83R149 BPG-D
  By: Patrick H.R. No. 43
         WHEREAS, A full and productive life drew to a close with the
  passing of beloved physician Paul Thomas Bontley of Arlington on
  January 8, 2012, at the age of 93; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Ohio on March 22, 1918, Dr. Bontley was the
  son of John and Mary Bontley; he worked at a drugstore soda fountain
  while majoring in journalism at Ohio State University; coming of
  age during World War II, he served his country in the United States
  Army, and he rose to the rank of lieutenant; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Bontley married his sweetheart of six years,
  Zora Bando, in 1943; they later became the proud parents of two
  daughters, Cathy and Beth, and through the years, they shared in the
  joy of welcoming into their family a granddaughter, Meg, a
  grandson, Matt, and two great-grandchildren, Colt and Kenedy; and
         WHEREAS, After completing his medical studies at Ohio State
  and his internship at Harris Hospital, Dr. Bontley joined with two
  former classmates to establish the Arlington Clinic; he delivered
  many babies and was the trusted physician for multiple generations
  of local families; kind and compassionate, he always made time to
  listen to his patients and establish a rapport, and he was highly
  regarded for his wisdom, as well as for his medical expertise; he
  practiced for nearly four decades before his retirement at the age
  of 72; and
         WHEREAS, Paul Bontley won a special place in the hearts of his
  patients, as well as his friends and relatives, and those who were
  fortunate enough to know him will forever remember his gentle
  manner, his wonderful sense of humor, and his profound commitment
  to his calling; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Dr. Paul Thomas
  Bontley and that sincere condolences be extended to the members of
  his family: to his wife of 68 years, Zora Bontley; to his daughters,
  Cathy Brown and her husband, Ron, and Beth Bontley and Jack
  McKenzie; to his grandson, Matt Brown, and his wife, Megan; to his
  granddaughter, Meg Brown; to his great-grandchildren, Colt and
  Kenedy Brown; and to his many other relatives and friends; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas House
  of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Dr. Paul
  Thomas Bontley.