83R3682 JTS-D
  By: Guillen H.B. No. 2680
  relating to state financing for certain transportation projects.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 222, Transportation Code,
  is amended by adding Section 222.054 to read as follows:
         Sec. 222.054.  LOCAL PARTICIPATION: PROJECT ANALYSIS.  (a)  
  Before the department agrees to provide financing to a political
  subdivision for a highway or road project, the department shall use
  private sector engineering-related services, as described by
  Section 223.041(a), to conduct an independent analysis of the
  project, including an evaluation of whether the project is suitable
  for any financing mechanism or structure that would:
               (1)  decrease the amount of financing provided by the
  department to the local authority; or
               (2)  increase the revenue return of the project, if
  any, used to pay the debt service on an annual basis.
         (b)  If the project is eligible for a financing mechanism or
  structure that meets a purpose described by Subsection (a), the
  department shall require the political subdivision to adopt the
  financing mechanism or structure as a condition of the department
  agreeing to provide financing to the political subdivision.
         (c)  The department by rule shall develop programs to educate
  local transportation planning entities about financing mechanisms
  and structures available to political subdivisions for highway or
  road projects, including:
               (1)  economically driven mobility projects eligible
  for financing under Section 222.078;
               (2)  pass-through tolls under Section 222.104; and
               (3)  transportation reinvestment zones under Sections
  222.106 and 222.107.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 222, Transportation Code,
  is amended by adding Section 222.078 to read as follows:
  SUBACCOUNT. (a)  The economically driven mobility project
  subaccount is a subaccount in the bank. The subaccount consists of
  revenue received from projects financed under this section and
  proceeds from obligations secured by revenue received from those
  projects.  Money in the subaccount may be used only to finance
  projects selected as economically driven using the process and
  criteria developed under this section.
         (b)  The department by rule shall develop a process and
  criteria for project selection using established economic
  principles for evaluating projects. Project selection criteria
  must prioritize projects that:
               (1)  promote economic development, including by
  creating employment and cash flow;
               (2)  have sustainable economic value;
               (3)  create transportation corridors as opposed to
  isolated projects; and
               (4)  have a reliable source of local financial
         (c)  To be eligible for financing under this section, a
  project must have a source of financial participation from one or
  more local governments in whose boundaries the project will be
         (d)  The department shall develop a project application
  process for local transportation planning entities to identify
  projects suitable for funding under this section.
         (e)  The department may contract with local governments or
  private entities for the construction of selected projects,
  including construction through pass-through toll agreements under
  Section 222.104, or may construct projects itself.
         (f)  Revenue from projects financed under this section must
  be deposited to the credit of the economically driven mobility
  project subaccount. The department may contract with local
  governments or directly with private entities, including property
  owners, who will benefit from a selected project to recover amounts
  sufficient to cover the cost of the project and any associated debt
  service for the project. Revenue may include:
               (1)  tax increment recovered from a transportation
  reinvestment zone; and
               (2)  other revenue derived from the increase of value
  attributable to a project financed under this section.
         SECTION 3.  The Texas Department of Transportation shall
  establish the process and criteria for the selection of
  economically driven mobility projects as required by Section
  222.078, Transportation Code, as added by this Act, not later than
  September 1, 2014.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.