By: Anchia H.B. No. 3851
  relating to the enhancement of Texas maritime ports for expanded
  service to international marine freight and passenger markets.
         SECTION 1.  Section 55, Transportation Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 55.002.  PORT DEVELOPMENT FUNDING.  (a) From money in
  the fund, the department shall fund:
               (1)  port security, transportation, or facility
  projects; and
               (2)  maritime port studies.
         (b)  The commission by rule may establish matching fund
  requirements for receiving money from the fund.
         (c)  Port security, transportation, or facility projects
  eligible for funding under this chapter include:
               (1)  construction or improvement of transportation
  facilities within the jurisdiction of a maritime port;
               (2)  the dredging or deepening of channels, turning
  basins, or harbors;
               (3)  the construction or improvement of wharves, docks,
  structures, jetties, piers, storage facilities, cruise terminals,
  or any facilities necessary or useful in connection with maritime
  port transportation or economic development;
               (4)  the construction or improvement of facilities
  necessary or useful in providing maritime port security;
               (5)  the acquisition of container cranes or other
  mechanized equipment used in the movement of cargo or passengers in
  international commerce;
               (6)  the acquisition of land to be used for maritime
  port purposes;
               (7)  the acquisition, improvement, enlargement, or
  extension of existing maritime port facilities; and
               (8)  environmental protection projects that:
                     (A)  are required as a condition of a state,
  federal, or local environmental permit or other form of approval;
                     (B)  are necessary for the acquisition of spoil
  disposal sites and improvements to existing and future spoil sites;
                     (C)  result from the undertaking of eligible
         (d)  The department, in consultation with the committee,
  shall review the list of projects recommended by the committee to
  evaluate the economic benefit of each project. The commission,
  after receiving recommendations from the committee and from the
  department, shall approve projects or studies for funding based on
  its review.
         (d-1)  For any project with a potential cost exceeding
  $1,000,000, the department, in consultation with the committee,
  shall review its impact upon the ports competitiveness in the
  international marketplace, as a factor in ranking the project for
  priority funding.
         (d-2)  For any project with a potential cost exceeding
  $10,000,000, the department, in consultation with the committee,
  shall review the possibility of a public private partnership, and
  potential cost, project delivery, and efficiency advantages.
         SECTION 2.  Section 55, Transportation Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 55.008.  CAPITAL PROGRAM. (a) The committee shall
  prepare a two-year port capital program defining the goals and
  objectives of the committee concerning the development of maritime
  port facilities and an intermodal transportation system. The port
  capital program must include projects or studies submitted to the
  committee by any maritime port and recommendations for:
               (1)  the construction of transportation facilities
  connecting any maritime port to another transportation mode; and
               (2)  the efficient, cost-effective development of
  transportation facilities or maritime port facilities for the
  purpose of:
                     (A)  enhancing international trade;
                     (B)  enhancing security;
                     (C)  promoting cargo flow;
                     (D)  increasing cruise passenger movements;
                     (E)  increasing maritime port revenues; [and]
                     (F)  generating new trade-related jobs; and
                     (G)  providing economic benefits to the state.
         (b)  The committee shall update the port capital program and
  shall submit the capital program not later than December 1 of each
  even-numbered year to:
               (1)  the governor;
               (2)  the lieutenant governor;
               (3)  the speaker of the house of representatives; and
               (4)  the commission.
         (c)  Prior to approval of the port capital program, the
  committee, in consultation with the Texas Higher Education
  Coordinating Board, the Texas Workforce Commission and other
  appropriate agencies, on a workforce development plan to equip
  Texans to pursue job opportunities related to the new port
         SECTION 3.  Chapter 60, Transportation Code, is amended by
  adding Section 60.002 to read as follows:
         Sec. 60.002.  TEXAS GLOBAL SEAPORTS PROGRAM. (a) In this
  section, "program" means the Texas Global Seaports Program.
         (b)  An interagency, public-private sector work group
  entitled the Texas Global Seaports Work Group is created to consult
  upon, develop, adopt an action plan for, and fund the program,
               (1)  develop or update a process to allow agencies and
  business to work together to identify the key emerging global
  markets for Texas products and services, and inbound foreign
  investment in Texas businesses, and collaborate to identify
  improvements to Texas' seaports to better serve international
               (2)  consult with local governments, educational
  institutions, economic development and metropolitan planning
  organizations, workforce development agencies, small business
  agencies, chambers of commerce, trade associations, and other
  stakeholders, to elicit recommendations on a statewide strategy to
  enhance services out of Texas' global seaports;
               (3)  consult with the top industry consumers of Texas
  products and services in foreign nations, elicit recommendations on
  improvements to Texas airports, including enhancements targeting
  international shippers and passengers, which would improve Texas'
  ability to compete with other states, provinces and nations for
  international maritime business; and
               (4)  Establish a "Texas Global Seaports Fund," and
  criteria and a procedure through which a facility may secure
  certification as a "Texas Global Seaport," entitling the facility
  to apply for funding for capital and other improvements from the
         (c)  The task force shall meet at least once quarterly in
  Austin to report on results of their consultations, new
  international partnerships, and best practices and case studies
  from other states, provinces and nations.
         (d)  No later than December 31, 2014, the Task Force shall
  publish its findings and strategic recommendations, including
  selected case studies from other nations, and a strategic plan to
  boost total international activity at Texas seaports by 20% by the
  year 2025.
         (e)  In fulfilling its duties, the task force shall consider
  opportunities to collaborate with the federal government,
  including the U.S. Department of Transportation and Federal
  Maritime Administration, and other federal government departments,
  and the effect of federal policies, including trade agreements,
  upon Texas' maritime business opportunities in the global
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2013.