83R7511 JSC-D
  By: Zerwas H.B. No. 3252
  relating to the confidentiality of birth and death records.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 552.115(a) and (d), Government Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A birth or death record maintained by the bureau of
  vital statistics of the Texas Department of Health or a local
  registration official is excepted from the requirements of Section
  552.021, except that:
               (1)  a birth record is public information and available
  to the public on and after the 125th [75th] anniversary of the date
  of birth as shown on the record filed with the bureau of vital
  statistics or local registration official;
               (2)  a death record is public information and available
  to the public on and after the 50th [25th] anniversary of the date
  of death as shown on the record filed with the bureau of vital
  statistics or local registration official;
               (3)  a general birth index or a general death index
  established or maintained by the bureau of vital statistics or a
  local registration official is public information and available to
  the public to the extent the index relates to a birth record or
  death record that is public information and available to the public
  under Subdivision (1) or (2);
               (4)  a summary birth index or a summary death index
  prepared or maintained by the bureau of vital statistics or a local
  registration official is public information and available to the
  public; and
               (5)  a birth or death record is available to the chief
  executive officer of a home-rule municipality or the officer's
  designee if:
                     (A)  the record is used only to identify a
  property owner or other person to whom the municipality is required
  to give notice when enforcing a state statute or an ordinance;
                     (B)  the municipality has exercised due diligence
  in the manner described by Section 54.035(e), Local Government
  Code, to identify the person; and
                     (C)  the officer or designee signs a
  confidentiality agreement that requires that:
                           (i)  the information not be disclosed
  outside the office of the officer or designee, or within the office
  for a purpose other than the purpose described by Paragraph (A);
                           (ii)  the information be labeled as
                           (iii)  the information be kept securely; and
                           (iv)  the number of copies made of the
  information or the notes taken from the information that implicate
  the confidential nature of the information be controlled, with all
  copies or notes that are not destroyed or returned remaining
  confidential and subject to the confidentiality agreement.
         (d)  For the purposes of fulfilling the terms of the
  agreement in Subsection (c), the Genealogical Society of Utah shall
  have access to birth records on and after the 50th anniversary of
  the date of birth as shown on the record filed with the bureau of
  vital statistics or local registration official, but such birth
  records shall not be made available to the public until the 125th
  [75th] anniversary of the date of birth as shown on the record.
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies to the
  release of a birth or death record after the effective date of this
  Act, regardless of whether the birth or death record was a public
  record before the effective date of this Act under the law as it
  existed immediately before the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.