83R1357 JGH-D
  By: Zedler H.C.R. No. 22
         WHEREAS, Words cannot express the sorrow felt at the loss of
  Michael Gilles Purgason of Arlington, who died on July 13, 2012, at
  the age of 21; and
         WHEREAS, Michael Purgason was born in Arlington on December
  28, 1990, to Thomas and Michele Purgason; he attended Mansfield
  Summit High School, where he served on the student council and
  helped found the Republican Club; an excellent athlete, he played
  baseball and basketball and managed the girls' volleyball team; he
  graduated summa cum laude in 2009; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Purgason went on to attend The University of
  Texas at Austin, where he majored in English and biology;
  passionate about volleyball, he was a mainstay of the UT Men's Club
  Volleyball team, serving as president during the 2011-2012 school
  year; he was also an enthusiastic supporter of the athletic
  activities of his brother, Nicholas, and his sister, Ashley, and of
  the Lady Longhorns volleyball team; and
         WHEREAS, Following in the family tradition of his father,
  grandfather, great-grandfather, and uncle, Mr. Purgason sought a
  career in medicine as a means to express his compassion for others
  and his deep religious faith, and he had recently applied to medical
  school with the intention of becoming a primary care physician; at
  the time of his death, he was already conducting biomedical
  research at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston;
         WHEREAS, Known affectionately as "Purgy," this gifted and
  charismatic young man was a devoted son, a loving brother, and a
  fiercely loyal friend, and the memory of his generosity toward
  others, keen intelligence, and joie de vivre will continue to
  inspire all those who knew and loved him; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby pay tribute to the life of Michael Gilles Purgason and extend
  sincere condolences to the members of his family: to his parents,
  Thomas and Michele Purgason; to his brother, Nicholas Purgason; to
  his sister, Ashley Purgason; to his grandmother, Doris Purgason;
  and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of
  Michael Gilles Purgason.