83R10560 ADM-F
  By: McClendon H.B. No. 3634
  relating to the creation of the Juvenile Court Jurisdiction Task
  this Act:
               (1)  "Juvenile" means a person subject to the
  jurisdiction of a juvenile court for acts committed when the person
  was younger than 17 years of age.
               (2)  "Adult" means a person 17 years of age or older.
               (3)  "Task force" means the Juvenile Court Jurisdiction
  Task Force established under this section.
         (b)  The Juvenile Court Jurisdiction Task Force is
  established. The purpose of the task force is to:
               (1)  evaluate a proposal to define a person who is 17
  years of age and commits an offense as a child under the Family Code
  to include the person under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court;
               (2)  develop an implementation plan that includes
  legislative, administrative, and funding changes necessary to
  adopt the proposal.
         (c)  The task force is composed of the following 25 members:
               (1)  the chief justice of the supreme court or the chief
  justice's designee;
               (2)  the presiding judge of the court of criminal
  appeals or the presiding judge's designee;
               (3)  the executive director of the Texas Department of
  Criminal Justice or the executive director's designee;
               (4)  the executive director of the Texas Juvenile
  Justice Department or the executive director's designee;
               (5)  the executive director of the Commission on Jail
  Standards or the executive director's designee;
               (6)  the public safety director of the Department of
  Public Safety or the director's designee;
               (7)  the independent ombudsman of the Texas Juvenile
  Justice Department or the independent ombudsman's designee;
               (8)  one representative of the Legislative Budget Board
  with expertise in criminal justice population projections and
  budget issues, appointed by the director of the Legislative Budget
               (9)  one prosecutor with expertise in prosecuting
  juvenile offenders, appointed by the governor;
               (10)  one criminal defense lawyer, appointed by the
               (11)  one current or former juvenile court judge,
  appointed by the chief justice of the supreme court;
               (12)  one current or former criminal court judge
  appointed by the presiding judge of the court of criminal appeals;
               (13)  one school administrator, appointed by the
               (14)  one chief juvenile probation officer from an
  urban county and one chief juvenile probation officer from a rural
  county, appointed by the governor;
               (15)  one chief adult probation officer, appointed by
  the governor;
               (16)  one police chief, appointed by the governor;
               (17)  one person with expertise in brain development or
  adolescent mental health, appointed by the governor;
               (18)  one person who was adjudicated for a juvenile
  offense in Texas, appointed by the governor;
               (19)  three members of the house of representatives,
  appointed by the speaker of the house; and
               (20)  three members of the senate, appointed by the
  lieutenant governor.
         (d)  The governor shall designate a member of the task force
  to serve as presiding officer.
         (e)  The presiding officer may designate additional experts
  to serve as advisors to the task force.
         (f)  A person designated to make an appointment of a member
  of the task force shall make the appointment not later than the 60th
  day after the effective date of this Act.  The designated person
  shall fill a vacancy in the task force or a vacancy in the position
  of presiding officer of the task force by the appointment of another
  person with the same qualifications as the original appointee.
         (g)  The presiding officer shall call the initial meeting of
  the task force on or before December 1, 2013. The task force shall
  meet at the times and places that the presiding officer determines
  are appropriate. The task force shall adopt rules necessary to
  fulfill the task force's duties under this Act.
         (h)  A member of the task force is not entitled to
  compensation but may be entitled to reimbursement for the member's
  actual and necessary expenses incurred in attending meetings of the
  task force and performing other official duties authorized by the
  presiding officer of the task force, if funding is available.
         (i)  The task force may request meeting facilities, data,
  clerical help, or other assistance from any department, agency,
  institution, office, or political subdivision of this state.
         (j)  State funds may not be appropriated for purposes of the
  task force. The task force may apply for, receive, and accept
  grants of funds or other contributions as appropriate to assist in
  the performance of its duties. The task force may contract for
  consultants or technical assistance.
         (k)  The task force is not subject to Chapter 2110,
  Government Code.
         SECTION 2.  DUTIES OF TASK FORCE. (a)  After evaluating the
  proposal described by Section 1(b) of this Act, the task force shall
  determine whether the legislature should implement that proposal.  
  To make the determination, the task force shall consider:
               (1)  the potential short-term and long-term benefits to
  offenders, victims, and taxpayers;
               (2)  the requirements of federal law, including the
  Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (42 U.S.C. Section 15601 et
  seq.), for the confinement of persons 17 years of age;
               (3)  the implications of the decisions of the United
  States Supreme Court in Miller v. Alabama, 567 U.S. ____ (2012), and
  similar cases involving the sentencing of persons younger than 18
  years of age;
               (4)  appropriate sanctions, services, and treatment
  programs for persons 17 years of age who have committed criminal
  offenses and the effectiveness of the sanctions, services, and
               (5)  best practices and national trends in the
  prosecution and sentencing of persons younger than 18 years of age;
               (6)  data about the nature and frequency of offenses
  committed by persons 17 years of age in this state;
               (7)  the projected costs and savings for the state
  criminal court and juvenile court systems, state and local law
  enforcement, local adult and juvenile probation departments, state
  and local correctional facilities, and facilities operated by the
  Texas Juvenile Justice Department;
               (8)  which criminal and juvenile justice laws to amend,
  including laws relating to traffic offenses, offenses under the
  Education Code or Alcoholic Beverage Code, and laws relating to
  criminal records; and
               (9)  any other issues that the task force considers
  relevant to the proposal.
         (b)  The task force shall:
               (1)  develop the implementation plan relating to the
  proposal described by Section 1(b) of this Act;
               (2)  calculate the projected state and local adult and
  juvenile correctional facility populations if the plan is
               (3)  conduct a cost-benefit analysis for each part of
  the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems and for offenders,
  victims, and taxpayers if the plan is implemented; and
               (4)  make findings and recommendations and describe
  policy considerations relating to whether the proposal should be
         SECTION 3.  REPORT. Not later than December 1, 2014, the
  task force shall deliver an interim report of the task force's
  findings and recommendations, including legislative,
  administrative, and funding recommendations, to the governor, the
  lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives,
  the standing committees of each house of the legislature with
  primary jurisdiction over criminal justice and juvenile justice
  matters, the supreme court, the court of criminal appeals, the
  executive director of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and
  the executive director of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
         SECTION 4.  FINAL REPORT. The task force shall deliver a
  final report not later than December 1, 2016, to the persons listed
  in Section 3 of this Act describing the results of the
  implementation of the laws enacted by the 84th Legislature relating
  to the task force's recommendations and providing additional
  legislative, administrative, or funding recommendations to make
  the change in law more effective.
         SECTION 5.  EXPIRATION. The task force is abolished and this
  Act expires August 31, 2017.
         SECTION 6.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Act takes effect
  immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members
  elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas
  Constitution.  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for
  immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2013.