be issued or imposed[, and a district shall be
authorized to levy a tax to pay the principal of and interest on
such bonds,] as provided by law for the authorization and issuance |
of other bonds and the authorization and imposition of other ad |
valorem taxes of the district. |
(f) Before a district imposes an ad valorem tax or issues |
bonds payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes to finance the |
establishment of [establishes] a fire department, contracts to |
operate a joint fire department, or contracts with another person |
to perform fire-fighting services within the district, the district |
must comply with [the provisions of] Subsections (g), (h), and (i). |
(i) After approval of a plan by the commission, the district |
shall hold an [submit to the electors of the district at the] |
election to approve the plan, approve bonds payable wholly or |
partly from ad valorem taxes, and [or to] impose ad valorem taxes [a
mandatory fee] for financing the plan. The election [, or if no
bonds or fees are to be approved, at an election called for approval
of the plan, which] may be held in conjunction with an election |
required by Section 49.102[, the proposition of whether or not the
plan should be implemented or entered into by the district]. [The
ballots at the election shall be printed, as applicable, to provide
for voting for or against the proposition: "The implementation of
the plan for (operation/joint operation) of a fire department"; or
"The plan and contract to provide fire-fighting services for the
district."] |
(l) A [Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsections
(a)-(j), a] district providing potable water or sewer service to |
household users may, as part of its billing process, collect from |
its customers a voluntary contribution on behalf of organizations |
providing fire-fighting services to the district. A district that |
chooses to collect a voluntary contribution under this subsection |
must give reasonable notice to its customers that the contribution |
is voluntary. Water and sewer service may not be terminated as a |
result of failure to pay the voluntary contribution. |
(m) If a customer makes a partial payment of a district bill |
for water or sewer service and includes with the payment a voluntary |
contribution for fire-fighting services under Subsection (l), the |
district shall apply the voluntary contribution first to the bill |
for water or sewer service, including any interest or penalties |
imposed. The district shall use any amount remaining for |
fire-fighting services. |
SECTION 21. Section 49.462(1), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(1) "Recreational facilities" means parks, |
landscaping, parkways, greenbelts, sidewalks, trails, public |
right-of-way beautification projects, and recreational equipment |
and facilities. The term includes associated street and security |
lighting. The term does not include a minor improvement or |
beautification project to land acquired or to be acquired as part of |
a district's water, sewer, or drainage facilities. |
SECTION 22. Subchapter N, Chapter 49, Water Code, is |
amended by adding Section 49.4641 to read as follows: |
WATER, SEWER, OR DRAINAGE FACILITIES. (a) A district may develop |
and maintain recreational facilities on a site acquired for the |
purpose of developing water, sewer, or drainage facilities. |
(b) A district is not required to prorate the costs of a site |
described by Subsection (a) between the primary water, sewer, or |
drainage purpose and any secondary recreational facilities purpose |
if a licensed professional engineer certifies that the site is |
reasonably sized for the intended water, sewer, or drainage |
purpose. |
(c) The engineer may consider the following factors in |
determining the reasonableness of the size of a water, sewer, or |
drainage site: |
(1) the rules, regulations, and design guidelines or |
criteria of a municipality, county, or other entity exercising |
jurisdiction; |
(2) sound engineering principles; |
(3) the impact on adjoining property; |
(4) the availability of sites that meet the |
requirements for the proposed use; |
(5) requirements for sanitary control; |
(6) the need for a buffer zone to mitigate noise or for |
aesthetic purposes; |
(7) benefits to storm water quality; and |
(8) anticipated expansions of facilities resulting |
from: |
(A) future growth and demand for district |
facilities; or |
(B) changes in regulatory requirements. |
SECTION 23. Sections 49.4645(a) and (b), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A district all or part of which is located in Bastrop |
County, Bexar County, Waller County, Travis County, Williamson |
County, Harris County, Galveston County, Brazoria County, |
Montgomery County, or Fort Bend County may issue bonds supported by |
ad valorem taxes to pay for the development and maintenance of |
recreational facilities only if the bonds are authorized by a |
majority vote of the [qualified] voters of the district voting in an |
election held for that purpose. The outstanding principal amount |
of bonds, notes, and other obligations issued to finance parks and |
recreational facilities supported by ad valorem taxes [payable from
any source] may not exceed an amount equal to one percent of the |
value of the taxable property in the district or, if supported by |
contract taxes under Section 49.108, may not exceed an amount equal |
to one percent of the value of the taxable property in the districts |
making payments under the contract as shown by the tax rolls of the |
central appraisal district at the time of the issuance of the bonds, |
notes, and other obligations or an amount greater than the |
estimated cost provided in the park plan under Subsection (b), |
whichever is smaller. To establish the value of the taxable |
property in a district under this section, the district may use an |
estimate of the value provided by the central appraisal district. |
The district may not issue bonds supported by ad valorem taxes to |
pay for the development and maintenance of: |
(1) indoor or outdoor swimming pools; or |
(2) golf courses. |
(b) On or before the 10th day before the first day for early |
voting by personal appearance at [Not later than the 10th day
before] an election [is] held to authorize the issuance of bonds for |
the development and maintenance of recreational facilities, the |
board shall file in the district office for review by the public a |
park plan covering the land, improvements, facilities, and |
equipment to be purchased or constructed and their estimated cost, |
together with maps, plats, drawings, and data fully showing and |
explaining the park plan. The park plan is not part of the |
proposition to be voted on, [and the park plan] does not create a |
contract with the voters, and may be amended at any time after the |
election held to authorize the issuance of bonds for the |
development and maintenance of recreational facilities provided |
under the plan. The estimated cost stated in the amended park plan |
may not exceed the amount of bonds authorized at that election. |
SECTION 24. Section 51.072, Water Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
qualified for election as a director, a person must: |
(1) be a resident of the state; |
(2) [,] own land subject to taxation in the district or |
be a qualified voter in the district; [,] and |
(3) be at least 18 years of age. |
(b) Section 49.052 does not apply to a district governed by |
this chapter whose principal purpose is providing water for |
irrigation. |
SECTION 25. Section 51.335, Water Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (c) to read as |
follows: |
(b) The district shall not usurp functions or duplicate a |
service already adequately exercised or rendered by the other |
governmental agency except: |
(1) under a valid contract with the other governmental |
agency; or |
(2) as provided by Subsection (c). |
(c) The district may finance, develop, and maintain |
recreational facilities under Subchapter N, Chapter 49, even if |
similar facilities may be provided by a political subdivision or |
other governmental entity included wholly or partly in the |
district. |
SECTION 26. Section 51.523, Water Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
Sec. 51.523. BALLOTS. The ballot for an election under this |
subchapter shall be printed to provide for voting for or against |
substantially the proposition: "Designation of the area, issuance |
of bonds, [and] levy of a tax to retire the bonds, and levy of a |
maintenance tax." |
SECTION 27. Section 51.527, Water Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: |
(c) After bonds issued for the defined area or designated |
property are fully paid or defeased, the board may declare the |
defined area dissolved or may repeal the designation of the |
designated property. After that declaration or repeal, the board |
shall cease imposing any special taxes authorized under the adopted |
tax plan on the property located in the defined area or on the |
designated property. |
SECTION 28. Section 54.016(f), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(f) A city may provide in its written consent for the |
inclusion of land in a district that is initially located wholly or |
partly outside the corporate limits of the city that a contract |
("allocation agreement") between the district and the city be |
entered into prior to the first issue of bonds, notes, warrants, or |
other obligations of the district. The allocation agreement shall |
contain the following provisions: |
(1) a method by which the district shall continue to |
exist following the annexation of all territory within the district |
by the city, if the district is initially located outside the |
corporate limits of the city; |
(2) an allocation of the taxes or revenues of the |
district or the city which will assure that, following the date of |
the inclusion of all the district's territory within the corporate |
limits of the city, the total annual ad valorem taxes collected by |
the city and the district from taxable property within the district |
does not exceed an amount greater than the city's ad valorem tax |
upon such property; |
(3) an allocation of governmental services to be |
provided by the city or the district following the date of the |
inclusion of all of the district's territory within the corporate |
limits of the city; and |
(4) such other terms and conditions as may be deemed |
appropriate by the city. |
SECTION 29. Section 54.236, Water Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
Sec. 54.236. STREET OR SECURITY LIGHTING. (a) Subject to |
the provisions of this section, a district may purchase, install, |
operate, and maintain street lighting or security lighting within |
public utility easements or public rights-of-way or property owned |
by [within the boundaries of] the district. |
(b) A district may not issue bonds supported by ad valorem |
taxes to pay for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of |
street or security lighting, except as authorized by Section 54.234 |
or Subchapter N, Chapter 49. |
SECTION 30. Section 54.739, Water Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
district is organized and has obtained voter approval for the |
issuance of, or has sold, bonds payable wholly or partly from ad |
valorem taxes [acquires facilities with which to function for the
purposes for which it was organized, and votes, issues and sells
bonds for such purposes], land within the district boundaries |
subject to taxation that does not need or utilize the services of |
the district may be excluded and other land not within the |
boundaries of the district may be included within the boundaries of |
the district without impairment of the security for payment of the |
bonds or invalidation of any prior bond election, as provided by |
this section and Sections 54.740 through 54.747. |
SECTION 31. Section 54.744, Water Code, is amended to read |
as follows: |
Sec. 54.744. IMPAIRMENT OF SECURITY. (a) For purposes of |
the board's consideration of the applications, the lands proposed |
for inclusion shall be deemed to be sufficient to avoid an |
impairment of the security for payment of obligations of the |
district if: |
(1) according to the most recent tax roll of the |
district or the most recently certified estimates of taxable value |
from the chief appraiser of the appropriate appraisal district, the |
taxable value of such included lands equals or exceeds the taxable |
value of the excluded lands; and |
(2) either the estimated costs of providing district |
facilities and services to such included lands is equal to or less |
than the estimated costs of providing district facilities and |
services to the excluded lands or any increased estimated costs of |
providing district facilities and services to the included land, as |
determined by the district's engineer, can be amortized at |
prevailing bond interest rates and maturity schedules and the |
prevailing debt service tax rate of the district, as determined by |
the district's professional financial advisor, when applied to the |
increase in taxable value of the included land over the taxable |
value of the excluded land. |
(b) If the district has any[; and (3) the district's] |
outstanding bonds or contract obligations [are] payable in whole or |
in part by a pledge of net revenues from the ownership or operation |
of the district's facilities at the time the board considers an |
application, the lands proposed for inclusion shall be deemed to be |
sufficient to avoid an impairment of the security for payment of |
obligations of the district if[, and] the projected net revenues to |
be derived from the lands to be included during the succeeding |
12-month period, as determined by the district's engineer, equals |
or exceeds the projected net revenues that would otherwise have |
been derived from the lands to be excluded during the same period. |
(c) In this section, the taxable value of included land |
means the market value of the land if, before or contemporaneously |
with the inclusion of the land in the district, the owner of the |
land waives the right to special appraisal of the land as to the |
district under Section 23.20, Tax Code. |
SECTION 32. Section 49.103(g), Water Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 33. The legislature finds that an agreement entered |
into before September 1, 2013, by a municipality and a municipal |
utility district is an allocation agreement only if: |
(1) the district is initially located wholly or partly |
outside the corporate limits of the municipality; |
(2) the agreement strictly complies with the |
requirements of Section 54.016(f), Water Code, as that section |
existed immediately before the effective date of this Act; and |
(3) the agreement is specifically designated by the |
parties to the agreement as an "allocation agreement" under Section |
54.016(f), Water Code. |
SECTION 34. Not later than December 1, 2014, the Texas |
Commission on Environmental Quality shall adopt any rules or |
amendments to existing rules necessary to implement Section |
49.4641, Water Code, as added by this Act. |
SECTION 35. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of |
this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |
(b) Sections 54.739 and 54.744, Water Code, as amended by |
this Act, take effect immediately if this Act receives a vote of |
two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by |
Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution; otherwise, those |
sections take effect September 1, 2013. |