83R9247 AED-D
  By: M. Gonzalez of El Paso H.B. No. 1826
  relating to authorizing the Department of Agriculture to create a
  database of nonpaying buyers of agricultural products; authorizing
  a fee.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 12, Agriculture Code, is amended by
  adding Section 12.049 to read as follows:
         Sec. 12.049.  NONPAYING BUYER DATABASE. (a)  In this
  section, "agricultural product" means an agricultural,
  horticultural, viticultural, or vegetable product, bees, honey,
  fish or other seafood, planting seed, livestock, a livestock
  product, a forestry product, poultry, or a poultry product, either
  in its natural or processed state, that has been produced,
  processed, or otherwise had value added to it in this state.
         (b)  A seller of an agricultural product may submit to the
  department the name of a person engaged in the business of buying
  agricultural products who failed to make a payment to the seller for
  the agricultural product if a court in a suit for nonpayment has
  entered a judgment holding the person liable for the outstanding
         (c)  The department may:
               (1)  maintain on its Internet website an electronically
  searchable database of named defendants found liable in suits for
  nonpayment for agricultural products;
               (2)  set a fee for including a name or suit in the
  database in an amount reasonable and necessary to cover the cost of
  maintaining the database; and
               (3)  add a person's name or a suit to the database
                     (A)  the department verifies that a court in a
  suit for the outstanding payment has entered a judgment holding the
  person who is the subject of a submission under Subsection (b)
  liable for the outstanding payment; and
                     (B)  the seller who made the submission under
  Subsection (b) pays the fee.
         (d)  A person whose name appears in the database as a
  nonpaying buyer may request a hearing under Section 12.032 to
  determine whether the department is required to remove the person's
  name or a suit from the database. The hearing shall be held by an
  administrative law judge of the State Office of Administrative
  Hearings. After the hearing, the department shall remove a person's
  name or a suit from the database if the administrative law judge
  determines that:
               (1)  the judgment in the suit holding the defendant
  liable for nonpayment has been vacated, overturned on appeal, or
  satisfied; or
               (2)  extenuating circumstances justify removing the
  person's name from the list.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.