83R5732 JWI-F
  By: Larson H.C.R. No. 33
         WHEREAS, Texans today have a renewed belief that the
  government closest to the people is the best government; and
         WHEREAS, No other level of government is more accountable and
  responsive on a daily basis to "We the People" than Texas cities;
         WHEREAS, Texas cities provide critical services such as
  police and fire protection, as well as the collection and disposal
  of garbage, ensuring that citizens have safe cities in which to live
  and work; and
         WHEREAS, Texas cities are the first, and often only, engine
  of economic development in the state, attracting businesses and
  providing infrastructure for those businesses to be successful; and
         WHEREAS, Texas cities constantly strive to keep driving
  conditions safe and work tirelessly to maintain city streets,
  street lights, and sidewalks; and
         WHEREAS, Texas cities provide safe, clean, and reliable
  drinking water, as well as investments in drinking water and
  wastewater infrastructure to protect public health and ensure that
  there is an adequate water supply to support the state's growing
  population, businesses, and industries; and
         WHEREAS, Texas cities also provide parks and libraries that
  improve the quality of life for individuals and the overall
  community; and
         WHEREAS, The services that cities are called on to provide by
  the citizens of Texas reflect the will of local taxpayers and allow
  people to live and work in close proximity; and
         WHEREAS, Those who are elected and serve at the local level do
  so largely on a voluntary basis and are best suited to determine
  what their individual communities look like; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby recognize this day as Municipal Government Day at the State
  Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation best wishes for an
  informative and enjoyable stay in Austin.