By: Miller of Comal H.B. No. 2545
  relating to settlement credits in asbestos and silica cases.
         SECTION 1.  Section 90.001, Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 90.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Asbestos" means chrysotile, amosite,
  crocidolite, tremolite asbestos, anthophyllite asbestos,
  actinolite asbestos, and any of these minerals that have been
  chemically treated or altered.
               (2)  "Asbestos-related injury" means personal injury
  or death allegedly caused, in whole or in part, by inhalation or
  ingestion of asbestos.
               (3)  "Asbestos tort action" means a tort action based
  on an allegation that the claimant is has an asbestos-related
               (4)  "Asbestos trust" means and encompasses all trust
  entities, claims agents, or claims processing facilities that are
  created pursuant to the jurisdiction of a United States bankruptcy
  court and section 524(g) of Chapter 11 of the United States
  Bankruptcy Code, 11 U.S.C. 524(g), or other applicable provision of
  law, that are formed for the purpose of compensating claimants
  asserting eligible asbestos claims, and that are in existence on
  the date initially set for trial in the asbestos tort action.
               (5)  "Asbestos trust claim" means any claim for
  compensation by an exposed person or the exposed person's
  representative against any asbestos trust.
               (6)  "Asbestosis" means bilateral diffuse interstitial
  fibrosis of the lungs caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers.
               (7)  "Cancer" means a malignant condition.
               (8) [(4)]  "Certified B-reader" means a person who has
  successfully completed the x-ray interpretation course sponsored
  by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
  (NIOSH) and passed the B-reader certification examination for x-ray
  interpretation and whose NIOSH certification is current at the time
  of any readings required by this chapter.
               (9) [(5)]  "Chest x-ray" means chest films that are
  taken in accordance with all applicable state and federal
  regulatory standards and in the posterior-anterior view.
               (10) [(6)]  "Claimant" means an exposed person and any
  person who is seeking recovery of damages for or arising from the
  injury or death of an exposed person.
               (11) [(7)]  "Defendant" means a person against whom a
  claim arising from an asbestos-related injury or a silica-related
  injury is made.
               (12) [(8)]  "Exposed person" means a person who is
  alleged to have suffered an asbestos-related injury or a
  silica-related injury.
               (13) [(9)]  "FEV1" means forced expiratory volume in
  the first second, which is the maximal volume of air expelled in one
  second during performance of simple spirometric tests.
               (14) [(10)]  "FVC" means forced vital capacity, which
  is the maximal volume of air expired with maximum effort from a
  position of full inspiration.
               (15) [(11)]  "ILO system of classification" means the
  radiological rating system of the International Labor Office in
  "Guidelines for the Use of ILO International Classification of
  Radiographs of Pneumoconioses" (2000), as amended.
               (16) [(12)]  "MDL pretrial court" means the district
  court to which related cases are transferred for consolidated or
  coordinated pretrial proceedings under Rule 13, Texas Rules of
  Judicial Administration.
               (17) [(13)]  "MDL rules" means the rules adopted by the
  supreme court under Subchapter H, Chapter 74, Government Code.
               (18) [(14)]  "Mesothelioma" means a rare form of cancer
  allegedly caused in some instances by exposure to asbestos in which
  the cancer invades cells in the membrane lining:
                     (A)  the lungs and chest cavity (the pleural
                     (B)  the abdominal cavity (the peritoneal
  region); or
                     (C)  the heart (the pericardial region).
               (19)  "Noncancer" means a nonmalignant condition.
               (20) [(15)]  "Nonmalignant asbestos-related injury"
  means an asbestos-related injury other than mesothelioma or other
               (21) [(16)]  "Nonmalignant silica-related injury"
  means a silica-related injury other than cancer.
               (22) [(17)]  "Physician board certified in internal
  medicine" means a physician who is certified by the American Board
  of Internal Medicine or the American Osteopathic Board of Internal
               (23) [(18)]  "Physician board certified in
  occupational medicine" means a physician who is certified in the
  subspecialty of occupational medicine by the American Board of
  Preventive Medicine or the American Osteopathic Board of Preventive
               (24) [(19)]  "Physician board certified in oncology"
  means a physician who is certified in the subspecialty of medical
  oncology by the American Board of Internal Medicine or the American
  Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine.
               (25) [(20)]  "Physician board certified in pathology"
  means a physician who holds primary certification in anatomic
  pathology or clinical pathology from the American Board of
  Pathology or the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine
  and whose professional practice:
                     (A)  is principally in the field of pathology; and
                     (B)  involves regular evaluation of pathology
  materials obtained from surgical or postmortem specimens.
               (26) [(21)]  "Physician board certified in pulmonary
  medicine" means a physician who is certified in the subspecialty of
  pulmonary medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine or
  the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine.
               (27) [(22)]  "Plethysmography" means the test for
  determining lung volume, also known as "body plethysmography," in
  which the subject of the test is enclosed in a chamber that is
  equipped to measure pressure, flow, or volume change.
               (28)  "Proof of claim" means any form of documentation
  that a potential claimant against an asbestos trust submits or
  provides to the asbestos trust that attests to or asserts the
  existence of any liquidated or unliquidated asbestos claim that the
  claimant may have against the asbestos trust or its predecessors
  under any theory of law.
               (29) [(23)]  "Pulmonary function testing" means
  spirometry, lung volume, and diffusion capacity testing performed
  in accordance with Section 90.002 using equipment, methods of
  calibration, and techniques that meet:
                     (A)  the criteria incorporated in the American
  Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent
  Impairment and reported in 20 C.F.R. Part 404, Subpart P, Appendix
  1, Part (A), Sections 3.00(E) and (F)(2003); and
                     (B)  the interpretative standards in the Official
  Statement of the American Thoracic Society entitled "Lung Function
  Testing: Selection of Reference Values and Interpretative
  Strategies," as published in 144 American Review of Respiratory
  Disease 1202-1218 (1991).
               (30) [(24)]  "Report" means a report required by
  Section 90.003, 90.004, or 90.010(f)(1).
               (31) [(25)]  "Respirable," with respect to silica,
  means particles that are less than 10 microns in diameter.
               (32) [(26)]  "Serve" means to serve notice on a party
  in compliance with Rule 21a, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
               (33) [(27)]  "Silica" means a respirable form of
  crystalline silicon dioxide, including alpha quartz, cristobalite,
  and tridymite.
               (34) [(28)]  "Silica-related injury" means personal
  injury or death allegedly caused, in whole or in part, by inhalation
  of silica.
               (35) [(29)]  "Silicosis" means interstitial fibrosis
  of the lungs caused by inhalation of silica, including:
                     (A)  acute silicosis, which may occur after
  exposure to very high levels of silica within a period of months to
  five years after the initial exposure;
                     (B)  accelerated silicosis; and
                     (C)  chronic silicosis.
               (36)  "Trust claims material" means documents
  constituting an asbestos trust claim, including, but not limited
  to, claim forms, proofs of claim, and informational material
  required by an asbestos trust to be submitted by a claimant in order
  to have the claim evaluated by the asbestos trust and relied upon by
  the asbestos trust in making its compensation determination.
         SECTION 2.  Section 90.010, Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
  MDL rules apply to any action pending on the date this chapter
  becomes law in which the claimant alleges personal injury or death
  from exposure to asbestos or silica unless:
               (1)  the action was filed before September 1, 2003, and
  trial has commenced or is set to commence on or before the 90th day
  after the date this chapter becomes law, except that the MDL rules
  shall apply to the action if the trial does not commence on or
  before the 90th day after the date this chapter becomes law;
               (2)  the action was filed before September 1, 2003, and
  the claimant serves a report that complies with Section 90.003 or
  90.004 on or before the 90th day after the date this chapter becomes
  law; or
               (3)  the action was filed before September 1, 2003, and
  the exposed person has been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma,
  other malignant asbestos-related cancer, or malignant
  silica-related cancer.
         (b)  If the claimant fails to serve a report complying with
  Section 90.003 or 90.004 on or before the 90th day after the date
  this chapter becomes law under Subsection (a)(2), the defendant may
  file a notice of transfer to the MDL pretrial court. If the MDL
  pretrial court determines that the claimant served a report that
  complies with Section 90.003 or 90.004 on or before the 90th day
  after the date this chapter becomes law, the MDL pretrial court
  shall remand the action to the court in which the action was filed.
  If the MDL pretrial court determines that the report was not served
  on or before the 90th day after the date this chapter becomes law or
  that the report served does not comply with Section 90.003 or
  90.004, the MDL pretrial court shall retain jurisdiction over the
  action pursuant to the MDL rules.
         (c)  In an action transferred to an MDL pretrial court in
  which the exposed person is living and has been diagnosed with
  malignant mesothelioma, other malignant asbestos-related cancer,
  malignant silica-related cancer, or acute silicosis, the MDL
  pretrial court shall expedite the action in a manner calculated to
  provide the exposed person with a trial or other disposition in the
  shortest period that is fair to all parties and consistent with the
  principles of due process. The MDL pretrial court should, as far as
  reasonably possible, ensure that such action is brought to trial or
  final disposition within six months from the date the action is
  transferred to the MDL pretrial court, provided that all discovery
  and case management requirements of the MDL pretrial court have
  been satisfied.
         (d)  In an action pending on the date this chapter becomes
  law that is transferred to or pending in an MDL pretrial court and
  in which the claimant does not serve a report that complies with
  Section 90.003 or 90.004, the MDL pretrial court shall not dismiss
  the action pursuant to this chapter but shall retain jurisdiction
  over the action under the MDL rules. The MDL pretrial court shall
  not remand such action for trial unless:
               (1)  the claimant serves a report complying with
  Section 90.003 or 90.004; or
               (2)(A)  the claimant does not serve a report that
  complies with Section 90.003 or 90.004;
                     (B)  the claimant serves a report complying with
  Subsection (f)(1); and
                     (C)  the court, on motion and hearing, makes the
  findings required by Subsection (f)(2).
         (e)  In an action filed on or after the date this chapter
  becomes law that is transferred to an MDL pretrial court and in
  which the claimant does not serve on a defendant a report that
  complies with Section 90.003 or 90.004, the MDL pretrial court
  shall, on motion by a defendant, dismiss the action under Section
  90.007 unless:
               (1)  the claimant serves a report that complies with
  Subsection (f)(1); and
               (2)  the court, on motion and hearing, makes the
  findings required by Subsection (f)(2).
         (f)  In an action in which the claimant seeks remand for
  trial under Subsection (d)(2) or denial of a motion to dismiss under
  Subsection (e):
               (1)  the claimant shall serve on each defendant a
  report that:
                     (A)  complies with the requirements of Sections
  90.003(a)(2)(A), (B), (E), and (F) and 90.003(b) or Sections
  90.004(a)(1), (2), and (4) and 90.004(e); and
                     (B)  verifies that:
                           (i)  the physician making the report has a
  physician-patient relationship with the exposed person;
                           (ii)  pulmonary function testing has been
  performed on the exposed person and the physician making the report
  has interpreted the pulmonary function testing;
                           (iii)  the physician making the report has
  concluded, to a reasonable degree of medical probability, that the
  exposed person has radiographic, pathologic, or computed
  tomography evidence establishing bilateral pleural disease or
  bilateral parenchymal disease caused by exposure to asbestos or
  silica; and
                           (iv)  the physician has concluded that the
  exposed person has asbestos-related or silica-related physical
  impairment comparable to the impairment the exposed person would
  have had if the exposed person met the criteria set forth in Section
  90.003 or 90.004; and
               (2)  the MDL pretrial court shall determine whether:
                     (A)  the report and medical opinions offered by
  the claimant are reliable and credible;
                     (B)  due to unique or extraordinary physical or
  medical characteristics of the exposed person, the medical criteria
  set forth in Sections 90.003 and 90.004 do not adequately assess the
  exposed person's physical impairment caused by exposure to asbestos
  or silica; and
                     (C)  the claimant has produced sufficient
  credible evidence for a finder of fact to reasonably find that the
  exposed person is physically impaired as the result of exposure to
  asbestos or silica to a degree comparable to the impairment the
  exposed person would have had if the exposed person met the criteria
  set forth in Section 90.003 or 90.004.
         (g)  A court's determination under Subsection (f) shall be
  made after conducting an evidentiary hearing at which the claimant
  and any defendant to the action may offer supporting or
  controverting evidence. The parties shall be permitted a reasonable
  opportunity to conduct discovery before the evidentiary hearing.
         (h)  The court shall state its findings under Subsection
  (f)(2) in writing and shall address in its findings:
               (1)  the unique or extraordinary physical or medical
  characteristics of the exposed person that justify the application
  of this section; and
               (2)  the reasons the criteria set forth in Sections
  90.003 and 90.004 do not adequately assess the exposed person's
  physical impairment caused by exposure to asbestos or silica.
         (i)  Any findings made by a court under Subsection (f) are
  not admissible for any purpose at a trial on the merits.
         (j)  Subsections (d)(2) and (e)-(i) apply only in
  exceptional and limited circumstances in which the exposed person
  does not satisfy the medical criteria of Section 90.003 or 90.004
  but can demonstrate meaningful asbestos-related or silica-related
  physical impairment that satisfies the requirements of Subsection
  (f). Subsections (d)(2) and (e)-(i) have limited application and
  shall not be used to negate the requirements of this chapter.
         [(k)     On or before September 1, 2010, each MDL pretrial court
  having jurisdiction over cases to which this chapter applies shall
  deliver a report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and the
  speaker of the house of representatives stating:
               (1)     the number of cases on the court's multidistrict
  litigation docket as of August 1, 2010;
               (2)     the number of cases on the court's multidistrict
  litigation docket as of August 1, 2010, that do not meet the
  criteria of Section 90.003 or 90.004, to the extent known;
               (3)     the court's evaluation of the effectiveness of the
  medical criteria established by Sections 90.003 and 90.004;
               (4)     the court's recommendation, if any, as to how
  medical criteria should be applied to the cases on the court's
  multidistrict litigation docket as of August 1, 2010; and
               (5)     any other information regarding the
  administration of cases in the MDL pretrial courts that the court
  deems appropriate.]
         (k)  The following provisions apply to an asbestos tort
  action pending in any MDL pretrial court:
               (1)  Within thirty days after the commencement of
  discovery in the action or within thirty days of the effective date
  of this section with respect to an asbestos tort action that is
  pending on that effective date of this Act and in which discovery
  has commenced, a claimant shall serve on all parties a sworn
  statement by the claimant identifying all existing asbestos trust
  claims made by or on behalf of the claimant and all trust claims
  material pertaining to each identified asbestos trust claim. The
  sworn statement shall disclose the date on which each asbestos
  trust claim against the relevant asbestos trust was made and
  whether any request for a deferral, delay, suspension, or tolling
  of the asbestos trust claims process has been submitted.
               (2)  The providing of a sworn statement under
  subsection (k)(1) shall be in addition to any disclosure
  requirements otherwise imposed by law, rule of procedure, court
  order or ruling, applicable agreement or stipulation, local rule,
  or case management order.
               (3)  If the claimant, subsequent to service of the
  sworn statement under subsection (k)(1) files with or submits to
  any asbestos trust additional asbestos trust claims not previously
  disclosed, the claimant shall service on all parties an amendment
  updating the sworn statement and identifying the additional
  asbestos trust claims. The claimant shall serve any such amendment
  within thirty days of filing an additional asbestos trust claim
  with, or submitting an additional asbestos trust claim to, any
  asbestos trust.
               (4)  With respect to any asbestos trust claim that a
  claimant discloses in an amendment to the claimant's sworn
  statement provided under subsection (k)(1), the claimant shall
  serve on all parties all trust claims material pertaining to each
  additional asbestos trust claim identified in that amendment. The
  claimant shall serve the trust claims materials as required by this
  subsection within thirty days of filing or submitting each
  additional asbestos trust claim.
               (5)  Failure to serve on all parties all trust claims
  material as required by this subsection in a timely manner shall
  constitute grounds for the MDL pretrial court to decline to remand
  the case for trial to court in which the action was filed.
               (6)  Nothing in this subsection prevents a court of
  competent jurisdiction from requiring any disclosures in addition
  to the disclosures required under this subsection.
               (7)  Not less than seventy-five days prior to the
  commencement of trial, any defendant in an asbestos tort action may
  file a motion with the MDL pretrial court for an order to stay the
  proceedings setting forth credible evidence demonstrating all of
  the following:
                     (A)  The identities of all asbestos trusts not
  previously disclosed by the claimant, against which the claimant
  has not made any asbestos trust claims, and against which the
  defendant in good faith believes the claimant may make a successful
  asbestos trust claim;
                     (B)  The information that the defendant believes
  supports the additional asbestos trust claims;
                     (C)  A description of the information sufficient
  to meet the asbestos trust claim requirements of the asbestos
  trusts described in subsection (k)(7)(A).
               (8)  Notwithstanding any other provision in this
  subsection, if the claimant produces additional asbestos exposure
  information that supports the filing of an additional asbestos
  trust claim, the defendant may file a motion to stay the proceedings
  as provided in subsection (k)(7) within seven days of receiving the
  additional asbestos exposure information.
               (9)  Within fourteen days after the filing of the
  defendant's motion for an order to stay the proceedings under
  subsection (k)(7), the claimant may do any of the following:
                     (A)  File the asbestos trust claims with or submit
  them to the asbestos trusts identified in the defendant's motion
  for an order to stay the proceedings. The submission to the court
  and to all of the parties in the asbestos tort action of proof
  demonstrating that the asbestos trust claims identified in the
  defendant's motion to stay the proceedings have been filed with or
  submitted to the appropriate asbestos trusts is dispositive of the
  defendant's motion for an order to stay the proceedings.
                     (B)  File with the court a response to the
  defendant's motion requesting a determination by the court that the
  information supporting the asbestos trust claims against the
  asbestos trusts identified in the defendant's motion should be
  modified prior to the filing of an asbestos trust claim with, or the
  submission of an asbestos trust claim to, an asbestos trust or that
  there is insufficient information to file or submit the asbestos
  trust claim identified in the defendant's motion.
                     (C)  File with the court a response to the
  defendant's motion requesting a determination by the court that the
  claimant's or attorney's fees and expenses to prepare the asbestos
  claim form and file or submit the asbestos trust claim identified in
  the defendant's motion exceed the claimant's reasonably anticipated
  recovery from the asbestos trust claim.
               (10)  If the defendant files a motion to stay the
  proceedings and if the claimant files a response pursuant to
  subsection (k)(9)(C), the court shall determine if the claimant's
  or attorney's fees and expenses to prepare the asbestos claim form
  and file or submit the asbestos trust claim identified in the
  defendant's motion exceed the claimant's reasonably anticipated
  recovery from the asbestos trust claim. If the court determines
  that the claimant's or attorney's fees and expenses exceed the
  claimant's reasonably anticipated recovery from the asbestos trust
  claim, the court shall require the claimant to file with the court a
  verified statement of the claimant's exposure history to the
  asbestos products covered by that asbestos trust.
               (11)  If the court determines that there is a good faith
  basis for filing an asbestos trust claim with, or submitting an
  asbestos trust claim to, an asbestos trust identified in the
  defendant's motion brought under subsection (k)(7), the court shall
  stay the proceedings until the claimant files the asbestos trust
  claims with or submits them to the asbestos trusts identified in the
  defendant's motion and has otherwise met the obligations set forth
  in this Chapter.
               (12)  A noncancer asbestos trust claim and a cancer
  asbestos trust claim are based on distinct injuries caused by a
  person's exposure to asbestos. If a claimant filed a noncancer
  asbestos trust claim with, or submitted a noncancer asbestos trust
  claim to, an asbestos trust and subsequently filed an asbestos tort
  action based on a cancer asbestos claim, the claimant has an
  obligation to include in the claimant's sworn statement and serve
  on the parties to the action the asbestos trust materials related to
  both the noncancer asbestos trust claim and the cancer asbestos
               (13)  Asbestos trust claims and the information that is
  the subject of disclosure under this subsection are presumed to be
  authentic, relevant to, and discoverable in an asbestos tort
  action. Notwithstanding any agreement or confidentiality
  provision, trust claims material are presumed to not be privileged.
  The parties in the asbestos tort action may introduce at trial any
  trust claims material to prove alternative causation for the
  exposed person's claimed injury, death, or loss to person, to prove
  a basis to allocate responsibility for the claimant's claimed
  injury, death, or loss to person, and to prove issues relevant to an
  adjudication of the asbestos claim, unless the exclusion of the
  trust claims material is otherwise required by the rules of
               (14)  In addition to the disclosure requirements in
  this subsection, the parties to the asbestos tort action may seek
  additional disclosure and discovery of information relevant to the
  action by any mechanism provided by any applicable order, rule or
  law. Nothing in this subsection prevents any defendant in an
  asbestos tort action from also seeking discovery of the claimant's
  asbestos trust claims directly from the asbestos trusts involved.
               (15)  In an asbestos tort action, upon the filing by a
  defendant or judgment debtor of an appropriate motion seeking
  sanctions or other relief, the court may impose any sanction
  provided by a law, including, but not limited to, vacating a
  judgment rendered in an asbestos tort action, for a claimant's
  failure to comply with the disclosure requirements of this
               (16)  If subsequent to obtaining a judgment in an
  asbestos tort action in this state a claimant files any additional
  asbestos trust claim with, or submits any additional asbestos trust
  claim to, an asbestos trust that was in existence at the time the
  claimant obtained the judgment, the trial court, upon the filing by
  a defendant or judgment debtor of an appropriate motion seeking
  sanctions or other relief, has jurisdiction to reopen its judgment
  in the asbestos tort action and either adjust the judgment by the
  amount of any subsequent asbestos trust payments obtained by the
  claimant or order other relief to the parties that the court
  considers just and proper. A defendant or judgment debtor shall
  file any motion under this subsection within a reasonable time and
  not more than one year after the judgment was signed.
         SECTION 3.  The provisions of this Act shall apply to
  asbestos tort actions filed on or after the effective date of this
  Act and to pending asbestos tort actions in which trial has not
  commenced as of the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 4.  (A) If any provision that constitutes the whole
  or part of a section of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code enacted
  by this act or if any application of any provision that constitutes
  the whole or part of a section of the Civil Practice and Remedies
  Code enacted by this act is held invalid, the invalidity does not
  affect other provisions of the section or applications of other
  provisions of the section that can be given effect without the
  invalid provision or application. To this end, the provisions that
  constitute the whole or part of the sections of the Civil Practice
  and Remedies Code enacted by this act and their applications are
  independent and severable.
         (B)  If any provision that constitutes the whole or part of a
  section of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code enacted by this act
  or if any application of any provision that constitutes the whole or
  part of a section of the Civil Practice and Remedies Code enacted by
  this act is held to be preempted by federal law, the preemption does
  not affect other provisions of the section or applications of other
  provisions of the section that can be given effect without the
  preempted provision or application. To this end, the provisions
  that constitute the whole or part of the sections of the Civil
  Practice and Remedies Code enacted by this act and their
  applications are independent and severable.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.