By: Workman H.B. No. 3091
  relating to uniformity of requirements of certain municipal
  regulations to local permits, limitations on the application of
  certain municipal regulations to local permits, and liability of a
  political subdivision for a violation of certain laws relating to
  local permits; providing for damages/penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Section 245.002, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 245.002.  UNIFORMITY OF REQUIREMENTS.
         (a)  Each regulatory agency shall consider the approval,
  disapproval, or conditional approval of an application for a permit
  solely on the basis of any orders, regulations, ordinances, rules,
  expiration dates, or other properly adopted requirements in effect
  at the time:
               (1)  the original application for the permit is filed
  for review for any purpose, including review for administrative
  completeness; or
               (2)  a plan for development of real property or plat
  application is filed with a regulatory agency.
         (a-1)  Rights to which a permit applicant is entitled under
  this chapter accrue on the filing of an original application or plan
  for development or plat application that gives the regulatory
  agency fair notice of the project and the nature of the permit
  sought. An application or plan is considered filed on the date the
  applicant delivers the application or plan to the regulatory agency
  or deposits the application or plan with the United States Postal
  Service by certified mail addressed to the regulatory agency. A
  certified mail receipt obtained by the applicant at the time of
  deposit is prima facie evidence of the date the application or plan
  was deposited with the United States Postal Service.
         (b)  If a series of permits is required for a project, the
  orders, regulations, ordinances, rules, expiration dates, or other
  properly adopted requirements in effect at the time the original
  application for the first permit in that series is filed shall be
  the sole basis for consideration of all subsequent permits required
  for the completion of the project. All permits, and any revisions or
  modifications thereto, required for the project are considered to
  be a single series of permits. Preliminary plans and related
  subdivision plats, site plans, and all other development permits
  for land covered by the preliminary plans or subdivision plats are
  considered collectively to be one series of permits for a project.
         (c)  After an application for a project is filed, a
  regulatory agency may not shorten the duration of any permit
  required for the project.
         (d)  Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the
  contrary, a permit holder may take advantage of recorded
  subdivision plat notes, recorded restrictive covenants required by
  a regulatory agency, [or] a change to the laws, rules, regulations,
  or ordinances of a regulatory agency that enhance or protect the
  project, or a change to the zoning or property classification that
  adds or alters allowable uses of the property related to the
  project, including changes that lengthen the effective life of the
  permit after the date the application for the permit was made,
  without forfeiting any rights under this chapter.
         (e)  A regulatory agency may provide that a permit
  application expires on or after the 45th day after the date the
  application is filed if:
               (1)  the applicant fails to provide documents or other
  information necessary to comply with the agency's technical
  requirements relating to the form and content of the permit
               (2)  the agency provides to the applicant not later
  than the 10th business day after the date the application is filed
  written notice of the failure that specifies the necessary
  documents or other information and the date the application will
  expire if the documents or other information is not provided; and
               (3)  the applicant fails to provide the specified
  documents or other information within the time provided in the
         (f)  This chapter does not prohibit a regulatory agency from
  requiring compliance with technical requirements relating to the
  form and content of an application in effect at the time the
  application was filed even though the application is filed after
  the date an applicant accrues rights under Subsection (a-1).
         (g)  Notwithstanding Section 245.003, the change in law made
  to Subsection (a) and the addition of Subsections (a-1), (e), and
  (f) by S.B. No. 848, Acts of the 79th Legislature, Regular Session,
  2005, apply only to a project commenced on or after the effective
  date of that Act.
         SECTION 2.  Section 245.004, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 245.004.  EXEMPTIONS. This chapter does not apply to:
               (1)  a permit that is at least two years old, is issued
  for the construction of a building or structure intended for human
  occupancy or habitation, and is issued under laws, ordinances,
  procedures, rules, or regulations adopting only:
                     (A)  uniform building, fire, electrical,
  plumbing, or mechanical codes adopted by a recognized national code
  organization; or
                     (B)  local amendments to those codes enacted
  solely to address imminent threats of destruction of property or
  injury to persons;
               [(2)     municipal zoning regulations that do not affect
  landscaping or tree preservation, open space or park dedication,
  property classification, lot size, lot dimensions, lot coverage, or
  building size or that do not change development permitted by a
  restrictive covenant required by a municipality;]
               (32)  regulations that specifically control only the
  use of land in a municipality that does not have zoning and that do
  not affect landscaping or tree preservation, open space or park
  dedication, lot size, lot dimensions, lot coverage, or building
               (43)  regulations for sexually oriented businesses;
               (54)  municipal or county ordinances, rules,
  regulations, or other requirements affecting colonias;
               (65)  fees imposed in conjunction with development
               (76) regulations for annexation that do not affect
  landscaping or tree preservation or open space or park dedication;
               (87)  regulations for utility connections;
               (98)  regulations to prevent imminent destruction of
  property or injury to persons from flooding that are effective only
  within a flood plain established by a federal flood control program
  and enacted to prevent the flooding of buildings intended for
  public occupancy;
               (109) construction standards for public works located
  on public lands or easements; or
               (1110) regulations to prevent the imminent destruction
  of property or injury to persons if the regulations do not:
                     (A)  affect landscaping or tree preservation,
  open space or park dedication, lot size, lot dimensions, lot
  coverage, building size, residential or commercial density, or the
  timing of a project; or
                     (B)  change development permitted by a
  restrictive covenant required by a municipality.
         SECTION 3.  Section 245.006, Local Government Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 245.006.  ENFORCEMENT OF CHAPTER.
         (a)  This chapter may be enforced [only] through mandamus or
  declaratory or injunctive relief.
         (b)  A political subdivision's immunity from suit is waived
  in regard to an action under this chapter. A political subdivision
  is liable for actual damages, consequential damages, and attorneys'
  fees related to a violation of this chapter.
         SECTION 4.  The change in law made by this Act applies to any
  project in progress before or commenced after the effective date of
  this Act or to a cause of action that accrues before, on, or after
  the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.