83R3889 LB-D
  By: Craddick H.R. No. 69
         WHEREAS, Scott D. Sheffield of Midland has been named the
  recipient of the 2012 Permian Basin Petroleum Association Top Hand
  Award; and
         WHEREAS, The chair and chief executive officer of Pioneer
  Natural Resources, Mr. Sheffield has led the energy firm since its
  founding in 1997; over the years, Pioneer has developed into a
  prominent exploration and production company and one of the most
  active operators in the country; employing some 3,000 Texans,
  Pioneer has been named among the best companies in both the
  Dallas-Fort Worth area and the state at large for which to work; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Sheffield attended high school in Tehran, Iran,
  during his father's assignment there as an executive with ARCO;
  following graduation, he earned his bachelor's degree in petroleum
  engineering from The University of Texas; he began his career as a
  reservoir engineer with Amoco Production Company in 1975, and four
  years later he joined the fledgling Parker & Parsley Petroleum
  Company in Midland as its sole staff engineer; he subsequently
  became CEO and chair of Parker & Parsley, and in 1997 he oversaw its
  merger with MESA, Inc., a union that resulted in the creation of
  Pioneer; and
         WHEREAS, In addition to providing outstanding leadership for
  his company, Mr. Sheffield works with various industry- and
  education-related organizations, including boards of the National
  Petroleum Council, America's Natural Gas Alliance, and the Maguire
  Energy Institute of the Southern Methodist University Cox School of
  Business; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of his stellar career, Scott
  Sheffield has made tremendous contributions to the oil and gas
  industry and rendered significant service to the wider community;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Scott D. Sheffield on his receipt
  of the 2012 Permian Basin Petroleum Association Top Hand Award and
  commend him for the dynamic role he has played in developing this
  country's energy resources; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Sheffield as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.