relating to the offense of coercing a person to have or seek an |
abortion and informed and voluntary consent for an abortion; |
providing penalties. |
SECTION 1. The heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 171, Health |
and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2. Section 171.018, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 171.018. OFFENSE. A physician who intentionally |
performs an abortion on a woman in violation of Section 171.011 |
[this subchapter] commits an offense. An offense under this |
section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000. |
In this section, "intentionally" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 6.03(a), Penal Code. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter B, Chapter 171, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 171.019, 171.020, 171.021, |
171.022, and 171.023 to read as follows: |
any anesthesia or sedative is given to a woman prior to the |
performance of an abortion, a physician shall: |
(1) verbally inform the woman on whom the abortion is |
to be performed that a person cannot coerce or force her to have or |
seek an abortion and that the physician cannot perform the abortion |
unless the woman provides her voluntary and informed consent; and |
(2) provide the woman on whom the abortion is to be |
performed with the coerced abortion form described by Section |
171.021: |
(A) in both English and Spanish; and |
(B) in a language other than English or Spanish, |
if applicable, under Section 171.021(c). |
(b) A doctor may not perform an abortion on a woman unless, |
before the abortion, the woman certifies on the coerced abortion |
form described by Section 171.021 that she received from the |
physician the information and materials required by Subsection (a). |
(c) If the woman indicates on the coerced abortion form or |
communicates to the physician that she is being coerced to have or |
seek an abortion or the physician is otherwise made aware that the |
woman has indicated that she is being coerced to have or seek an |
abortion, the physician: |
(1) shall report an offense under Section 25.12, Penal |
Code, to local law enforcement; |
(2) shall provide the referral required by Section |
171.020(2); |
(3) shall provide the woman with access to a telephone |
in a private room; and |
(4) may not perform the abortion until: |
(A) 48 hours have elapsed: |
(i) since the woman last communicated to |
the physician, through the form or otherwise, that the woman was |
being forced or coerced to have or seek an abortion; or |
(ii) to the best of the physician's |
knowledge, since the woman last communicated to an agent of the |
physician that the woman was being forced or coerced to have or seek |
an abortion; and |
(B) the woman provides her voluntary and informed |
consent that the woman states is not a result of coercion. |
(d) A person who is a volunteer for or an employee of a |
physician or an office or facility at which abortions are performed |
shall immediately notify the physician who is to perform an |
abortion on a woman if the woman communicates to the person that the |
woman is being forced or coerced to have or seek an abortion. |
The department shall require each physician who performs an |
abortion to: |
(1) maintain a list of domestic violence shelters and |
assistance programs that do not: |
(A) provide abortions or abortion-related |
services; |
(B) make referrals to abortion providers; or |
(C) affiliate or contract with entities that: |
(i) provide abortions or abortion-related |
services; or |
(ii) make referrals to abortion providers; |
and |
(2) provide a referral to a domestic violence shelter |
or assistance program that does not provide or refer for abortions |
if the woman seeking an abortion communicates to the facility, the |
physician, or an agent of the physician who is performing the |
abortion that the woman is being abused or is being coerced to have |
or seek the abortion. |
Sec. 171.021. CONTENTS OF FORM. (a) The department shall |
develop a coerced abortion form to be completed by each woman on |
whom an abortion is performed in this state. The form must include: |
(1) the following title centered on the page in |
boldfaced capital letters in 26-point font or larger: "NOTICE"; |
(2) the following statement printed in 16-point font |
or larger: "It is against the law for a person, regardless of that |
person's relationship to you, to coerce or force you to have or seek |
an abortion. By law, a physician cannot perform an abortion, |
including inducing, prescribing for, or otherwise providing the |
means for an abortion, unless you give your voluntary and informed |
consent without coercion or force. It is against the law for a |
physician to perform an abortion against your will. You have the |
right to a telephone in a private room to contact any local or state |
law enforcement agency to receive protection from any actual or |
threatened physical abuse or violence."; |
(3) the following statements printed in 14-point font |
or larger followed by spaces for the woman to initial: |
(A) "I understand that I have the right to access |
a telephone in a private room to contact a local or state law |
enforcement agency to receive protection from any actual or |
threatened physical abuse or violence."; |
(B) "I have been informed in person that no one |
can coerce or force me to have or seek an abortion and that an |
abortion cannot be provided to me unless I provide my freely given, |
voluntary, and informed consent."; and |
(C) "I have read the above notice and understand |
that I have legal protection against being coerced or forced to have |
or seek an abortion."; |
(4) spaces for the signature of the woman on whom an |
abortion is to be performed and the date the form was completed; and |
(5) spaces for the license number, area of specialty, |
and signature of the physician who performed the abortion. |
(b) The department shall provide the form required by |
Subsection (a) in both English and Spanish. |
(c) If the department determines that a substantial number |
of residents in this state speak a primary language other than |
English or Spanish, the department shall provide the form required |
by Subsection (a) in that language. The department shall instruct a |
facility that provides abortions to provide the coerced abortion |
form in a language other than English or Spanish if the department |
determines that a substantial number of residents in the area speak |
a primary language other than English or Spanish. |
FORM. (a) The department shall provide a copy of this section and |
Sections 171.019-171.021 and the coerced abortion form required by |
Section 171.019 to: |
(1) a physician who becomes newly licensed to practice |
in this state, not later than the 30th day after the date the |
physician receives the license; and |
(2) all physicians licensed to practice in this state, |
not later than December 1 of each year. |
(b) A copy of the coerced abortion form certified by the |
woman shall be placed in the woman's medical file and kept until at |
least the seventh anniversary of the date on which the form was |
signed or, if the woman is a minor, at least until the date the woman |
reaches 20 years of age, whichever is later. |
(c) The woman on whom an abortion is performed shall be |
given a copy of the completed coerced abortion form in person before |
the woman leaves the facility where the abortion is performed. |
Sec. 171.023. SIGN POSTING. (a) An office or facility at |
which abortions are performed shall post the following sign: |
"NOTICE: It is against the law for a person, regardless of that |
person's relationship to you, to coerce or force you to have or seek |
an abortion. By law, a physician cannot perform an abortion, |
including inducing, prescribing for, or otherwise providing the |
means for an abortion, unless you give your voluntary and informed |
consent without coercion or force. It is against the law for a |
physician to perform an abortion against your will. You have the |
right to a telephone in a private room to contact any local or state |
law enforcement agency to receive protection from any actual or |
threatened physical abuse or violence." |
(b) The sign described by Subsection (a) must be: |
(1) printed with lettering that is legible and in at |
least two-inch boldfaced type; and |
(2) printed and posted in both English and Spanish, as |
well as any language other than English or Spanish if it is likely |
that a substantial number of the residents in the area speak a |
language other than English or Spanish as their familiar language. |
(c) An office or facility at which abortions are performed |
shall conspicuously post the sign described by Subsection (a) in |
each patient waiting room and each patient consultation room |
regularly used by patients seeking abortions. |
(d) If requested by a patient, the office or facility shall |
provide the patient: |
(1) a paper copy of the sign described by Subsection |
(a) in the language preferred by the patient; and |
(2) access to a telephone in a private room. |
SECTION 4. Chapter 6, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended by adding Article 6.11 to read as follows: |
Art. 6.11. REPORTS OF COERCION OF ABORTION. A peace officer |
who receives a report of or other information indicating the |
commission or attempted commission of an alleged offense under |
Section 25.12, Penal Code, shall file a police report as necessary |
to ensure that law enforcement may investigate the alleged offense. |
SECTION 5. Chapter 25, Penal Code, is amended by adding |
Section 25.12 to read as follows: |
Sec. 25.12. COERCION OF ABORTION. (a) A person commits an |
offense if the person uses coercion to induce a pregnant woman to |
have or seek an abortion. |
(b) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor. |
(c) A person who in good faith reports to law enforcement |
authorities a suspected offense under Subsection (a) is immune from |
civil liability in an action brought against the person for |
reporting the suspected offense. |
SECTION 6. (a) Not later than December 1, 2013, the |
Department of State Health Services shall develop and make |
available the form required by Subchapter B, Chapter 171, Health |
and Safety Code, as amended by this Act, along with instructions for |
completing the form. |
(b) Not later than December 1, 2013, the Department of State |
Health Services shall develop and make available the sign required |
by Section 171.023, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act. |
(c) Not later than January 1, 2014, the Department of State |
Health Services shall distribute forms as required by Section |
171.022(a), Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act. |
SECTION 7. This Act takes effect September 1, 2013. |