83R7640 JWI-D
  By: Anderson H.C.R. No. 39
         WHEREAS, The Honorable M. A. Taylor of Waco, who served his
  constituents in McLennan and Falls Counties with tireless devotion
  during four terms in the Texas House of Representatives, passed
  away on February 5, 2013, at the age of 85; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Hewitt on October 30, 1927, Mr. Taylor was
  the son of Mathilde Emilia and Mertz Anderson Taylor; he worked
  alongside his father on the family farm and attended Hewitt and
  Lorena public schools before enrolling in the Agricultural and
  Mechanical College of Texas, now Texas A&M University; and
         WHEREAS, After graduating, Mr. Taylor served as a business
  manager for Hipps Orthopedic Clinic and later joined Central
  Freight Lines, where he worked for more than three decades; when he
  retired in 1982, he was vice president of corporate affairs and a
  member of the board of directors and had served several terms as
  president of the Central Federal Credit Union; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout his tenure with Central Freight Lines,
  this dynamic Texan was active in his local and state business
  community; as a lifelong member of the Texas Association of
  Business and Chambers of Commerce, Mr. Taylor held many offices,
  including treasurer of the Greater Waco Chamber of Commerce, vice
  president of the Texas State Chamber of Commerce, and president of
  the East Texas Chamber of Commerce; in addition, he was a member of
  the National Defense Executive Reserve and served as president for
  a number of other professional organizations, including the Waco
  Management and Personnel Association and the Waco Executive
  Association; and
         WHEREAS, Following his retirement from CFL, Mr. Taylor
  established Management Action Techniques and Systems, a business
  consulting firm, and then was elected to the Texas House of
  Representatives in 1984, becoming only the second Republican to
  represent McLennan County since Reconstruction; during his eight
  years as a legislator, Mr. Taylor served on the Insurance and
  Transportation Committees and was a member of the Conservative
  Coalition, the Rural Caucus, and the Republican Caucus; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Taylor continued to play a vital role in the
  state's Republican party after leaving the house of
  representatives; he was elected county chairman of the Republican
  Party of McLennan County in 1994, and in 1999 he founded that
  organization's Endowment Trust; he also contributed his expertise
  to many other organizations, including the Election Commission of
  McLennan County, the Texas Republican County Chairmen's
  Association, and the Young Conservatives of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to forging successful careers in
  business and public service, Mr. Taylor contributed significantly
  to the civic and cultural life of McLennan County, where he was born
  and where he lived for many years; a Rotarian and a 33rd Degree
  Mason, he served as president of the Waco Civic Theatre and the Red
  Cross Gallon Club, in which he earned membership many times over as
  a seven-gallon blood donor; he also served as vice president of the
  Friends of the Moody Texas Ranger Memorial Library, as a member and
  vice chair of the Providence Hospital Advisory Board, and as a
  trustee of the Providence Healthcare Network; and
         WHEREAS, A passionate supporter of the maroon and white,
  Mr. Taylor's commitment to Texas A&M continued long past his
  graduation; he held the offices of president of the Waco-McLennan
  County A&M Club, district councilman for the Association of Former
  Students, and director of the Greater Waco A&M Club, and for 30
  years he worked with the university's Transportation Institute; and
         WHEREAS, In all of his endeavors, Mr. Taylor enjoyed the love
  and support of his wife, Virginia Lynn Salmond Taylor, and their
  three children, Marilynn, Kathy, and Mark Kevin; and
         WHEREAS, M. A. Taylor leaves a legacy of accomplishments
  that will continue to benefit the people in this state for years to
  come, and he will long be remembered with deep affection and
  admiration by all who were fortunate enough to share in the richness
  of his life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby pay tribute to the life of the Honorable M. A. Taylor and
  extend sincere sympathy to the members of his family: to his wife,
  Virginia Lynn Salmond Taylor; to his daughters, Marilynn Pagano and
  Kathy Leighton; to his son, Mark Kevin Taylor; to his five
  grandchildren and his great-grandchild; and to the other relatives
  and friends of this distinguished Texan; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of
  M. A. Taylor.