relating to the use of certain tax revenue to enhance and upgrade |
convention center facilities, multipurpose arenas, multiuse |
facilities, and related infrastructure in certain municipalities. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter B, Chapter 351, Tax Code, is amended |
by adding Section 351.1015 to read as follows: |
Sec. 351.1015. CERTAIN QUALIFIED PROJECTS. (a) In this |
section: |
(1) "Project financing zone" means an area within a |
municipality: |
(A) that the municipality by ordinance or by |
agreement under Chapter 380, Local Government Code, designates as a |
project financing zone; |
(B) the boundaries of which are within three |
miles of a qualified project; and |
(C) the designation of which expires not later |
than the 30th anniversary of the date of designation. |
(2) "Qualified project" means the construction, |
improvement, enlargement, and equipment of a convention center |
facility, a multipurpose arena, a multiuse facility, and any |
related infrastructure that is: |
(A) located in a project financing zone on land |
owned by a municipality or by the owner of a venue, as defined by |
Section 334.001, Local Government Code; |
(B) partially financed by private contributions |
that equal not less than 40 percent of the project costs; and |
(C) related to the promotion of tourism and the |
convention and hotel industry. |
(3) "Tax base" means the amount of funds available |
under Subsection (e) from all hotels within the project financing |
zone in the calendar year that the municipality designates the |
zone, excluding funds received by the municipality for a hotel |
project described by Section 351.102(b) existing on the date the |
zone is designated. |
(b) This section applies only to a qualified project located |
in a municipality with a population of at least 650,000 but less |
than 800,000. |
(c) In addition to the uses provided by Section 351.101, |
revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax may be used to fund a |
qualified project. |
(d) A municipality may pledge the revenue derived from the |
tax imposed under this chapter from a hotel located in the project |
financing zone for the payment of bonds or other obligations issued |
or incurred to acquire, lease, construct, and equip the qualified |
project. |
(e) Notwithstanding other law, a municipality is entitled |
to receive funds from hotels located in a project financing zone |
that an owner of a qualified hotel project may receive under Section |
151.429(h) of this code, or Section 2303.5055, Government Code, and |
may pledge the funds for the payment of bonds or other obligations |
described by Subsection (d). The amount the municipality is |
entitled to receive under this subsection may not exceed the |
difference between the tax base and the total amount the owners of |
all included hotels may receive under those provisions. The funds |
are not subject to the limitations provided by Section 151.429(h) |
of this code or the provisions of Section 2303.5055, Government |
Code, but shall be deposited and distributed as provided by those |
sections. |
(f) The funds received under Subsection (e) must be held in |
trust by the comptroller in a separate suspense account for not more |
than five years after the date of the first deposit following the |
date the project financing zone is designated. When a qualified |
project is commenced, the comptroller shall release the funds to |
the municipality for which they were held in trust. |
SECTION 2. Section 351.1065(a), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) An eligible central municipality shall use the amount of |
revenue from the tax that is derived from the application of the tax |
at a rate of more than seven percent of the cost of a room only for: |
(1) the construction of an expansion of an existing |
convention center facility; [and] |
(2) a qualified project to which Section 351.1015 |
applies; and |
(3) pledging payment of revenue bonds and revenue |
refunding bonds issued under Subchapter A, Chapter 1504, Government |
Code, for the construction or qualified project [of the expansion]. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |