By: Gonzales H.B. No. 3199
  relating to the issuance of driver's licenses and personal
  identification certificates, including the use of electronically
  readable information; authorizing a fee.
         SECTION 1.  Section 521, Transportation Code, is amended by
  adding Section 521.033 to read as follows:
  IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE.  (a)  The department shall issue a
  secure driver's license or personal identification certificate for
  the purpose of verifying:
               (1)  the on-site identity and credentials of first
  responders and other emergency personnel, as determined by the
               (2)  the identity of an applicant for the provision of
  state and federal government program benefits; and
               (3)  the identity of the holder when using the secure
  electronic features of the document, as determined by the
         (b)  A secure driver's license and personal identification
  certificate must incorporate an integrated circuit chip and comply
  with ISO/IEC 1803-2:2008 or a successor standard.
         (c)  The department shall continue to issue a standard
  driver's license and personal identification certificate and offer
  each applicant the option of receiving:
               (1)  a standard driver's license or personal
  identification certificate;
               (2)  an enhanced driver's license or personal
  identification certificate;
               (3)  a secure driver's license or personal
  identification certificate.
         (d)  The department shall implement a one-to-one and
  one-to-many biometric matching system for the secure driver's
  license or personal identification certificate. An applicant for a
  secure driver's license or personal identification certificate
  must submit a biometric identifier as designated by the department.
         (e)  An applicant for a secure driver's license or personal
  identification certificate must sign a declaration acknowledging
  the applicant's understanding of the one-to-many biometric match.
         (f)  The secure driver's license or personal identification
  certificate must include security measures to protect the privacy
  of the license or certificate holders, including reasonable
  safeguards to protect against the unauthorized disclosure of
  information about the holders. The secure driver's license or
  personal identification certificate must conform with
  interoperability standards and be Common Criteria Level 4+
  certified by an accredited lab or a successor standard. If the
  secure driver's license or personal identification certificate
  includes an integrated circuit chip, the department shall ensure
  that the data stored in the chip is encrypted or otherwise secure
  from unauthorized information access.
         (g)  A secure driver's license or personal identification
  certificate must include;
               (1)  card body construction conforming to ISO 7810 or
  an updated standard and be constructed with a substrate to ensure a
  life expectancy of not less than six years;
               (2)  a security overlay applied to protect personalized
  information printed on the card if the information is applied to the
  card using dye sublimation, ink jet, or thermal retransfer;
               (3)  a single secure microchip that:
                     (A)  contains a minimum of 128kb of non-volatile
  memory supporting dual-interface technology conforming to ISO 7816
  and ISO 14443 standards;
                     (B)  conforms to the General Services
  Administration's Approved Product List (APL) certified FIPS 201
  Personal Identity Verification application, and updates to that
               (4)  the use of cryptographic services compliant with
  FIPS140-2 Certified to Level 3, and updates to that standard; and
               (5)  the use of lifecycle management operations that
  conform to Global Platform V2.2.2, and updates to that standard,
  and support not fewer than four security domains.
         (h)  The requirements of this section are in addition to any
  other requirements imposed on applicants for a driver's license or
  personal identification certificate. The department shall adopt
  rules necessary to implement this section. The department shall
  periodically review technological innovations related to the
  security of driver's license and personal identification
  certificates and amend the rules as appropriate, consistent with
  this section, to protect the privacy of driver's license and
  personal identification certificate holders.
         (i)  The department may set a fee for issuance of a secure
  driver's license or personal identification certificate in a
  reasonable amount necessary to implement and administer this
         (j)  The department may enter into a memorandum of
  understanding with any federal agency for the purposes of
  facilitating the use of the secure electronic features of the
  secure driver's license or personal identification certificate.
         (k)  A person may not sell or otherwise disclose information
  accessed from a secure driver's license or personal identification
  certificate to another person or an affiliate of the person. This
  subsection does not apply to a financial institution described by
  Section 521.126(e).
         (l)  The department shall create a task force to develop a
  plan for the implementation of this section consistent with the
               (1)  The task force shall seek input from other state
  agencies, legislative members and industry.
               (2)  The Task force shall begin planning operations no
  later than September 1, 2013 and issue a final implementation plan
  by September 1, 2014.
         (m)  The Department shall begin to issue a secure driver's
  license as described by this Chapter no later than June 1, 2015.
         SECTION 2.  Section 521.052, Transportation Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  PROHIBITED. Except as provided by Sections 521.033, 521.045,
  521.046, 521.0475, 521.049(c), 521.050, and by Chapter 730, the
  department may not disclose information from the department's files
  that relates to personal information, as that term is defined by
  Section 730.003.
         SECTION 3.  Section 521.055(a), (b) and (c), Transportation
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The department may establish a system, separate from the
  department's mainframe computer, that will allow interactive
  access to certain driver's license record information or
  verification of identity and other information under Section
         (b)  The system may provide for the release of driving
  records described in:
               (1)  Section 521.033;
               (2)  Section 521.045;
               (3) [(3)]  Section 521.046;
               (4) [(3)]  Section 521.047; and
               (5) [(4)]  Section 521.0475.
         (c)  The department may set a fee for accessing information
  under Subsection (b)(1). The fee for a driving record under
  Subsection (b)(2) [(b)(1)] is $2.50. The fee for a driving record
  under Subsection (b)(3) [(b)(2)] is $4.50. The fee for a driving
  record under Subsection (b)(4) [(b)(3)] is $5.50. The fee for a
  driving record under Subsection (b)(5) [(b)(4)] is $20.
         SECTION 4.  Section 521.121(a), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The driver's license must include:
               (1)  a distinguishing number assigned by the department
  to the license holder;
               (2)  a [color] photograph or image of the entire face of
  the holder that complies with the personal identification standards
  developed by the American Association of Motor Vehicle
               (3)  the [full] name and date of birth of the holder;
               (4)  a brief description of the holder; and
               (5)  the license holder's residence address or, for a
  license holder using the procedure under Subsection (c), the street
  address of the courthouse in which the license holder or license
  holder's spouse serves as a federal judge or state judge.
         SECTION 5.  The heading to Section 521.1211, Transportation
  Code, is amended as follows:
         SECTION 6.  Section 521.1211, Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Peace [, "peace] officer" has the meaning
  assigned by Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.
               (2)  "First responder" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 421.095, Government Code.
         (b)  Notwithstanding Section 521.121(a), the department by
  rule shall adopt procedures for the issuance of a driver's license
  to a peace officer that omits the license holder's actual residence
  address and includes, as an alternative, an address that is in the
  municipality or county of the peace officer's residence and is
  acceptable to the department.
         (c)  To be issued a driver's license under this section, a
  peace officer must apply to the department and provide sufficient
  evidence acceptable to the department to establish the applicant's
  status as a peace officer.  On issuance of the license, the license
  holder shall surrender any other driver's license issued to the
  holder by the department.
         (d)  If the holder of a driver's license that includes an
  alternative address moves to a new residence or if the name of the
  person is changed by marriage or otherwise, the license holder
  shall, not later than the 30th day after the date of the address or
  name change, notify the department and provide the department with
  the number of the person's driver's license and, as applicable, the
               (1)  former and new addresses; or
               (2)  former and new names.
         (e)  If the holder of a driver's license that includes an
  alternative address ceases to be a peace officer, the license
  holder shall, not later than the 30th day after the date of the
  status change, apply to the department for issuance of a duplicate
  license.  The duplicate license must include the person's actual
  current residence address.
         (f)  The department shall issue a drivers license under this
  Section consistent with the previsions of Sec. 521.033,
  Transportation Code.
         SECTION 7.  Section 521.126(d), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (d)  The prohibition provided by Subsection (b) does not
  apply to a person who accesses, uses, complies, or maintains a
  database of the information for a law enforcement or governmental
  purpose, including:
               (1)  an officer or employee of the department carrying
  out law enforcement or government purposes;
               (2)  a peace officer, as defined by Article 2.12, Code
  of Criminal Procedure, acting in the officer's official capacity;
               (3)  a license deputy, as defined by Section 12.702,
  Parks and Wildlife Code, issuing a license, stamp, tag, permit, or
  other similar items through use of a point-of-sale system under
  Section 12.703, Parks and Wildlife Code;
               (4)  a person acting as authorized by Section 109.61,
  Alcoholic Beverage Code;
               (5)  a person establishing the identity of a voter
  under Chapter 63, Election Code;
               (6)  a person acting as authorized by Section 161.0825,
  Health and Safety Code; [or]
               (7)  a person screening an individual who will work
  with or have access to children if the person is an employee or an
  agent of an employee of a public school district or an organization
  exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3), Internal
  Revenue Code of 1986, [as amended,] that sponsors a program for
  youth; or
               (8)  a person verifying information on  a secure
  driver's license or personal identification certificate as
  described by Section 521.033.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.