By: Oliveira H.B. No. 3041
  relating to the sale of event tickets; providing penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle D, Title 13, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 2158 to read as follows:
         Sec. 2158.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Event" means a concert, theatrical performance,
  sporting event, exhibition, show, or similar scheduled activity
                     (A)  is open to the general public;
                     (B)  is held in a public or private venue
  accommodating more than 1,000 persons; and
                     (C)  requires payment of an admission fee to
  attend the activity.
               (2)  "Event ticket" means any physical or electronic
  certificate, document, voucher, token, or other evidence of a right
  to enter an event, an entitlement to purchase a right to enter an
  event, or a right to occupy a specified seat at an event.
               (3)  "Resale" includes any form of transfer or
  alienation of possession or an offer of transfer or alienation of
  possession, including an offer of transfer or alienation of the
  entitlement to possession, of an event ticket, made by any means,
  with or without consideration, from a person other than the ticket
               (4)  "Ticket issuer" means a person who directly or
  indirectly makes event tickets available for initial sale to the
  general public, and may include the operator of a venue, the sponsor
  or promoter of an event, a sports team participating in an event, a
  league whose teams are participating in the event, a theater
  company, a musical group or similar participant in an event, or an
  authorized agent of those persons.  The term does not include a
  person involved in or facilitating an event ticket resale.
               (5)  "Venue" means the theater, stadium, field, hall,
  or other facility where an event takes place.
         Sec. 2158.002.  APPLICABILITY. This chapter does not apply
  to the resale of event tickets issued:
               (1)  for an event for which any proceeds are intended
  solely to benefit charity; or
               (2)  free of charge to students, faculty, staff
  members, alumni, booster club members, or substantial financial
  contributors of an institution of higher education as defined in
  Section 61.003, Education Code.
         Sec. 2158.003.  RESTRICTIONS ON TICKET ISSUERS.  A ticket
  issuer may not:
               (1)  prohibit or restrict the resale of an event
               (2)  print terms and conditions on an event ticket that
  purport to restrict the resale of that ticket;
               (3)  impose a penalty on a person who resells or offers
  to resell an event ticket or treat the person in any material way
  less favorably than a similarly situated purchaser who does not
  resell, offer to resell, or violate a restriction on the resale of
  the event ticket imposed by a ticket issuer in violation of this
               (4)  prevent resale of event tickets by limiting the
  form of the event tickets to only a nontransferable electronic form
  or by requiring a person to present the original purchaser's credit
  card or state-issued identification card to gain admission to the
  event; or
               (5)  impose a minimum or maximum price on the resale of
  an event ticket or otherwise restrict or limit the price of the
  event ticket on resale.
  INJUNCTION; CIVIL ACTION. (a) For the protection of consumers, the
  attorney general may:
               (1)  investigate a claim made by any person that a
  ticket issuer failed to post notice for an event in the manner
  required by Section 2158.052;
               (2)  bring an action in district court to enjoin a
  person from violating this chapter;
               (3)  sue for money damages on behalf of a consumer who
  purchased an event ticket, is a resident of this state, and is
  injured by a violation of this chapter;
               (4)  bring an action to recover a civil penalty imposed
  under Section 2158.102; or
               (5)  recover reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining
  injunctive relief or civil penalties under this section.
         (b)  If the consumer prevails in a suit under this section,
  the consumer may recover court costs and attorney's fees and:
               (1)  actual damages; or
               (2)  the lesser of $100,000 or $100 for each violation
  of this chapter that occurred.
         (c)  For purposes of calculating damages under Subsection
  (b)(2), each event ticket sold, resold, or offered for sale in a
  manner other than a manner authorized by this chapter or rules
  adopted under this chapter is a violation of this chapter.
         (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (b)(2), on a finding by the
  trier of fact that the defendant has violated this chapter on one or
  more previous occasions, the trier of fact may award an amount not
  to exceed three times the amount available under Subsection (b).
         (e)  A complaint under this section must be filed not later
  than the first anniversary of the date the violation occurs.
         Sec. 2158.052.  CIVIL PENALTY.  A ticket issuer who
  knowingly violates Section 2158.052 is liable for a civil penalty
  of not less than $100 or more than $500 for each violation.
         Sec. 2158.053.  OFFENSE. (a)  A person commits an offense if
  the person knowingly or recklessly makes a materially false or
  misleading statement on behalf of a ticket issuer in the advance
  public notice required under Section 2158.052.
         (b)  An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.
         SECTION 2.  Chapter 2158, Occupations Code, as added by this
  Act, applies to the sale or resale of an event ticket for an event
  subject to that chapter that occurs on or after January 1, 2014,
  regardless of whether any event tickets were issued before that
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.