relating to public school educators and certain other professional |
employees of school districts. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter B, Chapter 7, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 7.038 to read as follows: |
The agency shall collect information from school districts |
regarding salaries paid to employees entitled to the minimum |
monthly salary under Section 21.402. |
(b) The agency shall provide for public use of the |
information collected under Subsection (a) in summary form on the |
agency's Internet website in a manner that indicates, by school |
district, the average salaries of employees to whom Subsection (a) |
applies by position and for classroom teachers, also by subject and |
grade level. |
(c) The agency shall use the data collected under Subsection |
(a) regarding salaries paid to classroom teachers to conduct a |
cost-of-living salary comparability analysis in each region of the |
state to determine how classroom teacher salaries compare to |
salaries in similar professions. The commissioner shall delineate |
the geographic boundaries of the regions of the state and designate |
the professions that constitute similar professions for purposes of |
conducting the salary comparability analysis under this |
subsection. Not later than December 1, 2014, the agency shall |
prepare and deliver a report of the salary comparability analysis |
conducted under this subsection to the governor, lieutenant |
governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and presiding |
officer of each standing legislative committee with primary |
jurisdiction over public education. The agency shall post a copy of |
the report on the agency's Internet website. |
(d) The agency shall collect data and conduct the |
cost-of-living salary comparability analysis under this section |
using only available funds and resources from public or private |
sources. |
(e) This section expires September 1, 2015. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter C, Chapter 7, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 7.064 to read as follows: |
The commissioner shall develop an online survey to be administered |
statewide at least biennially to superintendents, principals, |
supervisors, classroom teachers, counselors, and other appropriate |
full-time professional employees who are required to hold a |
certificate issued under Subchapter B, Chapter 21. |
(b) In developing the survey under this section, the |
commissioner shall ensure that the survey is designed to elicit |
information relating to the following issues: |
(1) teaching and learning conditions as predictors of |
student achievement and growth; |
(2) the relationship between teaching and learning |
conditions and teacher retention; |
(3) the influence of school leadership on teaching and |
learning conditions, including: |
(A) meaningful involvement of teachers in |
determining professional development needs; |
(B) meaningful involvement of teachers in campus |
decisions and initiatives; |
(C) support for teachers in student disciplinary |
matters; and |
(D) limiting required meetings for and |
noninstructional duties of teachers; |
(4) the relationship between teaching and learning |
conditions and student attendance and graduation; |
(5) the appropriate time during the day for |
collaborative instructional planning; |
(6) facilities resources needs; and |
(7) other supports needed for educators to be |
successful in the classroom. |
(c) The commissioner shall contract with a third-party |
entity with appropriate research and evaluation expertise to |
administer the survey required by this section. The third-party |
survey administrator shall collect responses and protect the |
identity of the respondents. The third-party survey administrator |
shall provide the survey responses to the commissioner or a person |
designated by the commissioner not later than the 60th day after the |
date the survey is administered. |
(d) After the administration of each survey, the |
commissioner shall: |
(1) make the survey results available to the public; |
and |
(2) provide the survey results to school districts and |
campuses. |
(e) Each school district and campus shall use the survey |
results: |
(1) to review and revise, as appropriate, |
district-level or campus-level improvement plans in the manner |
provided under Subchapter F, Chapter 11; and |
(2) for other purposes, as appropriate to enhance the |
district and campus learning environment. |
(f) The commissioner shall use the survey results to |
develop, review, and revise: |
(1) agency professional development offerings; |
(2) agency initiatives aimed at teacher retention; and |
(3) standards for principals and superintendents. |
(g) The commissioner shall carry out duties under this |
section, including contracting for the administration of the |
survey, using only available funds and resources from public and |
private sources. |
SECTION 3. Section 21.044, Education Code, as amended by |
Chapters 635 (S.B. 866) and 926 (S.B. 1620), Acts of the 82nd |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2011, is reenacted and amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 21.044. EDUCATOR PREPARATION. (a) The board shall |
propose rules establishing the training requirements a person must |
accomplish to obtain a certificate, enter an internship, or enter |
an induction-year program. The board shall specify the minimum |
academic qualifications required for a certificate. |
(b) Any minimum academic qualifications for a certificate |
specified under Subsection (a) that require a person to possess a |
bachelor's degree must also require that the person receive, as |
part of the curriculum for that degree, instruction in detection |
and education of students with dyslexia. This subsection does not |
apply to a person who obtains a certificate through an alternative |
certification program adopted under Section 21.049. |
(c) The instruction under Subsection (b) must: |
(1) be developed by a panel of experts in the diagnosis |
and treatment of dyslexia who are: |
(A) employed by institutions of higher |
education; and |
(B) approved by the board; and |
(2) include information on: |
(A) characteristics of dyslexia; |
(B) identification of dyslexia; and |
(C) effective, multisensory strategies for |
teaching students with dyslexia. |
(d) [(b)] In proposing rules under this section, the board |
shall specify that to obtain a certificate to teach an "applied STEM |
course," as that term is defined by Section 28.027, at a secondary |
school, a person must: |
(1) pass the certification test administered by the |
recognized national or international business and industry group |
that created the curriculum the applied STEM course is based on; and |
(2) have at a minimum: |
(A) an associate degree from an accredited |
institution of higher education; and |
(B) three years of work experience in an |
occupation for which the applied STEM course is intended to prepare |
the student. |
(e) Each educator preparation program must provide |
information regarding: |
(1) the skills that educators are required to possess, |
the responsibilities that educators are required to accept, and the |
high expectations for students in this state; |
(2) the effect of supply and demand forces on the |
educator workforce in this state; |
(3) the performance over time of the educator |
preparation program; |
(4) the importance of building strong classroom |
management skills; and |
(5) the framework in this state for teacher and |
principal evaluation, including the procedures followed in |
accordance with Subchapter H. |
SECTION 4. Subchapter B, Chapter 21, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 21.0441 to read as follows: |
PREPARATION PROGRAMS. (a) Rules of the board proposed under this |
subchapter must provide that a person, other than a person seeking |
career and technology education certification, is not eligible for |
admission to an educator preparation program, including an |
alternative educator preparation program, unless the person: |
(1) except as provided by Subsection (b), satisfies |
minimum grade point average requirements prescribed by the board, |
not to exceed the following: |
(A) an overall grade point average of at least |
2.75 on a four-point scale or the equivalent on any course work |
previously attempted at a public or private institution of higher |
education; or |
(B) a grade point average of at least 2.75 on a |
four-point scale or the equivalent for the last 60 semester credit |
hours attempted at a public or private institution of higher |
education; and |
(2) if the person is seeking initial certification: |
(A) has successfully completed at least: |
(i) 15 semester credit hours in the |
subject-specific content area in which the person is seeking |
certification, if the person is seeking certification to teach |
mathematics or science at or above grade level seven; or |
(ii) 12 semester credit hours in the |
subject-specific content area in which the person is seeking |
certification, if the person is not seeking certification to teach |
mathematics or science at or above grade level seven; or |
(B) has achieved a satisfactory level of |
performance on a content certification examination, which may be a |
content certification examination administered by a vendor |
approved by the commissioner for purposes of administering such an |
examination for the year for which the person is applying for |
admission to the program. |
(b) The board's rules must permit an educator preparation |
program to admit in extraordinary circumstances a person who fails |
to satisfy a grade point average requirement prescribed by |
Subsection (a)(1)(A) or (B), provided that: |
(1) not more than 10 percent of the total number of |
persons admitted to the program in a year fail to satisfy the |
requirement under Subsection (a)(1)(A) or (B); and |
(2) for each person admitted as described by this |
subsection, the director of the program determines and certifies, |
based on documentation provided by the person, that the person's |
work, business, or career experience demonstrates achievement |
comparable to the academic achievement represented by the grade |
point average requirement. |
SECTION 5. Section 21.048, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (a-1) to read as |
follows: |
(a) The board shall propose rules prescribing comprehensive |
examinations for each class of certificate issued by the board. The |
board shall determine the satisfactory level of performance |
required for each certification examination. For the issuance of a |
generalist certificate, the board shall require a satisfactory |
level of examination performance in each core subject covered by |
the examination. |
(a-1) The board may not require that more than 45 days |
elapse before a person may retake an examination. |
SECTION 6. Section 21.352, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsections (c-1), (e), and (f) |
to read as follows: |
(c) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, |
appraisal must be done at least once during each school year. A |
teacher may be appraised less frequently if the teacher agrees in |
writing and the teacher's most recent evaluation rated the teacher |
as at least proficient, or the equivalent, and did not identify any |
area of deficiency. A teacher who is appraised less frequently than |
annually must be appraised at least once during each period of five |
school years. The district shall maintain a written copy of the |
evaluation of each teacher's performance in the teacher's personnel |
file. Each teacher is entitled to receive a written copy of the |
evaluation promptly on its completion. After receiving a written |
copy of the evaluation, a teacher is entitled to a second appraisal |
by a different appraiser or to submit a written rebuttal to the |
evaluation to be attached to the evaluation in the teacher's |
personnel file. The evaluation and any rebuttal may be given to |
another school district at which the teacher has applied for |
employment at the request of that district. |
(c-1) In addition to conducting a complete appraisal as |
frequently as required by Subsection (c), a school district shall |
require that appropriate components of the appraisal process, such |
as classroom observations and walk-throughs, occur more frequently |
as necessary to ensure that a teacher receives adequate evaluation |
and guidance. A school district shall give priority to conducting |
appropriate components more frequently for inexperienced teachers |
or experienced teachers with identified areas of deficiency. |
(e) A district shall use a teacher's consecutive appraisals |
from more than one year, if available, in making the district's |
employment decisions and developing career recommendations for the |
teacher. |
(f) The district shall notify a teacher of the results of |
any appraisal of the teacher in a timely manner so that the |
appraisal may be used as a developmental tool by the district and |
the teacher to improve the overall performance of the teacher. |
SECTION 7. Subchapter J, Chapter 21, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 21.4513 to read as follows: |
(a) Using only available funds and resources from public or |
private sources, the agency shall periodically conduct an audit of |
the professional development requirements applicable to educators |
in this state, including state and federal requirements and |
requirements imposed by school districts. |
(b) Based on audit results, the agency shall seek to |
eliminate conflicting requirements and consolidate duplicative |
requirements through the following methods, as appropriate: |
(1) taking administrative action; |
(2) encouraging school districts to make appropriate |
changes to district policies; or |
(3) recommending statutory changes to the |
legislature. |
(b-1) The agency shall complete the initial audit required |
by Subsection (a) not later than August 1, 2014. This subsection |
expires September 1, 2014. |
(c) The agency shall provide guidance to school districts |
regarding high-quality professional development and the outcomes |
expected to result from providing that caliber of professional |
development. |
SECTION 8. Section 21.458, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsections (e) and (e-1) to |
read as follows: |
(c) From the funds appropriated to the agency for purposes |
of this section, the commissioner shall adopt rules and provide |
funding to school districts that assign mentor teachers under this |
section. Funding provided to districts under this section may be |
used only for providing: |
(1) mentor teacher stipends; |
(2) scheduled release time for mentor teachers and the |
classroom teachers to whom they are assigned for meeting and |
engaging in [to provide] mentoring activities [to assigned
classroom teachers]; and |
(3) mentoring support through providers of mentor |
training. |
(e) Each year the commissioner shall report to the |
legislature regarding the effectiveness of school district |
mentoring programs. |
(e-1) Not later than November 1, 2013, the governor, |
lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives |
shall form an advisory committee to evaluate the implementation of |
this section and make recommendations for improvement. The |
committee shall develop recommended guidelines that align teacher |
induction and mentoring activities with expectations for new |
teachers based on teaching practice standards. The agency shall |
provide administrative support for the committee. The committee |
shall submit a report of its recommendations to the governor and |
legislature not later than January 1, 2015. This subsection |
expires January 31, 2015. |
SECTION 9. Not later than September 1, 2014, the Texas |
Education Agency, the State Board for Educator Certification, and |
the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall jointly review |
existing standards for preparation and admission that are |
applicable to educator preparation programs, including stakeholder |
input in the review and development of those standards, and develop |
and implement modifications necessary to reflect updated standards |
for the teaching profession. |
SECTION 10. To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails |
over another Act of the 83rd Legislature, Regular Session, 2013, |
relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted |
codes. |
SECTION 11. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |
______________________________ |
______________________________ |
President of the Senate |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.B. No. 2012 was passed by the House on May 8, |
2013, by the following vote: Yeas 130, Nays 17, 2 present, not |
voting; that the House refused to concur in Senate amendments to |
H.B. No. 2012 on May 24, 2013, and requested the appointment of a |
conference committee to consider the differences between the two |
houses; and that the House adopted the conference committee report |
on H.B. No. 2012 on May 26, 2013, by the following vote: Yeas 92, |
Nays 53, 2 present, not voting. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |
I certify that H.B. No. 2012 was passed by the Senate, with |
amendments, on May 22, 2013, by the following vote: Yeas 25, Nays |
6; at the request of the House, the Senate appointed a conference |
committee to consider the differences between the two houses; and |
that the Senate adopted the conference committee report on H.B. No. |
2012 on May 26, 2013, by the following vote: Yeas 24, Nays 7. |
______________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
APPROVED: __________________ |
Date |
__________________ |
Governor |