83R3694 JAM-D
  By: Burnam H.B. No. 3600
  relating to the rights of an owner of the surface estate in land in
  connection with oil and gas exploration and production operations;
  providing administrative penalties.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 3, Natural Resources Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 93 to read as follows:
         Sec. 93.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Agricultural use" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 23.51, Tax Code.
               (2)  "Commission" means the Railroad Commission of
               (3)  "Mineral estate" means an estate in or ownership
  of all or part of the minerals underlying a tract of land.
               (4)  "Oil and gas developer" means a person who
  acquires a mineral estate or a mineral lease for the purpose of
  extracting or using oil and gas from a tract of land.
               (5)  "Oil and gas operations" means the following
  activities to the extent they require entry on the surface of a
  tract of land:
                     (A)  oil and gas exploration activities; and
                     (B)  oil and gas drilling, production, and
  completion operations.
               (6)  "Surface estate" means an estate in or ownership
  of the surface of a tract of land.
               (7)  "Surface owner" means a person who holds record
  title to the surface of a tract of land.
         Sec. 93.051.  NOTICE OF SURVEYING OR INSPECTION. (a) An oil
  and gas developer shall give each surface owner written notice that
  the oil and gas developer plans to begin surveying or inspecting the
  property not later than the fifth business day before the date the
  surveying or inspecting begins.
         (b)  An oil and gas developer shall give each surface owner
  written notice that the oil and gas developer plans to begin
  constructing improvements or conducting oil and gas operations on
  the property not later than the 30th day before the date the
  construction or operations begin. The notice must:
               (1)  sufficiently describe the oil and gas operations
  on the land, the schedule for conducting the operations, and the
  land to be affected by the operations to enable the surface owner to
  evaluate the effect of the operations on the surface owner's use of
  the land;
               (2)  include a statement advising the surface owner of
  the surface owner's rights under this chapter;
               (3)  include the name, address, telephone number, and,
  if available, facsimile number and e-mail address of the developer
  and the developer's authorized representatives; and
               (4)  include a proposed surface use agreement provided
  under Section 93.104 that contains, to the extent known,
  information relating to:
                     (A)  the placement, specifications, and design of
  well pads, gathering pipelines, and roads to be constructed for the
                     (B)  the terms of ingress and egress on the land
  for the operations;
                     (C)  the placement, construction, and maintenance
  of all pits and equipment to be used for the operations;
                     (D)  the use and impoundment of water on the
  surface of the land;
                     (E)  the removal and restoration of plant life;
                     (F)  changes to the drainage of surface water;
                     (G)  any proposed measures to control erosion,
  rainwater runoff, noise, dust, traffic, litter, trespass, and other
  interference with the use of the surface estate; and
                     (H)  measures proposed to restore the surface
  estate to the condition in which it existed before the operations
         (c)  Notice under this section:
               (1)  must be given by certified mail or hand delivery to
  each surface owner at the surface owner's address as shown by the
  records of the county clerk or county tax assessor-collector at the
  time the notice is given; and
               (2)  is considered to have been received five days
  after mailing and immediately on hand delivery.
         Sec. 93.052.  ENTRY ON LAND; SECURITY REQUIRED.  (a)  Except
  as provided by Subsection (b), an oil and gas developer may not
  enter the land to conduct oil and gas operations until the oil and
  gas developer enters into a written agreement for the payment of
  compensation for damages with each surface owner.
         (b)  An oil and gas developer may enter the land to begin
  construction or oil and gas operations without entering into a
  surface use agreement with each surface owner if:
               (1)  30 days have passed since each surface owner
  received notice as provided by Section 93.051(b); and
               (2)  the developer deposits in a banking institution
  for the benefit of the surface owner:
                     (A)  a surety bond or other equivalent security in
  an amount of $10,000 for each well location on the land; or
                     (B)  a blanket surety bond or other equivalent
  security in an amount of $25,000 provided that:
                           (i)  the bond or other security is readily
  payable to a surface owner awarded damages under this chapter; and
                           (ii)  if any portion of the bond or security
  has been used to pay a surface owner, the developer shall post
  additional security so that the total security posted is $25,000.
         (c)  A bond or security posted in accordance with Subsection
  (b)(2)(A) may be released only when:
               (1)  the surface owner provides notice to the holder of
  the bond or security that the developer has paid all required
  compensation for damages;
               (2)  the surface owner and the developer have executed
  a surface use agreement or otherwise agree that the security should
  be released;
               (3)  all damages awarded under a nonappealable judgment
  have been paid; or
               (4)  all wells on the land have been plugged and
  abandoned for a period of at least six years and the developer has
  not conducted oil and gas operations on the land during that period.
         (d)  A bond or security posted in accordance with Subsection
  (b)(2)(B) may not be released until six years after the developer
  files with the holder of the bond or security a statement certified
  by the Railroad Commission of Texas that according to the
  commission's records the developer does not conduct or hold permits
  for oil and gas operations in this state.
         Sec. 93.053.  EXEMPTION FOR EMERGENCY. Notwithstanding any
  other provision of this chapter, an oil and gas developer may enter
  the land of a surface owner to protect human health, safety, or the
         Sec. 93.101.  APPLICABILITY. A surface owner is entitled to
  damages as provided by this subchapter regardless of whether:
               (1)  the surface estate of the land has been severed
  from the mineral estate; or
               (2)  the surface owner is the person who executed the
  instrument that gave the oil and gas developer the right to conduct
  oil and gas operations on the land.
         Sec. 93.102.  REMEDIES CUMULATIVE. The remedies provided by
  this subchapter are in addition to any other remedies provided by
         Sec. 93.103.  RIGHT TO PAYMENT FOR DAMAGES. (a) An oil and
  gas developer shall pay each surface owner an amount equal to the
  amount of anticipated and foreseeable damages sustained by the
  surface owner for the following, to the extent the damages are
  caused by oil and gas operations on the surface owner's land:
               (1)  loss of income derived from agricultural use of
  the land;
               (2)  reduction in value of the land;
               (3)  reduction in value of improvements to the land;
               (4)  loss of access to the surface of the land; and
               (5)  loss of the use of the surface of the land.
         (b)  The amount of compensation for damages under Subsection
  (a) may be determined by any formula agreed to by the oil and gas
  developer and the surface owner.
         (c)  A surface owner may assign the surface owner's right to
  compensation for damages described by Subsection (a) to a tenant of
  the surface owner.
  (a) At the time notice required by Section 93.051 is given to a
  surface owner, the oil and gas developer shall give to the surface
  owner a written offer to pay compensation for damages as provided by
  Section 93.103.
         (b)  The surface owner may accept or reject the offer. An
  acceptance of the offer must be in writing. A failure to accept a
  proposed agreement within 20 days of receipt of the agreement is
  deemed to be a rejection of the agreement by the surface owner.
         Sec. 93.151.  RESTORATION OF SURFACE. After the cessation
  of oil and gas operations, an oil and gas developer shall restore
  the surface to a condition that is substantially the same as existed
  before the developer began operations.
         Sec. 93.201.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. The commission may
  impose an administrative penalty in an amount and in the manner
  provided by Sections 81.0531-81.0534 on a person who violates this
  SUIT. In a civil action brought by a surface owner or oil and gas
  developer alleging a violation of this chapter the prevailing party
  may be awarded:
               (1)  attorney's fees and costs if:
                     (A)  the oil and gas developer conducts oil and
  gas operations that exceed the scope provided for by a surface use
  agreement entered into with the surface owner or conducts oil and
  gas operations without providing notice under Section 93.051 or
  depositing a bond or other security under Section 93.052; or
                     (B)  the surface owner does not exercise good
  faith in complying with the terms of a surface use agreement entered
  into with an oil and gas developer; or
               (2)  attorney's fees, costs, and treble damages if the
  court finds that:
                     (A)  either party wilfully and knowingly violates
  a surface use agreement entered into by the parties; or
                     (B)  the developer wilfully and knowingly
  conducts oil and gas operations without providing notice under
  Section 93.051 or depositing a bond or other security under Section
         SECTION 2.  (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this
  section, the change in law made by this Act applies only to
  liability for damage to the surface of land caused by the use of the
  surface for oil and gas operations on or after the effective date of
  this Act. Liability for damage to the surface of land caused by the
  use of the surface for oil and gas operations before the effective
  date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the
  damage was caused, and that law is continued in effect for that
         (b)  Section 93.151, Natural Resources Code, as added by this
  Act, applies to any well that is not plugged and abandoned on or
  before the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2013.