relating to improving access to nursing education programs. |
SECTION 1. Sections 51.762(a) and (b), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The board, with the assistance of an advisory committee |
composed of representatives of general academic teaching |
institutions, junior college districts, public state colleges, and |
public technical institutes, and with the consultation of all |
institutions of higher education that admit freshman-level |
students: |
(1) shall adopt by rule: |
(A) a common admission application form for use |
by a person seeking admission as a freshman student to a general |
academic teaching institution; [and] |
(B) an electronic common admission application |
form for use by a person seeking admission as a freshman student to |
an institution of higher education that admits freshman-level |
students, other than a general academic teaching institution; and |
(C) if the board determines that adoption of the |
form would be cost-effective for nursing schools, an electronic |
common admission application form for use by a person seeking |
admission as a student to an undergraduate nursing education |
program at an institution of higher education; and |
(2) may adopt by rule a printed format common |
admission application form for use by a person seeking admission as |
a freshman student to an institution of higher education that |
admits freshman-level students, other than a general academic |
teaching institution. |
(b) The board, with the assistance of an advisory committee |
composed of representatives of general academic teaching |
institutions, junior college districts, public state colleges, and |
public technical institutes, and with the consultation of all |
institutions of higher education that admit undergraduate transfer |
students, may adopt by rule: |
(1) a common admission application form for use by a |
person seeking admission as an undergraduate transfer student to a |
general academic teaching institution; [and] |
(2) an electronic or printed format common admission |
application form for use by a person seeking admission as an |
undergraduate transfer student to an institution of higher |
education that admits undergraduate transfer students, other than a |
general academic teaching institution; and |
(3) if the board determines that adoption of the form |
would be cost-effective for nursing schools, an electronic common |
admission application form for use by a person seeking admission as |
a transfer student to an undergraduate nursing education program at |
an institution of higher education. |
SECTION 2. Section 61.026, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
chairman may appoint committees from the board's membership as the |
chairman [he] or the board may find necessary from time to time. |
The board may appoint advisory committees from outside its |
membership as it may deem necessary. |
(b) If the board directs an advisory committee to assist the |
board in exercising its authority under Section 61.051(j) regarding |
an off-campus course in nursing education, including clinical |
coursework, the board shall require the advisory committee to |
include or consult with one or more private postsecondary |
educational institutions or private career schools and colleges in |
this state that offer degree programs. |
SECTION 3. Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding |
Subchapter II to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.9821. REPAYMENT AUTHORIZED. The board shall |
establish and administer a program to provide, in accordance with |
this subchapter and board rules, assistance in the repayment of |
student loans for nurses who: |
(1) are serving on the faculties of nursing degree |
programs at institutions of higher education or private or |
independent institutions of higher education in positions that |
require an advanced degree in professional nursing; and |
(2) apply and qualify for the assistance. |
Sec. 61.9822. ELIGIBILITY. To be eligible to receive loan |
repayment assistance under this subchapter, a nurse must: |
(1) apply to the board; |
(2) at the time of application for repayment |
assistance have been employed full-time for at least one year as, |
and be currently employed full-time as, a faculty member of a |
nursing degree program at an institution of higher education or a |
private or independent institution of higher education; and |
(3) comply with any additional requirements adopted by |
board rule. |
Sec. 61.9823. LIMITATIONS. (a) On qualifying for loan |
repayment assistance under this subchapter, a nurse may receive |
repayment assistance for each year of full-time employment as a |
faculty member of a nursing degree program at an institution of |
higher education or private or independent institution of higher |
education, not to exceed five years. |
(b) The amount of loan repayment assistance received by a |
nurse under this subchapter may not exceed $7,000 in any one year. |
(c) The total amount of loan repayment assistance provided |
under this subchapter may not exceed the total amount of gifts and |
grants accepted by the board for the repayment assistance and other |
funds available to the board for the repayment assistance, |
including any money reallocated under Section 61.9826. |
Sec. 61.9824. ELIGIBLE LOANS. (a) The board may provide |
repayment assistance for the repayment of any student loan for |
education at any public or private institution of higher education, |
including a loan for undergraduate education, received by an |
eligible person through any lender. |
(b) The board may not provide repayment assistance for a |
student loan that is in default at the time of the nurse's |
application. |
Sec. 61.9825. REPAYMENT. (a) The board shall deliver any |
repayment under this subchapter in a lump sum: |
(1) payable to both the lender or other holder of the |
loan and the nurse; or |
(2) directly to the lender or other holder of the loan |
on the nurse's behalf. |
(b) A repayment under this subchapter may be applied to any |
amount due in connection with the loan. |
Sec. 61.9826. REALLOCATION OF MONEY. (a) In each state |
fiscal year, the board shall reallocate for loan repayment |
assistance under this subchapter for a particular year any money in |
the physician education loan repayment program account established |
under Section 61.5391 that exceeds the amount necessary in that |
fiscal year for purposes of repayment assistance under Subchapter |
J. |
(b) Any money reallocated under Subsection (a) in a fiscal |
year that is not used for loan repayment assistance under this |
subchapter in that fiscal year is treated as if that unused amount |
had not been reallocated in that fiscal year. |
Sec. 61.9827. GIFTS AND GRANTS. The board may solicit and |
accept gifts and grants from any source for the purposes of this |
subchapter. |
Sec. 61.9828. RULES. (a) The board shall adopt rules as |
necessary to administer this subchapter. |
(b) The board shall distribute a copy of the rules adopted |
under this section and pertinent information regarding this |
subchapter to: |
(1) each institution of higher education and private |
or independent institution of higher education; |
(2) any appropriate state agency; and |
(3) any appropriate professional association. |
SECTION 4. Section 61.5391(b), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) Money in the account may not be appropriated for any |
purpose except: |
(1) to provide loan repayment assistance to eligible |
physicians under this subchapter; or |
(2) to provide loan repayment assistance under |
Subchapter II if reallocated under Section 61.9826. |
SECTION 5. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board |
shall adopt the rules for loan repayment assistance under |
Subchapter II, Chapter 61, Education Code, as added by this Act, not |
later than December 1, 2013. |
SECTION 6. Not later than September 1, 2014, the Texas |
Higher Education Coordinating Board shall make an initial |
determination regarding whether adopting electronic common |
admission application forms for undergraduate nursing education |
programs would be cost-effective as required by Sections 51.762(a) |
and (b), Education Code, as amended by this Act. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |
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