83R16880 LB-D
  By: Farney H.C.R. No. 101
         WHEREAS, The Burnet Consolidated Independent School District
  earned a HealthierUS School Challenge Gold Award of Distinction
  from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the district's food
  service department deserves special recognition for its
  outstanding contributions to this achievement; and
         WHEREAS, A voluntary national certification initiative, the
  HealthierUS School Challenge is designed to encourage schools to
  improve the quality of food served in school cafeterias and provide
  nutrition education as well as to promote physical education and
  other opportunities for physical activity for students; and
         WHEREAS, Burnet CISD elementary schools Bertram, Burnet,
  Shady Grove, and R.J. Richey met the strict criteria laid out by the
  USDA Food and Nutrition Services for the program and earned the
  highest commendation possible; and
         WHEREAS, Led by director of food service Pamela Holcomb, the
  district personnel involved in attaining this prestigious honor are
  dedicated to creating a healthier school environment, and they are
  helping BCISD students to establish habits that will benefit them
  for the rest of their lives; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate the Burnet CISD Food Service Department on its
  role in the district's receipt of the HealthierUS School Challenge
  Gold Award of Distinction and extend to all those involved sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the department as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives and Senate.