By: Schaefer H.B. No. 3257
  relating to the election of emergency service commissioners in
  certain counties.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 775, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 775.0346 to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies only to a county:
               (1)  with a population of more than 200,000;
               (2)  that borders Lake Palestine; and
               (3)  has at least one emergency services district.
         (b)  The governing body of a district consists of a
  five-person board of emergency services commissioners elected as
  prescribed by this section. Except as provided by Subsection (h),
  emergency services commissioners serve four-year terms.
         (c)  After a district is created, the county judge shall
  establish a convenient day provided by Section 41.001, Election
  Code, to conduct an election to elect the initial emergency
  services commissioners.
         (d)  If the district is already in existence on the effective
  date of this section, the county judge shall establish a convenient
  day provided by Section 41.001, Election Code, to conduct an
  election to elect emergency services commissioners.
         (e)  To be eligible to be a candidate for emergency services
  commissioner, a person must be at least 18 years of age and a
  resident of the district.
         (f)  A candidate for emergency services commissioner on an
  initial board or a board already in existence on the effective date
  of this section must give the county clerk a sworn notice of the
  candidate's intention to run for office. The notice must state the
  person's name, age, and address and state that the person is serving
  notice of intent to run for emergency services commissioner. On
  receipt of the notice, the county clerk shall have the candidate's
  name placed on the ballot.
         (g)  The county clerk shall appoint an election judge to
  certify the results of the election.
         (h)  After the election is held, the county clerk or the
  clerk's deputy shall prepare a sworn statement of the election
  costs incurred by the county. The statement shall be given to the
  newly elected board, which shall order the appropriate official to
  reimburse the county for the county's election costs.
         (i)  The initial emergency services commissioners' terms of
  office begin 30 days after canvassing of the election results. The
  two commissioners who received the fewest votes serve a term that
  expires on December 31 of the second year following the year in
  which the election was held. The other emergency services
  commissioners serve terms that expire on December 31 of the fourth
  year following the year in which the election was held.
         (i)  In a district already in existence on the effective date
  of this section, the emergency services commissioners' terms of
  office begin 30 days after canvassing of election results. At this
  time, the terms of office for previously appointed emergency
  services commissioners shall expire. The two commissioners who
  received the fewest votes serve a term that expires on December 31
  of the second year following the year in which the election was
  held. The other emergency services commissioners serve terms that
  expire on December 31 of the fourth year following the year in which
  the election was held.
         (j)  The board shall hold the general election for
  commissioner every two years on an authorized uniform election date
  as provided by Chapter 41, Election Code. The board may change the
  election date from one authorized election date to another
  authorized election date and shall adjust the terms of office to
  conform to the new election date.
         (k)  Subchapter C, Chapter 146, Election Code, applies to a
  write-in candidate for emergency services commissioner under this
  section in the same manner it applies to a write-in candidate for a
  city office under that subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 775, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 775.0356 to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies only to a county:
               (1)  with a population of more than 200,000;
               (2)  that borders Lake Palestine; and
               (3)  has at least one emergency services district.
         (b)  In this section, "emergency services organization"
               (1)  a volunteer fire department;
               (2)  a career or combination fire department;
               (3)  a municipal fire department;
               (4)  an emergency medical services organization under
  the jurisdiction of the Department of State Health Services;
               (5)  any other agency under the jurisdiction of the
  state fire marshal's office; or
               (6)  any other organization or corporation that governs
  an emergency services organization.
         (c)  A person is disqualified from serving as an emergency
  services commissioner if that person:
               (1)  is related within the third degree of affinity or
  consanguinity to:
                     (A)  a person providing professional services to
  the district;
                     (B)  a commissioner of the same district; or
                     (C)  a person who is an employee or volunteer of an
  emergency services organization providing emergency services to
  the district;
               (2)  is an employee of a commissioner of the same
  district, attorney, or other person providing professional
  services to the district;
               (3)  is serving as an attorney, consultant, or
  architect or in some other professional capacity for the district
  or an emergency services organization providing emergency services
  to the district; or
               (4)  fails to maintain the qualifications required by
  law to serve as a commissioner.
         (d)  Any rights obtained by a third party through official
  action of a board covered by this section are not impaired or
  affected by the disqualification under this section of an emergency
  services commissioner to serve, provided that the third party had
  no knowledge, at the time the rights were obtained, of the fact that
  the commissioner was disqualified to serve.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter C, Chapter 775, Health and Safety
  Code, is amended by adding Section 775.0446 to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies only to a county:
               (1)  with a population of more than 200,000;
               (2)  that borders Lake Palestine; and
               (3)  has at least one emergency services district.
         (b)  In this section, "vacancy" means a vacancy in the office
  of director that occurs for any reason, including an office that is
  vacant because:
               (1)  a director was disqualified under Section
  775.0356; or
               (2)  no candidate filed for election to the office.
         (c)  Not later than the 90th day after a board vacancy
  occurs, the remaining board members shall appoint a person to fill
  the unexpired term.
               (3)  A person appointed under this section must be
  eligible to serve under Section 775.0346.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.