By: Guillen H.J.R. No. 63
  proposing a constitutional amendment dedicating a portion of the
  state's oil and gas tax revenue to construction, reconstruction,
  acquisition, and expansion of roads in counties in which a shale
  formation is located.
         SECTION 1.  Sections 49-g(d) and (e), Article III, Texas
  Constitution, are amended to read as follows:
         (d)  If in the preceding year the state received from oil
  production taxes a net amount greater than the net amount of oil
  production taxes received by the state in the fiscal year ending
  August 31, 1999 [1987], the comptroller shall transfer to the
  economic stabilization fund an amount equal to 75 percent of the
  difference between those amounts the comptroller shall transfer 
  [retain] the remaining portion to the State Highway fund to be used
  for construction, reconstruction, acquisition, and expansion of
  roads in a county in which a part of a shale formation is located [as
  general revenue]. In computing the net amount of oil production
  taxes received, the comptroller may not consider refunds paid as a
  result of oil overcharge litigation.
         (e)  If in the preceding year the state received from gas
  production taxes a net amount greater than the net amount of gas
  taxes received by the state in the fiscal year ending
  August 31, 1999 [1987], the comptroller shall transfer to the
  economic stabilization fund an amount equal to 75 percent of the
  difference between those amounts. the comptroller shall transfer
  [retain] the remaining difference to the state highway fund to be
  used for construction, reconstruction, acquisition, and expansion
  of roads in a county in which a part of a district where a shale
  formation is located [as general revenue]. For the purposes of this
  subsection, the comptroller shall adjust his computation of
  revenues to reflect only 12 months of collection.
         SECTION 2.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 5, 2013.
  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  proposition: "The constitutional amendment dedicating a portion of
  the state's oil and gas tax revenue to construction,
  reconstruction, acquisition, and expansion of state highways in
  counties in a shale formation is located."