relating to collection, distribution, and use of information |
relating to salaries and working conditions of public school |
classroom teachers. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter B, Chapter 7, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 7.038 to read as follows: |
Sec. 7.038. CLASSROOM TEACHER SALARY STUDY. (a) The agency |
shall collect classroom teacher salary data from school districts |
through the Public Education Information Management System |
(PEIMS). |
(b) The agency shall provide the data collected under |
Subsection (a) in summary form on the agency's Internet website in a |
manner that indicates, by school district, the average salaries of |
classroom teachers by subject and grade level. |
(c) The agency shall use the data collected under Subsection |
(a) to conduct a cost-of-living salary comparability analysis in |
each region of the state to determine how classroom teacher |
salaries compare to salaries in similar professions. The |
commissioner shall delineate the geographic boundaries of the |
regions of the state and designate the professions that constitute |
similar professions for purposes of conducting the salary |
comparability analysis under this subsection. Not later than |
December 1, 2014, the agency shall prepare and deliver a report of |
the salary comparability analysis conducted under this subsection |
to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of |
representatives, and presiding officer of each standing |
legislative committee with primary jurisdiction over public |
education. The agency shall post a copy of the report on the |
agency's Internet website. |
(d) The agency shall collect data and conduct the |
cost-of-living salary comparability analysis under this section |
using only available funds and resources from public or private |
sources. |
(e) This section expires September 1, 2015. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter C, Chapter 7, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 7.064 to read as follows: |
The commissioner by rule shall develop an online survey to be |
administered statewide at least biennially to superintendents, |
principals, supervisors, classroom teachers, counselors, and other |
appropriate full-time professional employees who are required to |
hold a certificate issued under Subchapter B, Chapter 21. |
(b) In developing the survey under this section, the |
commissioner shall ensure that the survey is designed to elicit |
information relating to the following issues: |
(1) teaching and working conditions as predictors of |
student achievement and growth; |
(2) the relationship between teaching and working |
conditions and teacher retention; |
(3) the influence of school leadership on teaching and |
learning conditions, including: |
(A) meaningful involvement of teachers in |
determining professional development needs; |
(B) meaningful involvement of teachers in campus |
decisions and initiatives; and |
(C) support for teachers in student disciplinary |
matters; |
(4) the relationship between teaching and working |
conditions and student attendance and graduation; |
(5) the appropriate time during the day for |
collaborative instructional planning; |
(6) facilities resources needs; and |
(7) other supports needed for educators to be |
successful in the classroom. |
(c) The commissioner shall contract with a third-party |
entity with appropriate research and evaluation expertise to |
administer the survey required by this section. The third-party |
survey administrator shall collect responses and protect the |
identity of the respondents. The third-party survey administrator |
shall provide the survey responses to the commissioner or a person |
designated by the commissioner not later than the 60th day after the |
date the survey is administered. |
(d) After the administration of each survey, the |
commissioner may make the survey results available to the public. |
The commissioner shall provide the survey results to school |
districts and campuses. |
(e) Each school district shall use the survey results to |
review and revise, as appropriate, district-level improvement |
plans and plans for each campus in the manner provided under |
Subchapter F, Chapter 11. |
(f) The commissioner shall use the survey results to |
develop, review, and revise: |
(1) agency professional development offerings; |
(2) agency initiatives aimed at teacher retention; and |
(3) standards for principals and superintendents. |
(g) The commissioner shall carry out duties under this |
section, including contracting for the administration of the |
survey, using only available funds and resources from public and |
private sources. |
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |