By: Perry H.B. No. 1749
  relating to the meeting of a governmental body held by
  videoconference call.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 551.127(c), (e), (f), and (h),
  Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (c)  A meeting of a state governmental body or a governmental
  body that extends into three or more counties may be held by
  videoconference call only if the member [a majority of the quorum]
  of the governmental body presiding over the meeting is physically
  present at one location of the meeting that is open to the public
  during the open portions of the meeting.
         (e)  The notice of a meeting to be held by videoconference
  call must specify as a location of the meeting the location where a
  quorum of the governmental body will be physically present and
  specify the intent to have a quorum present at that location, except
  that the notice of a meeting to be held by videoconference call
  under Subsection (c) must specify as a location of the meeting the 
  [each] location where the member [a majority of the quorum] of the
  governmental body presiding over the meeting will be physically
  present and specify the intent to have the member [a majority of the
  quorum] of the governmental body presiding over the meeting present
  at that location. [In addition, the notice of the meeting must
  specify as a location of the meeting each other location where a
  member of the governmental body who will participate in the meeting
  will be physically present during the meeting.] The [Each of the]
  location[s] where the member of the governmental body presiding
  over the meeting is physically present shall be open to the public
  during the open portions of the meeting.
         (f)  Each portion of a meeting held by videoconference call
  that is required to be open to the public shall be visible and
  audible to the public at the [each] location specified under
  Subsection (e).
         (h)  The [Each] location specified under Subsection (e), and
  each remote location from which a member of the governmental body
  participates, shall have two-way communication with each other
  location during the entire meeting. Each participant in the
  videoconference call, while speaking, shall be clearly visible and
  audible to each other participant and, during the open portion of
  the meeting, to the members of the public in attendance at a
  location of the meeting.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.